Are there any non Catholic religions you respect?

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I respect anyone who has belief in God, in a form they understand

I respect anyone who has no belief in God. As our EF celebrant says every single Sunday, love your neighbour, he and she are created by God and are God’s.
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I’d say the non Catholic faith I respect the most is the LDS. Then probably the Jewish faith. Then probably the baptists.
I’d be hard pressed to say I fully respect any non-Cathic religions. The main reason being that they all reject one or more central tenants of the faith. If religion’s purpose is to reveal God most fully then rejecting Catholic beliefs is to deny wanting to know some aspect of God. That makes it difficult for me to respect them.

Now are there part of other religions I find admirable? Certainly. I certainly find it admirable where they embrace truths not contrary to Catholic teaching, but I cannot respect the whole if it denies Truth as taught by the Catholic faith.
God doesn’t need me to defend him.

I have enough to handle in my own life without considering with the affairs of others’.
Sikhism. Almost without exception every Sikh I have met has been cheerful, friendly, hard working and pleasant. Sikhs are a good advertisement for their religion.

The Catholic Church might borrow their idea of offering free meals to those who need them: Langar.
I’d say the non Catholic faith I respect the most is the LDS. Then probably the Jewish faith. Then probably the baptists.
I have a difficult time with a religion that claims “ongoing revelation” to change their doctrines as times and circumstances warrant, basically to “get their tail out of a sling”. Much as I abhor polygamy and racial discrimination in conferral of religious orders, it comes across as though the LDS changed their doctrine when “things got too hot”. They also come across as a bit clannish, triumphalistic, and arrogant — adjectives that, in all fairness, could from time to time have been used to describe Catholicism. (Also, to be fair, I have difficulties — but accept it on faith — that over time, the Catholic Church has changed its thinking and “emphasis” on such things as usury, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, and religious liberty.)
Sikhism. Almost without exception every Sikh I have met has been cheerful, friendly, hard working and pleasant. Sikhs are a good advertisement for their religion.

The Catholic Church might borrow their idea of offering free meals to those who need them: Langar .
I don’t know enough about Sikhism to have much of an opinion, but any church that offers free Indian food is OK by me 😋 (at least I’m assuming it is Indian food) — a modest donation would be fair, in order to cover the cost of the food, as well as to cover the cost of the food that someone else might not have money to pay for.
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Are there any non Catholic religions that you respect?
Judaism, Buddhism, most varieties of Christianity. I would have to say I find positive aspects to all faith traditions, as others here have said.
Are there any non Catholic religions that you respect?
I don’t know so much about them but some of the Methodist teachings have impressed me, both in regard to the role that man’s will plays in his relationship with God and to the central place given to the virtue of love as I’ve observed. Both of these are quite consistent with Catholic teaching.
Sikhism. Almost without exception
I unfortunately met one of the exceptions. He was quite cheerful and pleasant to your face, but a backstabbing liar when you weren’t looking. Not a reflection on the religion, just on him - every group has its bad apples.
I thought this thread was about respecting other religions. I listed 3 I respect not to debate them but because I respect them.
I thought this thread was about respecting other religions. I listed 3 I respect not to debate them but because I respect them.
Any discussion such as this is going to have point and counter-point, and threads frequently morph into more extended and deeper discussions. I’m not sure that this thread was intended to be merely “what religions do you respect?” without getting into the reasons, and with other people saying “yes, but…”. That is nothing more than the free interchange of ideas. If you do not wish to discuss pros and cons, that is fine, but other people may wish to.
Are there any non Catholic religions that you respect?
Re: respect for non-Catholic religions

It seems to me,


God desires all to be saved

In reality

Jesus said few are saved


Because as Jesus said





it seems to me, as an observation, in the end, given the consequences we have been given advanced knowledge of and warning of, that few people, as it shows, actually focus on and follow what they are supposed to focus on and follow, and in extension, have respect for, all that they should respect vs what they should not respect which all points back to what Jesus respects
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If i were not Christian I’d likely be a Zen Buddhist. I find some of their teachings to be interesting – the main one being the key to happiness is lack of attachments. There is some truth to it, just like in all religions.
I respect the people who have different religious views, not the beliefs themself. I believe in being kind and charitable towards other people with different religions/ denominations. I have come to respect the Orthodox church more than I used to.
I think it depends on what you define as “respect”.
Yes exactly.

I’m not sure I would say I respect other religions, as I believe any other religion takes people away from the true faith and that isn’t a good thing and shouldn’t be respected. What I admire is the devoutness of people of other faiths, and I am a fan of the very similar moral codes we have, at least in the big 3 religions.
I heavily respect all types of religion. Except those who causes harm to our faith and people.
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