Are shorts appropriate for mass?

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You don’t. That why you can’t judge a person’s motives, but give them the benefit of the doubt. It doesn’t mean one can’t have an opinion on whether shorts are appropriate or not. I personally feel that shorts are not appropriate for Mass. That does not mean I am judging everyone. I am speaking in generalities, not absolutes.
I do not understand this idea of yours.

You say you do not judge people.

You say that you are speaking in generalities.

But then you say that shorts are no appropriate for Mass.

Either they are (or can be) or they are not.

You say you think they are inappropriate so how can you stop yourself from thinking that when you see someone wearing them?

And when you do think they are inappropriate when you see them then you are judging.
I do not understand this idea of yours.

You say you do not judge people.

You say that you are speaking in generalities.

But then you say that shorts are no appropriate for Mass.

Either they are (or can be) or they are not.

You say you think they are inappropriate so how can you stop yourself from thinking that when you see someone wearing them?

And when you do think they are inappropriate when you see them then you are judging.
I don’t understand what you have a problem with. I am NOT judging anyone! In general, I feel shorts are not proper Mass attire. If I see someone in shorts at Mass, I do not judge their motives for wearing them. Because I do not know their motives or reasons for wearing shorts. But I guess it’s OK for you to tell me what I am thinking(?) For me and mine, shorts are not worn to Mass.
All, please excuse my abrasive nature. I understand I am abrasive, and I am trying to control it. Please be patient. When I write, I write what I think and often do not understand others could take it offensively.
The link is to an essay written in the year 2000.
I got the mistaken impression you were saying the essay was from the pope. (see below).
Several years ago, the Holy Father reinstituted a dress code for the churches of Rome, his diocese. No one in shorts or sleeveless shirts was to be admitted into the church building. Sorry I misunderstood, you said the “holy father” and referenced the Churches in Rome, I naturally thought you were referring to the pope. The pope did indeed write a letter, in 1928, concerning dress in institutions run by women. If you’re interested in it here it is:
Maybe I wasn’t clear enough but conclusions shouldn’t be jumped to either. 🙂
I didn’t think I was jumping to any conclusion, I was asking if you were referring to the letter from the pope. Sorry for my error.
Are you referring to the letter from the 1920’s as several years ago? That is the last I remember, and it did not cover a dress code for Mass or Church, nor did it cover men, but was a dress code for women’s institutions, schools etc.
The letter from the bishop went to great lengths discussing the guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington. I’m at a loss to correlate the guards at the tomb, to people going to Mass. The dress of the guards is not what makes this such a solemn and meaningful memorial.
I am certain the American people would be rightfully chagrined if the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were to show up in plaid shorts, a tank top and half-laced tennis shoes. It is hard to imagine that he could have a proper interior attitude to the job at hand were he to come to “work” dressed like that.
As a combat veteran I get a little defensive when we speak of the military and the uniform. I do apologize.
I am also certain they’d be upset to see a soldier muddy and bloody from a fire fight there, it doesn’t mean it would be disrespectful, perhaps even more appropriate than someone is dress blues and spit shined shoes.
I fully agree that we should dress accordingly for Mass. I thought I expressed that in my original post.
Again, please forgive me for my harsh words.
May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, be with you
All, please excuse my abrasive nature. I understand I am abrasive, and I am trying to control it. Please be patient. When I write, I write what I think and often do not understand others could take it offensively.
I got the mistaken impression you were saying the essay was from the pope. (see below). Sorry I misunderstood, you said the “holy father” and referenced the Churches in Rome, I naturally thought you were referring to the pope. The pope did indeed write a letter, in 1928, concerning dress in institutions run by women. If you’re interested in it here it is:
I didn’t think I was jumping to any conclusion, I was asking if you were referring to the letter from the pope. Sorry for my error.

The letter from the bishop went to great lengths discussing the guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington. I’m at a loss to correlate the guards at the tomb, to people going to Mass. The dress of the guards is not what makes this such a solemn and meaningful memorial.
As a combat veteran I get a little defensive when we speak of the military and the uniform. I do apologize.
I fully agree that we should dress accordingly for Mass. I thought I expressed that in my original post.
Again, please forgive me for my harsh words.
May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, be with you
No apology necessary. I wasn’t very clear in my post. Forums are difficult at times to communicate on. The bishop in the essay was referring to John Paul II. Though he is the Pope, he is also bishop of Rome and shorts are not allowed to be worn in the churches of Rome, his diocese. God Bless †
No apology necessary. I wasn’t very clear in my post. Forums are difficult at times to communicate on. The bishop in the essay was referring to John Paul II. Though he is the Pope, he is also bishop of Rome and shorts are not allowed to be worn in the churches of Rome, his diocese. God Bless †
Thank you, I didn’t realize JP2 had come out with anything on dress. I will research it. May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, be with you
The bishop in the essay was referring to John Paul II. Though he is the Pope, he is also bishop of Rome and shorts are not allowed to be worn in the churches of Rome, his diocese. God Bless †
Thank you very much, I was confused because I did not see any reference to the Vatican or the pope in the bishops letter. I was wondering when Pope John Paul 2 came out with this, I’d love to read it, if you have any reference I’d appreciate it. Again thank you
Alrighty, since most of you said that one shouldn’t wear shorts to church should I ask the pastor to crank down the air, or just suck it up?

Also, since most of you said that it was inappropriate, is wearing shorts to church a sin?

Thanks for all your help! 🙂
work(name removed by moderator)rogress8:
Alrighty, since most of you said that one shouldn’t wear shorts to church should I ask the pastor to crank down the air, or just suck it up?
Also, since most of you said that it was inappropriate, is wearing shorts to church a sin?
Thanks for all your help! 🙂
Well, is it so hot that it is intolerable? I’m in Southern Louisiana, it don’t get much hotter than here, at least this earth. So from my air conditioned house, to my air conditioned car to the air conditioned Church I can stand the heat for those few minutes with long pants on. I also work outside much of the time and am required to wear long pants, maybe I’m just more acclimated? I’m certainly in no position to tell you if it’s too hot to tolerate it in your Church. I have on occasion gone to Church in shorts, while on vacation, in between sports games for the children, I even went in shorts and shower shoes in a bunker in sunny south East Asia. It didn’t seem inappropriate at the time. You should dress as nicely as possible for the conditions. No, I don’t mean the tuxedo or evening gown. Take the guidance I gave my son yesterday morning, look around at the adults, and the children, if you’re an adult dressed like most of the children you may need to re-evaluate your choice of clothes.
Thank you very much, I was confused because I did not see any reference to the Vatican or the pope in the bishops letter. I was wondering when Pope John Paul 2 came out with this, I’d love to read it, if you have any reference I’d appreciate it. Again thank you
SInce the pope was acting as bishop of Rome it doesn’t apply to us. Only his diocese of Rome. Also, from what I could tell, the pope merely re-instituted the ban on shorts and sleeveless shirts, which to me infers it was already there, just not enforced until a few years ago by John Paul II. Here is a CBS news story about ban and it’s affect on
the pope merely re-instituted the ban on shorts and sleeveless shirts, which to me infers it was already there, just not enforced until a few years ago by John Paul II.
It was like that in the 1970’s, we visited Rome in… 1976 and it was being enforced. Thanks for the info.
Just to preface, I’m from the Phoenix, Arizona area where in the summertime it is not uncommon to get up to 110-115 degrees. I also live in a heavily Mormon area where LDS stake houses are as ubiquitous as corner convenience stores. These people (not to mention many non-Catholic Christians in our area) never fail to dress in their very best no matter what the weather. The men typically wear shirts and ties, if not jackets (many of these people are converts from Catholicism. If they can afford a shirt and a tie as Mormons, why couldn’t they as Catholics? Hmmm…). Our parish, on the other hand, looks like most of the adults are on their way to the beach (which we don’t have in Arizona). Same latitude, different attitude. They go to hear talks, we go to recieve the Lord of the Universe. Go figure.

In our particular culture, the particular norm for semi-formal dress are long pants.The same people that wouldn’t dream of showing up at an important meeting with a business client in shorts, have no qualms about showing up at Mass that way. My personal thought is that adults should never wear shorts to Mass unless there is no alternative.

All the same, the solution is not a strict, written dress code, or (God forbid) individuals taking it upon themselves to be judgmental or the fashion police. The parish staff as a whole should make it clear in various ways what level of decorum a parish is aspiring to, and parishioners should model it. And this can’t be done just once and either a ham-handed or, conversely. limp-wristed way, but on a regular reminder basis: from the pulpit, through the bulletin and through catechesis (Life Teen, RCIA, CCD, etc.).
I voted NEVER. I don’t think shorts are appropriate forMASS at ANYTIME (and I live in Florida). However, there are situations such as Annunciata spoke of that when faced with despair, you are clearly not concerned about what you’re wearing, just with being with Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament in the refuge of a Church. That is a different story. That is not a planned situation. When I intentionally dress for Mass, I dress respectly which is not to be confused with fancy or expensive clothes. After all, you are going to be before The KING OF KINGS! If you were going to see The President or Queen of England or any Dignitary, how would most people dress? What ever happened to “SUNDAY BEST?”
I voted NEVER. I don’t think shorts are appropriate forMASS at ANYTIME (and I live in Florida). However, there are situations such as Annunciata spoke of that when faced with despair, you are clearly not concerned about what you’re wearing, just with being with Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament in the refuge of a Church. That is a different story. That is not a planned situation. When I intentionally dress for Mass, I dress respectly which is not to be confused with fancy or expensive clothes. After all, you are going to be before The KING OF KINGS! If you were going to see The President or Queen of England or any Dignitary, how would most people dress? What ever happened to “SUNDAY BEST?”
If it is possible that the man behind you will be seriously distracted by your wearing them either sit in the last row 🙂 or don’t wear them. If you have a giant misshapen cast on your leg that cannot be modestly drug about in a skirt, wear shorts. If they are your only clean clothes, wear shorts. If you believe the heat to be bad for your health when combined with over dressing, wear shorts. If some other situation warrants shorts, then wear them. A loose pair of shorts and an uninteresting top is less of a distraction to some men than a nice sundress. Cut from my dictionary:
  • sun.dress n (1942)**: **a dress with an abbreviated bodice usu. exposing the shoulders, arms, and back
Really, there is no way to please everyone in this issue, so please God and do what is reasonable.
I think any clothes as long as they are clean and are not trying to turn people on ( short skirts, muscle shirts etc.) I live in Florida and wear shorts 10 months of the year. We wear shorts to just about every thing here. I also belong to a Christian motorcycle Club. We wear patches on our Leather vests that state these are our church clothes! Boots, levis etc. We evangelize in the streets to people dressed like this so how dare anyone suggest we should dress different. I wear a patch stating I ride for the Son! We have gone to churches that some members have a problem with the way we dress, we quickly remind them Christ didnt hang with the best dressed, or those making a fashion statement. Lighten up and concentrate on what is really important! Loving your neighbor!
Having lived in some very hot places, without air conditioning at times, (keep in mind we’re 100% Catholic and American) the Middle Eastern folks have this down to a science. Loosely worn gauze like material which COVERS the extremities actually allows the evaporation and cooler air to circulate around those extremities and thus cools your body temp.

Having said that, the altar servers get pretty hot around here with their own clothes plus their 2 albs.It is true that when you visit Rome there is a dress code, very much similar to what St. Padre Pio enforced if a person was going to confession. However even Dominic Savio wore shorts, long ones to church and if the albs cover the servers’ shorts I don’ t see much harm in that as long as they are long shorts.

It is astounding what some of these young girl altar servers come to mass in in the summer around here. We had to post the definition of modest from the Catechism of the Catholic Church- it is so well said no improvement needs to be added or subtracted.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress8:
My question is, are shorts appropriate for mass, when these circumstances present themselves?

For me or my kids? no.

For anyone else: It’s none of my business.

For me or my kids? no.

For anyone else: It’s none of my business.
Took the words right out of my mouth…or keyboard.
You know this whole thread is really quite funny to me. I work in a profession in the financial world. When I lived in California I wore a suit to work. I wore a suit because that is what the local business culture dictated. Now I live in Arizona. I would be laughed at showing up in anything more than a pair of Docker’s and a polo shirt. I wear docker’s and polo shirts because the local business culture dictates it. I have been in some parishes where anything less than a shirt and tie would be inappropriate, and in some where shorts were quite normal. I find this to be dictated by the local’s and what is considered normal for them. Appropriate or not? I don’t know. What I have learned, however, is that no matter what I think is appropriate versus not appropriate really doesn’t matter. What mattters is that I don’t allow myself to become so focused on what my neighbor is wearing that I take my eyes off Jesus.

Good Day…
If you were going to meet the queen of England or the pope, would you wear shorts? Well, when you go to Mass, you are meeting the King of Kings, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It does not seem that shorts or miniskirts would be appropriate attire.
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