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I believe New Heart felt she,he] that she was adding to the fire and was the cause of some strife which God tells us not to do. I truly do understand her feelings and I also dont know why Im still here.God is also dealing with Me on this issue also. Yes its great to share with each other but debate can sometimes cause strife.Sometime our hearts and motives are not right.We come here filled with PRIDE and do no justice to bring Glory to God. 😦 Just my two cents.God Bless
Have you seen the posts by newheart? There are some that are hateful and sound like Jack Chick tracks:( Spoken, I haven’t seen you do this,debate yes,but,become a vulture no.There is a difference. Michaelp doesn’t act this way, he learns things here,there are a couple of dialogs going on now.He states the way he sees things,and the Catholic postors explain the Catholic position.There is a difference in a dialog and an attack,that baits people and I shamefully have bitten the bait a few times,after being taken back with the hatefulness.God Bless and you know thw rest spoken:D
If a Protestant comes to a Catholic messageboard to condemn Catholics, how do you suggest Catholics react? I don’t see our reactions as hateful or mean. Are we supposed to say, "I see your point. Thank you for enlightening us in the ways of our multitude of errors." Sorry. We’re going to react in the most loving way we can (at least, I know I try). But if you’re looking for some sort of consensus on spiritual truths, you won’t find it, because there’s no negotiating a spiritual truth.

Ps. 69,10: “Because zeal for your house consumes me, I am scorned by those who scorn you.”
I won’t presume to know exactly what Jesus may or may not think about our discussions.
I suspect Jesus has a sense of humor though.

Isn’t it pretty funny when some people find themselves on the losing end of an argument, and all of a sudden they are declaring Jesus’s displeasure with their opponents?

Dear Newheart - get a sense of humor and a thicker skin may help as well.
I believe New Heart felt she,he] that she was adding to the fire and was the cause of some strife which God tells us not to do.** I truly do understand her feelings** and I also dont know why Im still here.God is also dealing with Me on this issue also. **Yes its great to share with each other but **debate can sometimes cause strife.Sometime our hearts and motives are not right.We come here filled with PRIDE and do no justice to bring Glory to God. 😦 Just my two cents.God Bless

I agree with New Heart on some of the topics that are in these forums. But I do not agree that they should not be posted or should be ignored. I have learned so much since I have been reading ALL of the postings. I do not always agree with what someone is saying. But, that is what makes this forum so great! Everyone can participate, we can disagree, or we can agree. That is what is so wonderful about this whole process. We discuss the things with eachother and learn whether we agree or not. I suggest that we all take it up as a learning experience from everyones views. :blessyou:
I believe New Heart felt she,he] that she was adding to the fire and was the cause of some strife which God tells us not to do. I truly do understand her feelings and I also dont know why Im still here.God is also dealing with Me on this issue also. Yes its great to share with each other but debate can sometimes cause strife.Sometime our hearts and motives are not right.We come here filled with PRIDE and do no justice to bring Glory to God. 😦 Just my two cents.God Bless
Spoken,hello:) newheart was on in the middle of the night last night,check her posts.I was up surfing the forum. I think it was a dramatic fit.Newheart was being ugly and there was negative response which is not all that surprising. I am usually quite docile, but some of the anti-catholic false assumptions and even to go so far as to say that we don’t consider Jesus our Lord and Savior,and then reduce the discussion to name calling,well it can bring with it some discord.God Bless
Dear Newheart - get a sense of humor and a thicker skin may help as well.
And some developed, rational arguments from sources other than the Big Book of Anti-Catholic Bigotry.

And to add what has been stated above, this forum in all honesty, is far more open and charitable to non-Catholics when compared to what non-Catholic forums often do to Catholic posters who were unfortunate enough to visit their site.

Even atheists, agnostics and pagans are welcome to post here, as long as they don’t violate the rules in this board.

Gerry 🙂
The original poster on this thread is not Catholic, the profile says New Heart is nondenominational.

There are a few other nondenoms on Catholic Answers Forum. So maybe that proves the Protestants dont all interpret scripture the same. Mr. New Heart is different, he thinks we Catholics are wrong,eh?
Spoken,hello:) newheart was on in the middle of the night last night,check her posts.I was up surfing the forum. I think it was a dramatic fit.Newheart was being ugly and there was negative response which is not all that surprising. I am usually quite docile, but some of the anti-catholic false assumptions and even to go so far as to say that we don’t consider Jesus our Lord and Savior,and then reduce the discussion to name calling,well it can bring with it some discord.God Bless
We Catholics are not being charitable when** we listen to** or ** allow** these kind of hateful expressions…:ehh: …they have absolutely nothing what so ever to do with love or christianity.

**One **response from NewHeart…

Which RCC lie are you referring to?
The one about works or the one about **actually committing cannibalism **which Jesus never taught? Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
I would say here that Jesus shed His blood as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. It is shed, you can’t EAT shed blood!
Mt 20:28; Lu 22:26-27; Joh 13:14; Php 2:5-8; Heb 5:8; Isa 53:10-12; Da 9:24,26; 2Co 5:21; Ga 3:13; 1Ti 3:4-6; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 1:19
Lisa4Catholics vbmenu_register(“postmenu_371561”, true);
Senior Member

Of the aprox. 28 posts on this thread 27 were in direct opposition to the original poster, New Heart. So thats 0.04% in agreement with New Heart.

What does that tell us? It says the overwhelming majority ( statistically 100%) disagree with New Heart.

That person has not made any inroads into converting Catholics to his/her nondenominatioaalism.
For what it worth.

I was a ‘lost’ Catholic. I’m not home yet but thanks to this forum, the help offered and the open discussion it supports I’m well on my way back.

Thank you to all on this forum - Catholic or not.
New Heart:
Not only is promoting false beliefs wrong, but arguing about it is even worse. I have asked for His forgiveness for the part I have played in all of this. He is the judge and jury. We have no rights whatsoever.
I am glad to see that you are no longer teaching your false beliefs.
Of the aprox. 28 posts on this thread 27 were in direct opposition to the original poster, New Heart. So thats 0.04% in agreement with New Heart.
Whew! That’s quite an epitaph.

Please guys…Let’s not be too hasty to cut this “lady” some slack…
I asked her in another thread to tell me just what order she was in and a number of specifics about her allegedly having been a Catholic nun because no real nun would be as ignorant of real Catholic teaching as this person seems to be? I think this person is an imposter…

As for my buddy Spokenword. Well we’ve dealt with some issues together and I respect him for his willingness to dialogue but I think he knows that I’ll NEVER let a challenge to the church’s teachings go unanswered if I have the means to respond. I also will not tolerate abusive posts that attack things Catholic, regardless of the sincerity of the poster. IMO there’s HUGE difference between posting a valid question for discussion by honest souls and posting an attack with allegations framed as scholarly research. I will say again that ANY non-Catholic poster who has not or will not read valid Catholic materials lacks the honest confidence of his convictions. The Catholic Church has nothing to hide…what we believe is very clearly and concisely expressed in the CCC and other great writings. It should come as no surprise to anyone that a poster who claims to know what they’re talking about and hasn’t read (or isn’t willing to read) the CCC is wasting everyone’s time
“She” did not answer my post or my PM.
For what it worth.

I was a ‘lost’ Catholic. I’m not home yet but thanks to this forum, the help offered and the open discussion it supports I’m well on my way back.

Thank you to all on this forum - Catholic or not.

Peace of the Lord and Christ Love to you!! I hope your journey back is a successful one, of which I am sure it will be. I was in a dark place once or twice and I never thought I would be at the level of understanding or devotion I am today.

God bless you and keep you all of your days!!!

After doing a search of New Heart posts, its obvious that another well meaning bible believing Protestant has come with so much hope of converting us poor misguided, unbiblelearned Catholics, and has gone frustrated to find that Catholics aren’t so misguided or unbiblelearned after all.

There’s only two options when this happens: (1) call knowledgeable Catholics unChristian in their behavior (because they can’t be proven unChristian in their faith) and leave in a huff; or (2) become Catholic. The second option requires sacrifice and humility, though.
New Heart:
I don’t know about anyone else, but even though I have participated in this forum, I honestly believe without a doubt that Jesus finds all of this totally, and I mean totally, sickening.

Not only is promoting false beliefs wrong, but arguing about it is even worse. I have asked for His forgiveness for the part I have played in all of this. He is the judge and jury. We have no rights whatsoever.

These kinds of forums are an abomination to Him. and I am sorry I ever played a part; no matter how sincere I was concerning the faith.

I think we would all do more honour to Him by reading His Word and trusting in Him to perform what He promised. Amen?

By the way, I will not be back.
This comes as no surprise to me. New Hearts opinions are the natural culmination of 500 years of protestant theology. What Jesus taught is not important, it’s what you self-interpret from a book that is important.

How can the Holy Spirit lead a person to interpret Sacred Scripture 2 different ways for two different people?
Do not glory in the departure of a brother. Rather pray hard that this heart created by God will experience a new Pentecost.
I have been in different threads so I never experienced one of New Hearts dialogue. However, I have read many goodbyes on these forums. I think the brave stay and dialogue. I think Jesus would love us discussing Him and His message to us for our salvation. I think He made us all different and would never forbid us from discussion. Unfortunately some do not come to discuss. I have seen some come to the forums to make fun of religion, Catholics, or Christians in general. I know these people are on a personal search and wonder how all of us can be so stupid as to believe in God. I know they may leave the forums, but they leave knowing that we are sticking with the plan that Jesus gave us. That is the message we will stick to. Plain and simple truth.
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