Are the end times near

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No, I don’t think we are anywhere near the End Times, at least not by any world war or cataclysmic event. How do I know? I don’t.

This fascination for the End Times has been accelerated by the advent of the internet. It’s that simple. With information readily available at a moment’s notice, we are constantly inundated with negative news by geo-political propaganda.

Thirty years ago, people might see something on television or read something in the paper and then go about their daily business. But now, people can endlessly search from a wide spectrum of opinions on YouTube, Facebook, blogs, etc that feed our anxiety about such matters. This is a vicious cycle.

Nearly 80 years ago, 1.5 million people died over a course of several months in the Battle of Stalingrad. Yet today a lone gunmen murders a dozen people in the streets, rebels take over a village, a plane crashes, or someone who we don’t like gets elected and hysteria ensues. People begin speculating about who will be the anti-Christ and that we are now living on the eve of the End Times. This is madness.

I use to have an mild obsession about such things, but it doesn’t do any good. Everyone’s time would be better served living in the moment and trying to do God’s will.
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Nearly 80 years ago, 1.5 million people died over a course of several months in the Battle of Stalingrad. … People begin speculating about who will be the anti-Christ and that we are now living on the eve of the End Times. This is madness.
Sir, you make some good points, but I believe that your conclusion is mistaken. For one thing, the anti-Christ (A.H.) has already come and gone. Yes, it is truly later than we think. The Last Days of the World appear to have begun way back in 1914. Since WW II the world has experienced the “lesser peace” with only regional conflicts.

It is not “madness” to understand that the world is on the eve of YHWH’s judgement of humanity by fire, and it appears that His fire is by the means of a global nuclear war. Jesus said that his return would catch the world by surprise, and His return is through WW III.
Luke 12:49
I have come to bring a fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already.
Luke 21:34-35
that day will be sprung on you suddenly, like a trap. For it will come down on every living man on the face of the earth.

My generation and my father’s generation are the ones responsible for handing this impossible situation to our children. We at least have the duty to inform them of what is happening to the world and why.
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The real “problem” will be when that event catches the world by surprise, just as He predicted.
The fulfillment of the terrible visions of Pope St. Pius X will be one of these and are predicted to occur during the lifetime of Joseph Ratzinger. He shares a name with Giuseppe Sarto.
if there is a rumor of a war…the time is not yet. That’s what Jesus said
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The fulfillment of the terrible visions of Pope St. Pius X will be one of these and are predicted to occur during the lifetime of Joseph Ratzinger. He shares a name with Giuseppe Sarto.
He didn’t say there would be only one successor of the same name. And there’s nothing to say that “same name” doesn’t refer to his papal name of Pius.

As has been pointed out on, I think, every end times thread, Desmond Birch’s book “Trial, Tribulation, and Triumph” is an excellent survey of what Scripture, the Church Fathers, and approved private revelations have to say about the subject. His conclusion is that we have quite a way to go yet.
He didn’t say there would be only one successor of the same name. And there’s nothing to say that “same name” doesn’t refer to his papal name of Pius.
Pope St. Pius X actually had two similar visions, one in 1909 and the second in 1914. The first mentions the Pope, while the second mentions the “successor of the same name.” I have come to believe that these two visions refer two different people. If that is true, then only in the present unusual situation – where a retired Pope and an active Pope both reside in Vatican City – can his visions be fulfilled.
Don’t be deceived. Global nuclear war is heading for humanity like a runaway freight train. It will happen in the 21st century, and it will take us by surprise. Just because we cannot know the day or the hour of this calamity does not mean that we cannot see it coming.
Don’t be deceived. Global nuclear war is heading for humanity like a runaway freight train. It will happen in the 21st century, and it will take us by surprise. Just because we cannot know the day or the hour of this calamity does not mean that we cannot see it coming.
Just because there might be a nuclear conflict does not necessarily mean that is End of Days.
The prophet Jeremiah indicates that a regional nuclear conflict turns into a global affair with devastating consequences:

See! The disaster spreads
from nation to nation.
A mighty tempest rises
from the far ends of the world.

Those slaughtered by YHWH that day will be scattered across the world from end to end
. . .
That is, of course, true. But that does not automatically mean that my interpretation is wrong.
(Let’s hope that it is, because the forecast is not good.)
Well, there was also the prophecy in Daniel 12:4, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time appointed: many shall pass over, and knowledge shall be manifold.” A revolution in communications can itself be interpreted as a sign of the last days. Then, there’s the prophecy in Revelation 11 that the whole world will see the Two Witnesses lying dead in the street- with satellite TV and internet streaming that could literally happen.
Nuclear war would be devastating, but not nearly as devastating as you make it our to be. A full-scale nuclear war between the United States and Russia would kill about 1/3 of the population of both countries within two weeks (from blast injuries, burns and radiation sickness), and another 1/3 within a year (from disease and starvation due to damage to infrastructure and radiation-induced crop failures). While nations not direct party to the conflict would not be unscathed, they would suffer far less than this.
God has unbelievable forbearance. God can not and will not loose Satan
about massive abortions, forms of Sodom and Gomorrah or idols worship…
All sinners are perished in God’s punishment.

The fear of the LORD prolongs life
. Proverbs 10:27

I saw miracle of Hiroshima – Jesuits survived the atomic bomb thanks to the rosary.

I saw Japan tsunami corresponding with the surge of abortion over 40% and Christian suicides from the imports. Indonesia tsunami after the plan to spread idols worship. Nepal big earthquake destroyed center of idols temples within seconds; etc.

I saw God let loose the unbelievers marching in Western Europe.

End time is just variable cycle times.
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What are your thoughts? Has our globalized society gone so far that we cannot go back? Is it only going to get worse? Will it get better?
The END TIMES happens for thousands of people every second of every day, on this planet.
It appears that all human life in the northern hemisphere would be terminated by full-scale nuclear exchanges between the USA and Russia.
At the present time the USA is increasing its production of the plutonium pits which form the core of a nuclear bomb and is set to spend about one trillion dollars on nuclear weapons over the next ten years. I assume that the Russians will also keep up the pace. Then there is the ongoing bomb production in the other nuclear armed countries.
Isaiah 2:19 is repeated three times. I take that to indicate three major nuclear exchanges. While this ultimate disaster could be avoided by the simple act of unilateral nuclear disarmament, very few in the USA (or on this forum) seem to want the USA to take that course.
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I take that to indicate three major nuclear exchanges
Keeping repeating your personal opinion does not make it any more likely to happen.

Also you have not said if that includes or excludes Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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