
I am not judging anyone or telling anyone what to do. I am asking you, and anyone else, to consider the ramifications of your decisions. You seem to be set in your particular way - that is one individual case - I still welcome you into the Church either way, as I do everyone.I knew after sending this I’d get flammed for it. It’s not a matter of respect. I understand you point. And I don’t expect you to understand mine however, it is more of deep routed (47+ year) concept of not necassarily agreeing with the popular viewpoint of what is well dressed (as I said I don’t expect you to understand). I can afford such clothes yet I don’t own them. When a wedding or a funeral happens to come up I find myself ina predicament because the (usually one) suit I have no longer fits.
I’ve lived my life this way. As I said in the previous post I have just come back to my Faith after a 35 year absence. I’ve, throughout my life avoided any function that required me to dress in a manner of which I felt uncomfortable.
To answer you honeslty, Yes, I suppose I would dress (as you deem appropriate) if I were to see the Pope. However, if the Pope were to know me personally, He likely lok at me and laugh and say, Mike you look soooo uncomfortable and NOT yourself.
Not a very important subject, I know. I think it is just that people come from differing backgrounds and maybe we shouldn’t judge to harshly. When we see someone dressed in a manner we may deem disrespectable (is that a word?), it may be more that the individual never grew accustomed to dress any other way.
When you ask that maybe we should consider the indivudal never grew accustomed to dress any other way, it is also possible the individual never chose to dress any other way. I am not judging any person indivudally, but I am making a general judgement about the state of dress in the average Church. Many can dress differently but choose not to. Many wear immodest attire(not just revealing clothes but also sports clothing, advertising, body jewelry etc.) that has no place at the table of the Lord. This doesn’t sound like your case, but many put themselves “looking good” or “looking hip” above “looking respectful”. It’s not about looking good at mass - it’s about Jesus.
Those that may think of themselves as dressing casual versus immodest may help reduce the amount of immodesty by dressing respectful - even if it is uncomfortable. The Lord will bless your sacrifice and give you graces.