Apologetics DESPERATELY needed!

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  1. You are not required to respond to such obvious ignorance. YouTube is a horrible mess of trolls.
  2. You can argue with reason; you can argue with intellect, but you cannot argue with ego.
  3. Consider simply posting a link to Bishop Robert Barron’s vid on YouTube heresies, or Fr. Mike or Fr. William Nicholas and be done with it.
Then turn off notifications, leave and pray. Otherwise you will only generate excess stomach acid.
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Unless this person is your friend or relative, arguing on Youtube is a huge waste of time. You might as well argue with people about Bigfoot or conspiracy theories.

Better to target useful energy in a place where it will actually help bring someone to the faith, and not cast pearls before Youtube swine.

I realize a lot of younger people these days including some of my relatives think the world revolves around Youtube, but that’s only because they haven’t actually gone out and seen there is more to life than sitting on their behinds watching silly videos all day.
I realize a lot of younger people these days including some of my relatives think the world revolves around Youtube, but that’s only because they haven’t actually gone out and seen there is more to life than sitting on their behinds watching silly videos all day.
When I was a boy, dictionaries, encyclopediae and libraries were the repositories of knowledge. If you wanted to research something or have a question answered, you utilised one of these resources. Now apparently YouTube is the omniscient oracle before which everyone under age thirty bows down, and all it takes is some idiot mouthing off in a homemade video shot in his mother’s basement to throw the Interwebs into a frenzy of trolling and ill-tempered ‘debate’. I wish people would renounce their intellectual laziness, get off their gluteae maximae and put a little elbow grease into some old-school-style research and critical thinking. The steep decline in general intelligence of the past thirty-odd years is no joke, and will lead to self-wrought catastrophe for our civilisation unless we take steps to prevent it.
I’m not sure that “general intelligence” has declined. 30 or 40 years ago, a lot of people didn’t even go to college, much less do research and critical thinking. And everybody worried that people would see things on TV, like advertisements, and be unduly influenced by them, because that’s what people did in their spare time then, they sat in front of the TV. Before that, they sat in front of the radio.

People who want to live their lives in a stupid way will be stupid.
I really think we need some good apologetics in the comments or at least a post about pitfalls and misunderstandings.
the solcitation of CAFmembers to go to another site and join a debate or swarm that site is not allowed on this forum.
Didn’t know that, I want to delete this post but I am not sure how?
I’m not sure that “general intelligence” has declined. 30 or 40 years ago, a lot of people didn’t even go to college, much less do research and critical thinking. And everybody worried that people would see things on TV, like advertisements, and be unduly influenced by them, because that’s what people did in their spare time then, they sat in front of the TV. Before that, they sat in front of the radio.

People who want to live their lives in a stupid way will be stupid.
Professor Peter Kreeft laments the lack of critical thinking skills these days. So many hear it or see it and simply believe - unquestioning. They’ve been programmed by the media and pop culture.

Monsignor Ronald A. Knox - he of Knox Bible fame, wrote that it was an age in which all were taught how to read, but none how to think.

That was 90 years ago!
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