
I’m a graduate student and this is good advice: STOP READING for a little bit.The ivory tower has a way of creating an intellectual vacuum that is bad for the soul. If you are going to bury yourself in scholarship take a bit of C.S. Lewis’s advise and spend an equal amount of time or greater reading a classic novel, some poetry, shallow fiction or whatever. But it sounds like you have let your mind become imbalanced by focusing in one direction. It is the direction of eggheads.
Just pray and meditate and spend some time with people and watch a silly movie and go to the sea and play video games and attend mass and write poems and call your mom and walk the stations of the cross and play with puppies and confess your sins and sing in the shower and volunteer for charity and do whatever else you want…
… but stop reading heavy deep skeptical books for a while.
When you are ready to start reading again try Dostoevsky. If that is too much, read Michael Creighton and work your way up to Dostoevsky!
There is an intellectual side to faith but there is an emotional side too. Often I see people over-emphasize one at the expense of the other. Your mind is overworked and your soul needs time to rest.
While you’re doing all of this, know that you have one schismatic Protestant praying for you.
