Are the end times near

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That is highly implausible. It’s just not worth the money for a military to harden such a large facility to withstand multiple nuclear attacks.
That is highly implausible. It’s just not worth the money for a military to harden such a large facility to withstand multiple nuclear attacks.
My own experience leads me to believe otherwise. Just north of the island of Key West is Fleming Key, owned by the US military. It has earth covered bunkers scattered all over it. Anyone lingering within 100 yards offshore gets chased away by the Coast Guard or the MP’s on the shore. This happened to me more than once as there were some good lobster fishing spots near the shore of this key.
Point being that the military seemed very uptight about the security of this mostly deserted island. I suspect that nuclear bombs were being stored in those bunkers. I don’t think that the US military is so dumb as to disregard the possibility of needing additional nuclear weapons after a first round of nuclear exchanges. I think that US and Russian reserve nukes are already widely dispersed in underground bunkers.
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St Malachy the irish saint predicted that the next Pope will be the anti christ. He predicted every Pope up until Pope Francis (but saints can be wrong with private revelation though!)

There are a lot of saints who have predicted 3 days of darkness where 2/3s of mankind will be wiped out from fire from the skies (as God punishes the world for becoming more evil than the time of Noah).

Our Lady of Akita (Vatican approved apparition) also said: if mankind does not repent and change their ways, the Father is ready to send fire down from Heaven to wipe out a greater part of humanity.
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Umm…there’s also Italy, Lithuania, Croatia, Portugal, Malta, Southern Germany and quite a few others besides Poland.
There are days when this forum makes me wish the end times were here like, yesterday
Not very long probably, because the body used to last 900 years, then 500, 250, 120…

Men were so wrong, disobey and rebel God, then spread errors.
Why I am worry about restarting 600 years. 😂
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None of Holy Mother Mary’s conditional warning messages about natural catastrophe happened in the past 20 centuries.

Fatima message was correct that Russian is converted and a period of peace will be granted in the world. Medjugorje message about Poland was fulfilled that there will be great conflicts, but in the end, the just will take over. Poland approved abortion is illegal, also no shopping is allowed on Sunday. These are social events.

Jesus’ messages about natural catastrophes through stigmatist saints always happened in the past. The last conditions of Jesus’ Revelation to St Padre Pio and St Faustina about 3 days darkness are being fulfilled. Please refer to internet info about these private revelations.
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Undead_rat: I live in a state that, by itself, would probably be in the top 5 stockpiles of nuclear weapons. A good number of them sit in their silos, with several silos observable from US highways. While I’m sure there are automated defensive points inside of the silos, they don’t have a constant patrol up top (unless the ubiquitous port-o-let is actually a poorly protected guard house). Going to take a long time for somebody to find a way through the 15T armoured blast door up top. Only once have I seen a large security detail actually block off one lane of a 4-lane at a missile silo, and sporting a mixture of M2HB .50’s and what appeared to be 20-25mm autocannon.
Also, the countries don’t miss the point of reserve nukes. The Typhoon class had an ugly mission profile if I recall correctly. In the event of a full-on nuclear war, head out side and move directly toward the nearest high population center/high value target. You really don’t want to get “missed.”
Frankly, I am far more concerned about societal breakdown than I am about people lobbing nukes at each other. The only time I could see a large-scale nuclear attack is in a situation where somebody's back is to the wall, all other options have been extinguished, and they are going to take as many SoB's down with them as they can.
Our Lady of Fatima did warn if mankind did not repent, and return to the Sacraments and rosary, that a Greater War would be unleashed upon mankind, this was WW2 😭
Has anyone read up on the saints prophecies of the 3 days of darkness?

Does anyone think these 3 days are on the verge of happening?

Our Lady of Akita warns of fire from Heaven consuming a greater part of humanity if mankind does not repent and change it’s ways (as mankind is worse than when God sent the flood, she said). Does this seem to hint at the 3 days of darkness where the saints say a great part of humanity will be wiped out?

Are those 3 days of justice conditional (God will avert it if mankind repent and return to the sacraments)


Those 3 days are inevitable?
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Why would anyone sit around obsessing about this stuff when our very own end, as in our own personal death, is a much more real, immediate and definite concern, and the one we should be focusing on?

These prophecies may or may not come true in our lifetimes. However, there is a 100 percent chance that each of us will die and have to answer to God at that time. And this death could happen at literally any moment.
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Refer to personal letter written by Padre Pio addressed to the Commission of Heroldsbach appointed by the Vatican that testifies to the truth and reality of these revelations on the Three Days of Darkness given by Our Lord to Padre Pio

Saints Marie-Julie, Padre Pio, Faustina and many others including the blessed priests and holy persons have shared pieces of same vision long time ago.
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Does anyone think these 3 days are on the verge of happening?

Our Lady of Akita warns of fire from Heaven consuming a greater part of humanity if mankind does not repent and change it’s ways (as mankind is worse than when God sent the flood, she said). Does this seem to hint at the 3 days of darkness where the saints say a great part of humanity will be wiped out?
In my opinion, “the days of darkness” are the immediate aftermath of a global nuclear war which will cause a massive dust cloud over the entire northern hemisphere.
Thanks for mentioning the warning of Our Lady of Akita. The “fire from the sky” is a warning about this coming global nuclear war. Remember that in Genesis 8:21 YHWH promises that He will never again curse the earth and send any natural disaster that will wipe out most life aon earth as did the Deluge. Therfore, the coming disaster of fire cannot be any act of God, but it can be caused by the actions of men.

The “repentance” in this case would consist of unilateral nuclear disarmament on our part, an action that would prevent the coming nuclear distaster.
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