If somebody stumbled on this post and felt it was necessary to exchange their winter boots for more feminine boots, no harm would come from it.
But what they will really be harmed by is the antagonistic attitude of so many of the posters. I know if I were coming to this site as an atheist or Protestant, I most certainly would remain so.
If you don’t like something somebody says, just say something better. Everybody is entitled to an opinion. Most people agreed with my assessment of femininity, curiously, and most of the aspects of masculinity.
The curious thing is that people get offended so easily on this site. The right thing to do is to accept that people all have a voice, even people with whom you disagree. What so many of you are trained at is to be hyper critical, to parse people’s posts, and to argue with some small point like winter boots, and think yourself fabulously intelligent. But what you could do is make a list of all the feminine and beautiful characteristics you aspire to.