A private retreat is easily organized. Just contact the monastery of your choice and precise you would like to be accompanied by a nun/monk.I think I would prefer a private retreat.
A private retreat is easily organized. Just contact the monastery of your choice and precise you would like to be accompanied by a nun/monk.I think I would prefer a private retreat.
Then you don’t know anything about a Cursillo. They are NOT Charismatic in their spirituality in any way. Having a couple do their Cursillo back to back is strongly encouraged but not required at all. Of the five women in my room, none had a husband who had done a Cursillo.As I have said, Charismatic Spirituality is not pleasant nor edifying for me. Because of this, Cursillo is not something I would attend. Even if I did desire to attend Cursillo, my husband would never attend and as that is a pre-req for wives, it would be a second reason.
There are no “surprises”. It’s is about letting go of controlling every little aspect of your life and letting God take over. There are times of silence, times of reading & reflection, times of listening to speakers, times of fun, times of activity, meals, adoration, prayer, Mass, and most things you will find in many other retreats. You just don’t get that piece of paper in your hand telling you what will happen five minutes from now.I am a chronic worrier. I do not like surprises
There are no secrets.insistence of secrecy is very strange to me
Both the head of the Charismatic Renewal in my Diocese and the leaders of Cursillo in this part of the State are very open about it.They are NOT Charismatic in their spirituality in any way.
Where did I say that? I said that the Cursillo and ACTS retreats are for those who would benefit, feel comfortable with, a more emotional form of spirituality.I can’t fathom where you get the idea that this is all about weepy women and emotion
Ok, likely just semantics. Lets just say you can’t get much detail ahead of time. My experience is that its like pulling teeth to get someone to tell you what will happen.There are no secrets.
That does not mean Cursillo is the Charismatic in nature. I’ve been to Charismatic retreats and do not care for them. You have not done one so have zero personal authority to say doing a Cursillo is like.The Catholic Renewal literally grew out of Cursillo
I know very well what Palanca is, having written or created hundreds of cards & gifts. Palanca is not love bombing unless you think knowing someone is praying for you is love bombing. If that is true it must be difficult to be part of the Catholic Church where that is a major part of what we do, pray for one another."What do we mean by “sending palancas”? In the Cursillo Movement, cursillistas often make known their palancas in a letter to the participants of a cursillo. They also express, in that letter, their friendship and wishes for the success of the cursillo.
This is what we call “sending palancas”
It was very much implied.I am not saying these are bad, or weepy women, I am saying it is a sort of spirituality that does not appeal to everyone.
What does God ask of us?As for a dislike of letting go of control being equivalent to not trusting God, I find that to be a judgmental and insensitive statement. It’s like someone is saying they are better than, or have a stronger faith than, someone who doesn’t find this type of retreat appealing.
No it requires correction of all the errors you claimed about the nature of a retreat you’ve never done.requires such a heated defense
What if it is God’s will that a person attends a Cursillo or ACTS retreat and you’ve expended all this effort to discourage them because you can stand the idea of giving up total control for a few days? Is that not uncharitable?We pray “if it be thy will”.