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Have you ever noticed that people pull out the " you shouldn’t judge" card when you might be pointing out the truth. i.e abortion, fornication , adultery, sola scriptura, church history, in vitro fert.etc.

People seem to go through life saying things like “Jesus knows what’s in my heart” . Therefore what you think is more important than church teaching.

One last thought, if the Holy Spirit is leading you away from the Church or Church teaching then it isn’t the Holy Spirit.
Peace of the Lord and Christ Love to you!! I hope your journey back is a successful one, of which I am sure it will be. I was in a dark place once or twice and I never thought I would be at the level of understanding or devotion I am today.

God bless you and keep you all of your days!!!


Garg, I’m so glad you selected this message for an affirming response. And glad too that you are feeling stronger since when you joined this forum a few months ago.
Is your fiance still with us here?
Thanks also to Fergal and Fitz for their comments.
Have you ever noticed that people pull out the " you shouldn’t judge" card when you might be pointing out the truth. i.e abortion, fornication , adultery, sola scriptura, church history, in vitro fert.etc.
People seem to go through life saying things like **“Jesus knows what’s in my heart” . **Therefore what you think is more important than church teaching.
One last thought, if the Holy Spirit is leading you away from the Church or Church teaching then it isn’t the Holy Spirit.
👋 I find this statement very telling…I hear it so often…I have begun to say…No kidding ! I do not think that God has any problems understanding what is in your heart or in your head…that statement is about you…in terms of God…the question is …does he approve of what is in our heart or in our head ! People say it in serious situations…the last time I heard it…a couple came to our church to ask for a baptismal date for their new baby…they did not belong to our parish but they liked the new renovations…I told them they would have to get a brief note from their parish priest and have a reason for going to another parish as a common courtesy to their parish priest. They responded … he does not know us as we have not been to church since we were married ( 5 years before !!!) They than assured me that they loved each other and that even though this was so **God understood their hearts **and they wanted to have there baby baptized as **they **were both baptized and so wanted **their **baby to be as well. I could not resist and said… well why don’t you just gather a few friends get a little water and baptize your baby yourself…God will understand ! He knows what is in your heart. They looked at me as though I were insane but after the initial shock… **they **did get the message !!! Later our parish priest called their parish priest and they were asked to attend Sunday Masses for at least several months and to attend an introduction to Baptism classes. Things have become so subjective, so self- centered and even God is taken for granted to say nothing of the Church.

Blessings to you in the New Year .

For what it worth.

I was a ‘lost’ Catholic. I’m not home yet but thanks to this forum, the help offered and the open discussion it supports I’m well on my way back.

Thank you to all on this forum - Catholic or not.
👋 Happy news indeed !! Blessings to you in the New Year !

This is one of the strangest posts I have read in a long time. I have found my participation very helpful. In fact, counting my family, it was an indirect tool in bringing six family members to the Catholic Church. Is education wrong? Is learning wrong? If that be the case (which it isn’t), I wouldn’t want to be right! As soon as you stop learning, you might as well throw in the towel and call it a life. Learning is one of the main reasons we’re here, and the Forums, when used correctly and with courtesy, are a wonderful way of communicating with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
New Heart:
I don’t know about anyone else, but even though I have participated in this forum, I honestly believe without a doubt that Jesus finds all of this totally, and I mean totally, sickening.

Not only is promoting false beliefs wrong, but arguing about it is even worse. I have asked for His forgiveness for the part I have played in all of this. He is the judge and jury. We have no rights whatsoever.

These kinds of forums are an abomination to Him. and I am sorry I ever played a part; no matter how sincere I was concerning the faith.

I think we would all do more honour to Him by reading His Word and trusting in Him to perform what He promised. Amen?

By the way, I will not be back.
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