At no point was I ridiculing her looks and I don’t encourage anyone to ridicule anyone’s looks
ever,whether online or in real life.
Can you please point out if there is somewhere in my posts where I have said dispariging things about her looks themself?
I used her Instagram to get clarification on whether the ideal for Catholic women was to be externally feminine beauty as,whether it is admitted or not,there is a subconscious message of that sent on her Instagram with the certain poses etc which I gather is for the purpose of evangelisation.
Also to create discussion about what is femininity from a Catholic perspective vs from cultural perspective.
Instagram is called social media for a reason,what we post on it will have a knock on effect/influence to other people.
Obviously a random Catholic girl won’t have the same amount of influence as famous people like Kardashians etc though.
Certain people might even see the Instagram account in question as a good thing if they think that the public has a perception of Catholics as being “dowdy and in retirement” and it will change that impression.
Forget the linked Instagram page altogether ,I would take it down if CAF gave that option, and just focus on that
generally there are some messages out there (whether on websites,blogs,social media etc) that confound notions of cultural femininity and beauty and Catholic femininity.
Other examples where this message are seen are the Truecatholicfemininity website and the below article by a Catholic women, which while having a lot of great points,neglects the reality that not all women are beautiful.
Beauty invites us to participate in the Source of all Beauty, the living God Beauty is a cherished gift from God to this broken world. It gives us a glimpse into the mind of the Creator and reveals ...
I didn’t post this girls public Instagram page for anyone to judge her.At the same time it’s hard to start a thread discussion of this nature without some visual examples.