Archbishop Flynn Sends Letter to Rainbow Sash

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"No one wearing the sash will be permitted to receive the Blessed Sacrament."This was posted on the rainbow sash website: May 2, 2005

Mr. Brian McNeil
Rainbow Sash Alliance USA
3123 22nd Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Dear Mr. McNeil,

You first wrote to me in 2001 about the presence of people wearing the “rainbow sash” to Masses in the Cathedral of Saint Paul. Because you assured me that the act of wearing such a sash was not a denial of church teaching, I have not interfered with anyone’s desire to receive Holy Communion.

Brian, it has become apparent to me that the wearing of the sash is more and more perceived as a protest against church teaching. Such a perception has been heightened by the explicit statements to this end made in other parts of the United States. Locally, people wearing the sash did not honor Father Talbot’s request to remove the sash prior to receiving the Eucharist. Brian, the fact that you personally chose to confront Father Talbot after that Mass confirms the adversarial nature of your appearance at the Mass. Finally, the Vatican has communicated to me that it does indeed consider the wearing of the Rainbow Sash during reception of Communion to be unacceptable, a directive that I believe all Bishops will adhere to.

Therefore, this is to notify you and the other members of the Minnesota Rainbow Sash group that I am asking you to remove your sashes before you receive Holy Communion. I ask you to observe this sign of respect for the Eucharist not only in the Cathedral but in all our parishes. No one wearing the sash will be permitted to receive the Blessed Sacrament.

In closing, I want to reiterate that the stated policy of the Catholic Church and of this Archdiocese is to be welcoming to baptized Catholics of all backgrounds, including those with same sex orientation. The criterion for reception of the Eucharist is the same for all - recipients must be in a state of Grace and free from Mortal sin. While the decision for that judgment rests with an individual Catholic’s conscience, it has never been nor is it now acceptable for a communicant to use the reception of Communion as an act of protest.

Brian, in the past you have assured me of your desire to advance the unity of the Church. Counting on that, I trust that you and your members will honor my request. I invite you not to use Pentecost as a cause celebre that creates further disruption and damages the communion of our Church.

With blessings and good wishes, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Harry H. Flynn, D.D.
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Did you see the letter they sent to the Archbishop in the first place? Note the words I highlighted in red:
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Archbishop Harry Flynn
226 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Archbishop Flynn:

As Pentecost Sunday approaches once again this year, I wanted to let you know that there will be many people wearing the Rainbow Sash at the St. Paul Cathedral at the 12:00 noon Mass, on May 15. We will once again be present to celebrate the gift of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (lgbt) sexuality, by wearing a symbol of this gift.

With the recent death of Pope John Paul II, the Church has moved into a time of transition. This year we don our Rainbow Sashes with prayers of hope for the future of lgbt people, the Church, and the world. We especially hope that the new pope, whoever he is, will celebrate with us the mystery of gift of diversity so wonderfully expressed in lgbt people.

Please know that if at any time you wish to discuss the Church’s teachings regarding lgbt people with me, I will be happy to do so. In the meantime, I would like to make clear why I did not remove the Rainbow Sash I was wearing when Fr. Talbot requested that we do so during the noon Mass at the St. Paul Cathedral on November 7, 2004.

I cannot speak for all lgbt Roman Catholics, but all those I know sincerely do believe their gay sexuality is from God, and hence a gift; a grace, if you will. At a minimum, it makes no sense for a priest to request a fellow Catholic to remove a symbol celebrating one of God’s gifts before receiving communion. It would make more sense for the cathedral staff to hand out the Rainbow Sash than it is to ask those who are celebrating to remove it, if one of the purposes of Mass is to thank God for the many gifts She has given to us. Asking us to remove the Rainbow Sash before communion is like asking a newly ordained priest to take off his stole before communion.

Finally, during our last two visits, May 30, 2004, and November 7, 2004, fellow Catholics who did not like seeing our celebration made clear their unhappiness in many ways. Please be assured that I will request, as I always have, that everyone wearing the Rainbow Sash show respect to everyone, especially those who disagree with us. We are dedicated to non-violence.
Sincerely, Brian McNeill Organizer, Rainbow Sash Alliance

Aunt Martha
Good for Archbishop Flynn! Maybe they’re finally getting it!!!
Did you see the letter they sent to the Archbishop in the first place? Note the words I highlighted in red:


Aunt Martha
Did you notice “She” for God? You are right, UNBELIEVABLE. Aside from sexual sins, they have shown pride and a self worship that is disgusting.

Has anyone here met a “Trans Gender” person? I assure you, I would not call this condition a gift. If anything it’s a curse.

Lisa N
Homosexuality as a grace is a joke. It’s called concupiscence. Just because we are created with the tendency toward sin does not mean it isn’t sin. These people need to get a life. Deviancy is not diversity.
I really don’t know what this “sash” thing is one way or another
BUT it disturbs me that the Archbishop states not that the sash wearers are protesting anything but that it “is more and more **perceived **as a protest against church teaching”

who cares what others percieve?

Apparently these people have been writing to his Excellency for 4 years. So if he wanted to challenge them on whether various forms of sexuality are “gifts” or not or the gender of God that might have been appropriate

But to deny Communion because of what some third party thinks??? :confused:
……fellow Catholics who did not like seeing our celebration made clear their unhappiness in many ways. Please be assured that I will request, as I always have, that everyone wearing the Rainbow Sash show respect to everyone, especially those who disagree with us. We are dedicated to non-violence.
that section sends shivers up my spine. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it implies that there was violence.

Is it possible that Catholics are physically attacking others because of what they are wearing? And at church!

Anybody know any background on this?
I can’t help but wonder - why are these people Catholic? Why do they WANT to be Catholic? Why not go and be Episcopalian?
I can’t help but wonder - why are these people Catholic? Why do they WANT to be Catholic? Why not go and be Episcopalian?
The Catholic Church is the most influential institution in the world. To have the their agenda accepted by the Church would be the ultimate victory.
The Catholic Church is the most influential institution in the world. To have the their agenda accepted by the Church would be the ultimate victory.
That’s a really good point. The RCC is one of the last bastions of moral doctrine. What do you want to bet that if they ever did get their “victory”, they’d never set foot in church again afterwards?

Aunt Martha
Steve Andersen:
I really don’t know what this “sash” thing is one way or another
BUT it disturbs me that the Archbishop states not that the sash wearers are protesting anything but that it “is more and more **perceived **as a protest against church teaching”
I agree that the choice of words there is not very good… Flynn is trying to find the “middle way” of not looking like such a bad guy, yet still being obedient to Rome. However, trust me, this is warranted action.

For more information on this “mess” go check out Domenico Bettinelli’s recent post on it that gathers together most of the information about it.

Archbishop Flynn’s letter is evidence of why he is in his position of authority. This letter is written not only to Brian, but to the public at large. I suppose one could quibble over whether it was written to be published or not, everyone knows that when a person in authority writes a letter on a sensitive issue, he must assume that everyone interested will be able to read it.

The letter is fair, balanced, and states facts on which reasonable conclusions can be drawn. It cites Vatican authority plainly but without unnecessary harshness.

I don’t see how a fair-minded person of any religious persuasion could seriously attack it.

Those who in good faith disagree and feel that the letter lacks sufficient punch might consider how they would draft the letter so that it would stand up to critical reading in the broad society. To this some may say that it should not make any difference what the general society says, and that may be true.

I feel however that it is preferable that Archbishop Flynn display the diplomacy and finess exhibited in the letter to put the position of the Church in the best possible light.

In short, I admire Archbishop Flynn for the way I think he has defused a tricky situation.
Give the fact that they have already excommunicated themselves, isn’t this a rather soft statement?

I’ll leave the good Bishop to his sheepherding, it’s not my place to criticize. Just making an observation.
i’ve never understood this whole “gay pride” and “gay rights” thing. what rights do we straight people have that gay people dont? marriage…that’s about it and that wasnt even an issue until fairly recently. tell you what, if gay people dont want to risk being discriminated against, here’s a novel idea: DONT GO MARCHING THROUGH DOWNTOWN SCREAMING OUT THAT YOU’RE GAY. problem solved. dont wear rainbow slashes. problem solved.
there’s a difference between accepting who you are and taking pride in it. now i dont think this is as big an issue for non-catholics, or non-christians for that matter. that is because they don’t have the moral background that christians, and more specifically catholics, have. therefore taking pride in their homosexuality isnt necessarily that big of a deal. but knowing that your faith teaches that you are being sinful and still taking pride in it? and even going as far as to say it’s a gift from God when the bible clearly states otherwise and calling God a woman when again the bible clearly states otherwise. ridiculous.
i remember hearing a story a long time ago from someone (a priest, i believe…maybe it was my uncle) about a house in new york that was run by nuns and it was for people with terminal illness. some gays wanted to come in for some reason, and the nuns wouldnt allow them to (and i doubt the reason had anything to do with them being gay). so what did they do? they got all their buddies together and launched a protest outside that brought the TV stations down. once again, ridiculous.
Steve Andersen:
But to deny Communion because of what some third party thinks??? :confused:
This is a quote from the Arch Bishops letter. "the Vatican has communicated to me that it does indeed consider the wearing of the Rainbow Sash during reception of Communion to be unacceptable, ".

So are you saying the Vatican is just some *third *party?
This may have nothing to do with it, but, are these people along the same lines who were receiving the Host, chewing it, and spitting it on the priest? (I heard about this story a few years ago.) Those were protesting homosexuals…

Even if not, keep in mind that we all know the rainbow to be the flag of the gays…we know what the gay agenda is and for what it stands…and, the agenda is not complimentary nor conducive with that of the Catholic Church. If one is a open and proud homosexual, then one is not practicing chastity & humility and is therefore not being obedient to the Church one is purporting to love.
Hey, I am glad to see Archbishop Flynn putting out this letter. Out of curiosity, I lived in MSP from '91-'96 during which Archbishop Flynn replaced Archbishop Roach. I remember he tried to do some stuff when he first came in, but I got the impression the diocese had been mostly stacked prior to his arrival. After a while, I didn’t hear anymore. Does anyone know how he is doing now??? Thanks and God Bless.
Gay rights activists are working against their own stated goal of sexual diversity.

What diversity is there is a gay “marriage?” Zero, zip, nada.

Feminists have told us for decades that no institution should be allowed to exist without women in charge, but now they want our most important institutions (marriage and family) to be headed up by teams which don’t include women. Feminists should logically be against gay marriage. I suppose the use of “should” is presumptuous and judgmental; that implies they have a brain and a desire to make sense.

If gay activists just came out and admitted they want to play according to their own rules and don’t care whether it makes any sense, I’d have more respect for them than to use the “diversity” banner to further their pathetic cause.

I can’t help but wonder - why are these people Catholic? Why do they WANT to be Catholic? Why not go and be Episcopalian?
I have observed several reasons, few of which have anything to do with theology:
  1. They were brought up as Catholics and feel comfortable in the Church.
  2. It is fun to be Catholic. For many the Church makes few practical demands, it is widely accepted, there are beautiful rites and liturgies, and the Church is there to take care of baptisms, weddings and funerals.
  3. There is really no challenge for many that they live in accordance with any precepts or rules. You can say you are Catholic and then live life as you please, without much, if any criticism from other Catholics or the Church. This is why polls show Catholics pretty much in agreement with most other Americans on social issues.
  4. Why change?
Of course, these same comments would fit most mainstream protestant churches as well. It seems like the fundamentalist and Pentecostal churches are the only ones seriously challenging members to follow certain precepts in governing their lives.
I admire the Fundamentalist’s and Pentecostal’s staunch support of morality; but most would admit they believe right conduct is not a requirement for salvation. On the other hand, the Church sees a failure to act properly as sinful and a separation from God that could cost one salvation; and so She insists on proper conduct. But She also recognizes our failures and accepts us anyway, and so it is only in severe cases that one is excluded.

You can call yourself anything: Native American, descended of royal blood, Catholic…

I think they are staying in the Church to hold their conscience at bay.
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