Retreats are like anything else. Sometimes they are relaxing and you gain a lot from them, and sometimes you don’t. I recommend going, you have nothing to lose.
Sometimes a successful retreat forces us to let go of our need to control all the details…Not many details on what will happened during the retreat, which worries me a little.
You aren’t limited to something sponsored by your parish if that’s not what you’re looking for. Check out retreat houses in your area. Jesuits offer retreats as do many monasteries.The retreat offered at my parish…
I always do group retreats. I don’t know the ACTS retreat but I know it is in some ways similar to Cursillo. I’ve made a Cursillo and it was life changing for me. I didn’t know what to expect but I kept an open mind and an open heart. God had led me to Cursillo and I put my trust in him.The retreat being offered is a group retreat. I think I would prefer a private retreat. But as far as I know, they do not offer any at my parish.
Have you done an ACTS retreat? Have you done a Cursillo?These retreats are very much about “not knowing what is going on” with a big love bomb at the end.
I think they finally did away with this requirement.Even if I did desire to attend Cursillo, my husband would never attend and as that is a pre-req for wives, it would be a second reason.