Are there any non Catholic religions you respect?

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It depends on what you mean by “respect”.

Id say I respect any Christian religion that doesn’t bend itself to shamelessly conform to modern culture. If you try to use the Bible to justify things like abortion, no I don’t respect you.

I think it’s very difficult to be a Catholic and not respect Judaism. Again, at least the branches that keep tradition. Jesus Himself was a Jew after all.

I find it hard to respect religions like Hinduism which just seem so crazy to me, though I admit I don’t know enough about them.

I do respect Buddhism, just because its such a philosophical religion that focuses on self denial and peace, though it’s obviously misguided on some fundamental stuff.

Islam is a tricky one. I think the religion might be fundamentally flawed, but again I don’t know enough to definitively judge.
boss who dictates a letter writes it, even though the secretary types it out. This is not hard.
I always thought that Catholics stress the individuality of each Gospel writer, allowing them to speak in their own words yet inspired by God. If someone agrees with the dictation idea then it’s hard to explain some of the contradictions whereas there are harmonizations that work if each author is using his own inspired voice.

Has the Church ever declared that the NT was partially or fully dictated?
Of course. I respect them all. Especially having been in one other for a season.
Dictate metaphor was as example to refute definition of “write” as merely putting pen to paper.
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The one non-Catholic religion that I have the most respect for is Eastern Orthodoxy. They are Christians just like us Catholics and they also have all 7 Sacraments. I do not believe that they get all of their doctrine correct since they don’t believe in papal primacy or papal infallibility though. I have also heard that the Eastern Orthodox Church is somewhat weaker than the Catholic Church when it comes to birth control.
That’s a hard question. I believe Catholicism has the fullnes of truth, so I should respect religions based on how they are close to Catholicism. However if I’m honest, I have more respect for a wise Jewish rabbi, than for a follower of a “weird” Christian sect. I don’t know.
Yes, I almost mentioned the work that the Quakers did during the famine and also their work towards reconciliation in Northern Ireland. They are good people with great integrity. I don’t always agree with everything that they believe (most obviously their total commitment to pacifism), but one can’t doubt the goodness of their intentions, nor their sincerity.
Confessional Lutheranism for their very high regard for Scripture.

The Anglican Church in North America. Many of the congregations had lost their buildings and were prevented from buying the buildings they took care of since they were built. Some decades old, some possibly over a century. These congregations left the Episcopal and Canadian Anglican churches because these denominations mostly abandoned the Christian faith. These congregations had to start from scratch with lots of uncertainty. That’s very courageous in a modern Western sense.

Islam after seeing the piety of my Muslim friends.

Mormonism. They’re very active where I live and they are very friendly and have very supportive tight-knit communities.
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Orthodoxy and Judaism.

For non-revealed religions, I respect Zoroastrianism and Taoism.
You might also consider the Continuing Anglican Churches, generally. Similar to the ACNA, but not in sacramental communion with them.
I respect all religions. God is calling all people to seek and find him, wherever they are born and into whatever tradition they are cast. If we don’t respect someone’s right to religious beliefs, we can’t expect them to journey to the Church.
(note…respect is not worship or adoration or adherence. Respect is kindness toward others. If we don’t respect other religions, we should not expect respect for our own. All human beings are due the justice of religious belief. )
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I have looked at them all Sikhism is interesting I have some friends who are Sikh its an interesting faith.
No. Just the people in them. Error doesn’t deserve respect.
Are there any non Catholic religions that you respect?
Yes, them all. They all possess the inalienable, inherent, inborn, fundamental, basic, natural, moral, and inviolable human right to religious liberty, to believe and practice religion freely, and government must acknowledge, recognize, preserve, protect, defend, and honor this right, and government cannot ever disregard it.

That’s liberalism. Those who respect all religions in this same way are liberals.
Error doesn’t deserve respect.
The Holy Father apparently feels differently…

"Muslims and Christians must raise young people “to think and speak respectfully of other religions and their followers, and to avoid ridiculing or denigrating their convictions and practices”, Pope Francis has said.

In a personal message to the world’s Muslims to mark the end of Ramadan, the Pope said: “Turning to mutual respect in inter-religious relations, especially between Christians and Muslims, we are called to respect the religion of the other, its teachings, its symbols, its values. Particular respect is due to religious leaders and to places of worship. How painful are attacks on one or other of these!

“It is clear that, when we show respect for the religion of our neighbours or when we offer them our good wishes on the occasion of a religious celebration, we simply seek to share their joy, without making reference to the content of their religious convictions."
I’m quite sure Pope Francis doesn’t either, and yet he call us to respect other religions. I wonder how and why?
The Holy Father apparently feels differently…
That’s nice. My opinion of Muhammadism is similar to that of earlier popes. Nothing has changed since the days of Mohammed. In fact nothing has changed about any false religion.
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