Appropriate attire?

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Got any globally supported stats on this.?
Rose, I remember a study that showed it was true in the US, but the opposite for other countries, especially “developing” ones like in Africa, where they had there own more traditional garb that would not be close to a western habit. This is especially true in countries where “dress” like clothing (e not pants) is traditionally worn by both genders.
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People seem to have an obsession with how religious should dress. Since it doesn’t involve you or your religious community, why is it any of your business?

If you want to go about your daily life in some special garb, have at it. But it’s not your place to tell others how they should dress in order to earn your respect.
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Fortunately for sisters, it is not up to you. And it is also none of your business. Seriously, Post pictures of yourself in your everyday clothing, so we can all pass judgment on you.
“Because I say so” is not evidence for anything. Read the book on current vocations by Mary Johnson, Patricia Wittberg, et al., for ACTUAL evidence on the subject.

Besides, numbers are not the measure of religious worth (and my source for that is, um, Jesus–not an anonymous internet poster).
I can make lots of personal observations, that doesn’t make me right or an expert!
Please delete your Facebook. I recommend everyone on here does the same. Your life will be so much better, so much more peaceful. It doesn’t matter if you use it to keep up with friends and family. Delete it and never look back.
Surely then you won’t purport to be an expert on female religious attire.

I’m expressing a traditionalist viewpoint that is common to many people other than myself.
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I don’t think this is exactly on topic. Maybe you should start a thtead.
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