No, it has not become wrong now. It always was wrong. Just more people now.are speaking up about it.Some things that used to be perfectly OK or not wrong become wrong over time, because of the way the world around us is changing. Consider that some 40 years ago, it would’ve been perfectly fine for me as a man to tell a woman in my work place that she looked really pretty that day, and she might have been gladdened by the comment. But now I could be fired for saying it, even if I meant it perfectly innocently. So it has become wrong because of how sexually charged our society has become. I wonder if the same comes into play here. Flip Wilson and Geraldine was performed in a far different world than the world of today. It’s sad. The depravity of our culture is ruining many things that might once have been ok.
We throw sex in people’s faces all the time, and then we get offended when they see a sexual “agenda” everywhere. Crazy.
See, women are in a workplace to work and many would always have been more comfortable if you focused on how they do their job rather than how attractive you find then.