Are the end times near

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Perhaps the better question is, “ What’s the State of People’s Souls?
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yeah…you know the world is in trouble when Donald Trump is the only world leader opposed to abortion -.-
depends on the issue I would say, what about abortion? its now accepted in all western countries.
or what about sexual morality? it’s objectively at an all time low
The world always seems like it’s about to end. Somehow it continues on.

I’m sure people throughout history have always feared this.

If you doubt me, try living through the bubonic plague, the Mongol invasions, both World Wars or the Cold War.
i get that there’s always evil in the world, but what ive noticed is that these evils tended to be associated with one region of the world. with social media today it seems that many evils are being globally accepted, abortion, sexual immorality, etc…
Emerging? Did you miss out on the last 250 years? All a result or part of the Enlightenment
Let us all pray much and focus on allowing the Lord to sanctify us. Most likely our own death will come first. If not, we’ll be ready for His second coming.
I also note that in the days of Noah, people lived for 900 years. If the Last Days shall be as the days of Noah, that may also include a restoration of the antedeluvian human lifespan. Thus, it is possible that the Second Coming will indeed be centuries from now, yet there are people alive today who will live to see it.
You may be surprised, but one model for the end of the present universe is the Vacuum Metastability Event, wherein space itself decays into a lower energy state, which causes the universe to be consumed by fire and leaves a new universe in its wake. That sounds just like what St. Peter described about the End of Time.
That event would be a natural one and would, therefore, be classified as an “act of God.” In Genesis 8:21 YHWH promises that He will never again destroy all life on earth as He had just done by means of a natural disaster.

That leaves only the inventions of mankind as a possible source of the fire of Isaiah 66:15-16 and Luke 12:49. Up until the 20th century that was not possible. Here in the 21st century it is not only very possible, it is inevitable and coming in this century.

For those who doubt the relevance of OT prophecy to modern times, I refer you to Isaiah 3:16-24 for a perfect description of Jewish women in WW II slave labor camps.
For those who doubt the relevance of OT prophecy to modern times, I refer you to Isaiah 3:16-24 for a perfect description of Jewish women in WW II slave labor camps.
wait im confused, is that justifying the holocaust? :confused:
Isaiah 3:16-24 seems to have predicted conditions for Jewish women at slave labor camps. Those camps came into being during WW II.

In my view, everything that happens to YHWH’s chosen people reflects His divine will, the purpose of which is unknown to us. I choose to go by the Word that was revealed by the great Persian prophet, Mirzah Husayn Ali:

“Blessed is the one who acknowledges our Creator and His wonders, and who confesses that He is not to be questioned about what He does.”

In our human view, the holocaust was a great crime against humanity and can never be justified. But our Creator’s purposes and viewpoints are far above our own and cannot be questioned.

My interpretation of OT prophecy is that it predicts the unprecedented disaster of global nuclear war. Many here seem to think that our Creator will not allow such a terrible thing to happen to us. My answer is that He allowed the holocaust to happen to His chosen people and that we should not expect to be treated better than them. If a global nuclear war suits His divine purposes, then He will allow it.
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As I remember, Protestants believe in a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on earth which will happen after his return. Then they believe that mankind will throw off His rule. Then Satan will be released to rule the earth for a very short time–basically giving the people what they want. And then Christ will crush Satan for Good.

Catholics don’t believe this scenario. As far as I know, Catholics believe the 1000 year reign of Christ means that Christ will reign for a very long time–that this will be be a reign from Heaven–not Christ’s actual presence on earth. I personally believe that Christ’s 1000 year reign is coming to a close. In other words, the world is throwing off the rule of God, and because of this, Satan’s rule is getting stronger and stronger. However, the Book of Revelation says this will last for a short time only before Jesus comes back and destroys Satan’s rule over the earth.

I believe we may be in the beginning of that time period right now. Satan will reign for a short time. But what does “short” mean? Lord have mercy on us during this time. For the scripture says ‘that if the time had not been shortened, no one would survive.’ (Matthew 24:22)
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For about 100 generations, the end times have occurred with each individual’s last breath. I will admit that I do keep an eye on the clouds of heaven - but so far, nada.
I suggest remembering the terrible visions of Pope St. Pius X and keeping our eyes (and prayers) on Vatican City.
The world will definitely end when the sun reaches the end of its life and becomes a red giant.

Talk about global warming or is it global burning?
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