Are there any non Catholic religions you respect?

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I suspect most established religions have points one can respect, otherwise they wouldn’t have adherents.
I respect Christian religions who believe in the same God we do. Those that are non Christian such as JW, LDS, Islam, Hindu, and so on…I respect they have the right to believe as they do, but I do pray for the conversion of non Christian souls.
Are there any non Catholic religions that you respect?
I respect all the biggies—Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam. That last one took the longest for me personally, but I think it was just lack of exposure (lack of understanding).
I have a fond admiration for many aspects of Judaism, and Druzism.
I respect all religions even if I don’t understand them.

Though I think Judaism must be the hardest, being so close to Christianity.
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Several, some of these being:
  • Torah-believing, observant Orthodox Jews.
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses — their faith gains them absolutely nothing in this world, JWs tend to be people of humble, modest backgrounds, and anyone who is willing to die rather than violate their religion — in this case blood transfusions — has to be assumed to be sincere and love God more than they love themselves. And JWs are a class act — almost every one I’ve known has been very modest, temperate, understated, clean-living, hard-working, just all around decent people, the kind you’d want as neighbors.
  • Simple, Bible-believing fundamentalist evangelicals who do not compromise their beliefs or morality to suit the world, and whose churches aren’t the ones you want to go to if you want to “get ahead in the world”. I drive right by such a church several times a week, KJV only, I’ve met the pastor (under secular circumstances), nice guy, I’ve read their statement of beliefs, and if I were going to become a Baptist (which isn’t going to happen), that’s the kind of Baptist church I’d join. (Try to imagine if the SSPX were Baptists, and you’ll get the idea.)
  • Observant, traditional Orthodox Christians, though I wish they liked us a little bit more.
  • Very conservative “continuing Anglican” churches, as long as they retain traditional Christian morality.
I have zero respect for churches that change to suit modern times, who accept abortion choice, bless gay marriage, and so on. I won’t name names.
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The question specifically stated the religion, as opposed to the adherents. That being the case, I respect Judaism a great deal. I I respect the Eastern Orthodox religions even more, as those religions provide valid sacraments.
After that, it becomes difficult to respect any religion, as they all seem to have obvious flaws.

Now, I have a great deal of respect for the adherents of many other religions, many for some if their religious practices.
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The East that unfortunately schismed away from the Church. If it wasn’t for them I would never have come back home to Rome.
I have zero respect for churches that change to suit modern times, who accept abortion choice, bless gay marriage, and so on. I won’t name names.
Thou sayest.

There are good people in that church, and much of Catholic tradition is preserved in various quarters of it. Their traditional liturgy is beautiful. But there are massive problems. I Googled a priest of that denomination that I once knew, nice guy, very pious… and he was on YouTube telling the world about how happy he was to be married… to his husband
I respect all Christian faith traditions (Catholic snd non-Catholic alike), along with Judaism and the peaceful factions of Islam, if there are any.
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I respect people who hold sincere beliefs and I respect their religions.

Newsflash: in 2019 it’s possible to disagree and still respect. … I know, right?
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I forgot one, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). They’re not too favorably disposed towards Catholicism, but they are what they are, they’re not changing to suit you, me, or anyone else, and they adhere to traditional morality.

I say the same about Bob Jones University. We will never be “ecumenical” with them, but with BJU, “what you see is what you get”. In other words, they don’t BS you. They do have fairly rigorous educational standards, and their Sacred Art Museum (presently closed for renovation) is a definite must-see if you are ever in Greenville, South Carolina. We drove out of our way once to visit it while on vacation.
Why would they ever want to rejoin a Church who did that? I’m actually shocked how many eastern Catholics have come back into reunion since the 16th century.
By that logic we Latin Catholics should reject the Eastern Catholics because of the Massacre of the Latins.
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Definitely. I have a lot of respect for Sufism, which is an esoteric sect of Islam. Sufis live a very peaceful and simple life, which I admire. Most sufis are not going to try to proselytize, they would rather reflect on what they believe to be the true message. While the salafis are busy arguing over small aspects of Shariah, the sufi is busy crying over how precious Allah is. It’s no wonder why the early sufis were nicknamed "those who always weep".

Poetry of the sufi saint Rumi has had a positive impact on my soul, even though Rumi was not a christian.
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