Archbishop Viganò’s Powerful Letter to President Trump: Eternal Struggle Between Good and Evil Playing Out Right Now

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FYI, I believe there are at least 2 other threads about this already.
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I thought priests were supposed to stay out of American politics.
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My apologies, I didn’t realize. But anyway, whoever becomes the next Pope of your Church, I hope it’s him (even though he’s not a Cardinal), Cardinal Sarah, or Cardinal Burke. I am praying for America and the Catholic Church and all of Christianity!
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No need to apologize, just mentioned because you might want to see what others have posted about this topic. 🙂
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For the first time, the United States has in you a President who courageously defends the right to life, who is not ashamed to denounce the persecution of Christians throughout the world, who speaks of Jesus Christ and the right of citizens to freedom of worship.
The next 5 months… 😟

I’m thankful that Archbishop Vignano has said this to President Trump and for all Catholics and Christians to see. Is anyone aware of another in Archbishop’s position that has done the same? Without strings attached?

I have not forgotten that we are always just one election away from serious religious persecution.
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No doubt in part a reaction to the Washington DC archbishop’s criticism of President Trump for accepting an invitation from the Knights of Columbus to visit a Catholic shrine earlier in the week.
I have been away from the news and from current events for quite some time. Can anyone tell me why an Archbishop would criticize a President for visiting a Catholic shrine and accepting an invitation from the Knights of Columbus.
The letter reads like a Jack Chick tract, speaking of the New World Order, Masonic conspiracy to control the deep state. Furthermore, I cannot believe he is ignorant of the symbolism of using the the dichotomy between the the agents of darkness who are the protesters and rioters, and of light, who are the state. He might as well call it black and white.

I had a rather distressing call myself yesterday with one who was trying to make the same claim of which side God was on in the current protests, as if Jesus walked the Earth supporting the Romans and Pharisees, not the poor, sick, and needy.
I have been away from the news and from current events for quite some time. Can anyone tell me why an Archbishop would criticize a President for visiting a Catholic shrine and accepting an invitation from the Knights of Columbus.
While at the same time not chastising liberals who identify as Catholic but go against the life teachings of Jesus such as in their support of abortion and destruction of marriage?

I’m gonna guess politics.
We also tend to get into trouble when we call out one area of injustice and give the appearance of glossing over another,
I think the operative word here is “appearance.” The comments by the first AB (of Washington) were after to the incident outside of the White House, the photo holding the Bible, the criticism of those clergy, and subsequent trip to the JP2 shrine and photos taken there. Agree or not, that is the context, not abortion rulings or anything related to other life issues. Likewise, I would not expect an AB to comment on racial injustice on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Such connections can be made (as AB Vigano made), but they should not be expected.
We also tend to get into trouble when we call out one area of injustice and give the appearance of glossing over another,
I think the operative word here is “appearance.” The comments by the first AB (of Washington) were after to the incident outside of the White House, the photo holding the Bible, the criticism of those clergy, and subsequent trip to the JP2 shrine and photos taken there. Agree or not, that is the context, not abortion rulings or anything related to other life issues. Likewise, I would not expect an AB to comment on racial injustice on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Such connections can be made (as AB Vigano made), but they should not be expected.
To be clear, and I admittedly was couching my terms, the AB calls out Trump for a photo op, but presided at Cokie Roberts funeral (who apparently had taken a public stance in favor of abortion rights), in which Nancy Pelosi was a speaker (and she is very pro abortion rights).

I don’t think that sends the message he desires.
I have not forgotten that we are always just one election away from serious religious persecution.
Indeed, the teachings of Jesus will be considered ‘hate speech’. Look how they treat even their own who dare to question the leftist narrative.
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The teachings of Jesus were considered hate speech in their day. Liberals = modern day Pharisees.
From the dictionary definition for Pharisees.
a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.
It seems to me, based on the description, that a Pharisee would have to be a member of a church and would have to be very legalistic in how they practiced their faith. Now a Sadducee might be more what you meant.

This is from an explanation on Quora
The Sadducees were a more liberal brand of Judaism. The rulers of the Temple and the prominent priestly families were often Sadducees. They did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, the existence of Spirits and did not accept any of the Bible outside of the first 5 books. They were known to invent reasons to allow themselves to do things and for exploiting the people.
It seems to me, based on the description, that a Pharisee would have to be a member of a church and would have to be very legalistic in how they practiced their faith. Now a Sadducee might be more what you meant.
Liberals/leftists are legalistic, they’re puritanical in their beliefs. They censor others who don’t agree with them, they preform secularist religious rituals such as the most recent practice of “kneeling”, they have a very strong “us vs them” attitude, they believe that certain groups of people are inherently racist and they assign collective guilt to those groups, they attack or harass pretty much anyone who disagrees with their viewpoints, they promote cancel culture, they consider freedom of speech to be hate speech, I could go on and on. They are the Pharisees of today.
From the dictionary definition for Pharisees.
It is also interesting to note that the pharisees were the ones to survive the destruction of the Temple, so in writing the later New Testament they were the ones to have focus.

The Sadducees did not exist beyond AD 70
He is a biased partisan politico in addition to being a Bishop? His reaction to an event dealing with the signing of an EO aimed at curtailing or ending religious persecution says everything you would want to know (things we cannot say without being modded).
Painful day. I’m glad I grew up in the era of Pope John Paul II and I’m glad Pope Francis is our Pope. I’m grateful for Catholic tools like the Rosary and Divine Office. I’m grateful for Catholic works like Augustines Confessions and Saint John of the Cross. I can’t imagine not being Catholic. But if this man or someone like him succeeds Pope Francis, I have to make decisions. I just wouldn’t know what Church to go to? I need the Rosary, Divine Office, the Saints.

I’m reminded of Revelations the Depiction of Mary as Queen of Heaven. I know of no other Church that honors her the way we do. Painful day. I’m very frightened now. And again I’m reminded of the prophesy of St Malachi and Fatima.

So, I’ll take a breath and pray for the best. Maybe, if the worst happens I’ll just be privately Catholic. I don’t know. Any suggestions? The Protestants always say during end times we are the fallen house. I just hope it’s not true. It just seems this all playing out before me with leaders falling into obvious traps. But for the life of me I don’t know what Church to go to. So, yes I’ll just be privately Catholic. Does anyone have any suggestions?
You press on like every other Catholic has done when they didn’t “like” the Pope. It isn’t that hard, so don’t overthink. Lots of folks aren’t fans of Pope Francis, and many weren’t fans of Pope Benedict. They just kept being Catholic and practicing their faith.

Do you envision the rosary or Divine Office suddenly being taboo if someone who is different from Francis becomes the Holy See?
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