"Archbishop Chaput thinks you should read this young Catholic's letter." Letter says youth need truth and clarity of teaching

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Nothing ethereal about it. As Fr. Thomas Loya often says, Catholic’s live life by “putting on their sacramental glasses”; by seeing life in terms of the sacramental. It’s the modern secular world that says such a view of reality isn’t “practical”.
Maybe you can do little research on recent Church history on the US in order to answer some of your questions.
You assume I’m ignorant of recent Church history in the US. I could respond to your charge of “not attempting to understand things” the Church does in a myriad of different ways. But that would be a waste of time unless you p(name removed by moderator)oint what you specifically feel isn’t being addressed.
Nice to see all the angst directed at this guy. His letter was prompted by seeing the survey of “young Catholics” that did not reflect himself or his friends. I don’t get why it is cool to accept a young catholic’s opinion when it aligns with liberalizing certain things but when a young catholic presents the opinion that we should clearly express church teachings it is cool to jump all over him and call him a selfish child.
I agree , expounded here by St. Pope John XXIII’s enclyclical, Madre et Magistra (mother and teacher)

"Mother and Teacher of all nations—such is the Catholic Church in the mind of her Founder, Jesus Christ; to hold the world in an embrace of love, that men, in every age, should find in her their own completeness in a higher order of living, and their ultimate salvation. She is “the pillar and ground of the truth.” To her was entrusted by her holy Founder the twofold task of giving life to her children and of teaching them and guiding them—both as individuals and as nations—with maternal care. Great is their dignity, a dignity which she has always guarded most zealously and held in the highest esteem.
I saw many who believed and taught the doctrine of the Real Presence, but did not sufficiently take it to heart, for they forgot and neglected the palace, throne, and seat of the Living God; that is to say, the church, the altar, the tabernacle, the chalice, the monstrance, the vases and ornaments; in one word, all that is used in his worship, or to adorn his house. Entire neglect reigned everywhere, all things were left to moulder away in dust and filth, and the worship of God was, if not inwardly profaned, at least outwardly dishonured. Nor did this arise from real poverty, but from indifference, sloth, preoccupation of mind about vain earthly concerns, and often also from egotism and spiritual death; for I saw neglect of this kind in churches the pastors and congregations of which were rich, or at least tolerably well off. I saw many others in which worldly, tasteless, unsuitable ornaments had replaced the magnificent adornments of a more pious age.
-Blessed Anne Emmerich
I think this speaks well of this age. This young Catholic understands what other young Catholics yearn for.
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You seem like an idealist. That’s fine, most young people are. But there is still no acknowledgement on your part, or the man who wrote the letter, as to why things are the way they are today. There is seemingly no attempt to understand, there only seems to be venting about how you, and the man writing the letter, feel let down by the Church.

Parents are the primary nourishers of children, not the Church.
SO what? The Church shouldn’t teach? YOu make no sense!
I don’t feel let down by my pastors or teachers either. They’re human. Sometimes I may be disappointed in the actions of others, but I wouldn’t say I’ve personally been let down by anyone in particular.
This makes no sense.

Anyway, ethereal statements about saints aren’t very useful in practical applications.

Maybe you can do little research on recent Church history on the US in order to answer some of your questions.
Etheral? We witness to the saints. We should be trying to emulate them. Why do you have a problem with this? You should maybe read some of Saint Therese. She believes we can all be Saints.
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