Are the end times near

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“Any time now” since roughly 30 AD.
The reason that theologians made the mistake of prematurely postulating our Creator’s judgment of humanity is that they did not take into account Genesis 8:21 where YHWH promises to never again be the cause of any natural disaster (such as a deluge) which would decimate the human race. So, prior to the 20th century, the world-wide disaster of fire predicted by Isaiah 66:15-16 was not possible. These theologians can be forgiven for their mistake. Who could have foreseen humanity’s development of massive arsenals of nuclear weapons?

Now, of course, the disaster that Jeremiah warns of in 25:32-33 is possible. Not only possible, but carved in stone by his inspired prophecy. It will happen. What mystifies me is why so few see it coming.
It took me a really long time to realize it but we reached the level of technology where resources are no longer a 0 sum game.

As a result war to the degree of WW2 is quite impossible.

Now hold on relax let me just fire off a bit of recent trivia for you to cement that point home.

WW1 was caused by an assassination of a minor diplomat. The classic shot heard round the world story where everyone and their allies got sucked into a cascading defensive pact mess.

Just last year the ambassador to Turkey from Russia was murdered. I and many people were on the edge of our seats in terror at this point. Turkey and Russia have long been at odds and most of the western world is firmly allied with turkey for ages.

There honestly could not have been a better test of diplomacy.

Things smoothed over, Putin was reasonable Erogen while still a donkey was respectful.

We don’t need to ever have another mass war again. We actually, as a species, learned something.
We already have mini wars for that in the middle east, nothing to the huge scale of before.
As a result war to the degree of WW2 is quite impossible.
. We actually, as a species, learned something.
Good luck with that.

Those slaughtered by YHWH that day will be scattered across the world from end to end. No dirge will be raised for them. No one will gather them or bury them. They will stay lying on the surface like dung.
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so now we know what Pope St. Pius knew and didn’t know ?
I don’t think so.
Well we certainly know that he didn’t know when the End of Days was. Jesus said nobody but the Father knows. Are you equating the Pope to God??
Jesus didn’t say exactly that. His words were more like the day and the hour. He did say that we would know when He was at the very gates.
I think that the words of a great Pope who was beatified might carry some weight. If you want to dismiss them, that’s up to you. I’m sure that you are a good person and a Catholic regardless.
Jesus didn’t say exactly that. His words were more like the day and the hour. He did say that we would know when He was at the very gates.
I think that the words of a great Pope who was beatified might carry some weight. If you want to dismiss them, that’s up to you. I’m sure that you are a good person and a Catholic regardless.
Not knowing the day and the hour means not knowing when the end of days is.
I do not believe anyone, no matter who they are, who says they know when the end of days is.
Anybody could simply argue that end of times began from the death and resurrection of Jesus. That I can go along with.
Could it be that people have got it all wrong about Revelation? Could it be that what is written has or is, being interpreted incorrectly?
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. I would have bet money that He promised never to destroy the human race again with water/flood! Guess it’s one of those childhood perceptions that sticks in your mind.
Gen.9:11 says “Never again shall all flesh be destroyed by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth”
Gen.9:13 " I will set my bow in the clouds and it shall be a token between me and the earth "

When Christ returns there will still be people living on the earth
Gen.9:11 says “Never again shall all flesh be destroyed by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth”
When Christ returns there will still be people living on the earth
That’s the second version. In the first version, 8:21, YHWH promises to never again destroy all life on earth without limiting that action to a deluge. I take that to mean that the judgment by fire of Isaiah 66:15-16 will not be by any “act of God” or natural disaster.

In Luke 12:49 Jesus says: “I have come to bring a fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already.” The Anglican interpretation is that this fire that He speaks of is the same as the fire of Isaiah 66:15-16.
Since this fire cannot be from any natural disaster, the only means left for its occurrence is a global nuclear war. Even as we speak both the USA and Russia are spending great sums of money to improve and expand their strategic nuclear capabilities.

My conclusion is that Jesus’ return to earth is through a global nuclear war. That is why He said that His return would catch the world by surprise. We don’t want to believe that this disaster is going to happen to us.

that day will be sprung on you suddenly, like a trap. For it will come down on every living man on the face of the earth.
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There is  material  fire  and  there is  spiritual  fire.   You  are  mixing  up  material  and  spiritual.
The Bible says " Our God is a consuming fire "
God’s holiness is the reason for His being a consuming fire, and it burns up anything unholy.
Isiaih says that only the righteous can withstand the consuming fire of God’s wrath against sin, because sin is an offense to God’s holiness. But, we need not fear the consumng fire
of God’s wrath if we are washed in the purifying Blood of Christ.
Previous posters on other threads have answered you that the fire which Jesus is referring to is the fire of God’s love and His holiness .
With all due respect to the CCC, the Anglican view is that the fire of Luke 12:49 is the same as the fire of Judgement in Isaiah 66:15-16.
My conclusion is that Jesus’ return to earth is through a global nuclear war.
Completely unfounded speculation!
The theme of humanity’s judgment and destruction by fire runs thoughtout the Prophets of the Old Testament. Even Jesus makes this prediction according to the Anglican interpretation of Luke 12:49.
While you may be inclined to view my analysis as “speculation,” (and are certainly entitled to hold that viewpoint) I don’t think that you are correct in terming such as “completely unfounded.” There is a relevant foundation in holy scripture.
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