Ape fossil bridges evolutionary gap

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There are many characteristics of the cranium and post-cranial skeleton that show a mixture of primitive and derived characteristics - I’d be happy to post a comprehensive review of these characteristics if anyone would like them.

Sure, I’ll take you up on that bluff… Oops I mean offer!
Sure, I’ll take you up on that bluff… Oops I mean offer!
Dear Socali,

You should know me by now - I don’t bluff, although I wonder how you plan to use this info (which is based on the Moya-Sola et al paper, by the way).
Derived characteristics:
  • Frontal processes of maxillae, the nasals and the orbits on the same plane
  • flat nasals projecting anteriorly beneath level of lower orbital rims
  • high zygomatic root
  • high nasoalveolar clivus
  • deep palate
  • broad nasal aperture widest at the base
Primitive characteristics:
  • Low face
  • Posteriorly situated glabella
  • Frontal squama forming an open angle with the orbital plane
  • Less orthognathous profile.
Cranial summary: Great ape features associated with a primitive hominoid facial profile.

**Post-cranial skeleton
**Derived characteristics:
  • Broad shallow thorax
  • Large size and derived shape of clavicle
  • Inferred dorsal position of scapula on rib cage
  • Lumbar vertebrae:
  • Robustness of wide and short pedicles of lumbar vertebrae
  • Caudally oriented spinous process
  • Lack of ventral keel and concave shape of ventrolateral sides
  • Wrist:
  • Small triquetrum
  • 90 degree angle of pisiform facet with lateral surface
  • non-articular ulnar styloid process
Primitive characteristics:
  • Phalanges:
  • proximal articular facet tilted proximodorsally
  • Large and widely separated plantar tubercles enclosing a deep central depression
  • Wide and flat proximal articular surface
Post-cranial summary: Derived (ape-like) body and wrist with primitive (monkey-like) hands and fingers.

Useful? Tee-hee.

SocaliCatholic said:

Just curious what the creationists and evolutionists think.

If its a hoax, how did they pull it off? Or is this insurmountable evidence showing evolution?

Apparently they’re not jumping to any conclusions. So why should we?
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