I recommend Anthony Destefano’s book A Travel Guide to Heaven. Based on your question I think you’d really enjoy it!!
In Christ,
In Christ,
Well, I certainly hope I could, and you should all know I love hamburgers.:tiphat: But I hope there will be PIZZA too!Since we are reunited with our bodies, we are able to eat, right. Jesus ate with His Apostles after he was resurrected. And since Heaven is perfect bliss, we should be able to have a good hamburger, right?
Please, think about the ramifications of your words. This question was actually brought up by a teacher, a very smart guy, who thought he would challenge us to think about the effects of heaven. There are a couple answers. Some said “Yes, because in heaven, it is perfect bliss, and if we would want a hamburger, we could get it.” Others said, “Well, no. The lion is laying down with the lamb, so why shouldn’t we lay donw with the cow.”It’s as dumb as believing if I blow myself up in the middle of a bus killing everyone, I’ll go to Heaven and enjoy 72 virgins!Code:
Dumb, dumb, dumb! No wonder some atheists laugh at believers!
Antonio :yup:
Nope, an Aristotleian Logic class.Please tell me it wasn’t a catechesis class…:crying:
It probably was in an RCIA class!:nope:Please tell me it wasn’t a catechesis class…:crying:
Yeah, and I presume we’ll use toilets too! :bigyikes:Well, I certainly hope I could, and you should all know I love hamburgers.:tiphat: But I hope there will be PIZZA too!
I’m sorry, but the “correct” answer is NO.Are there hamburgers in heaven after the end of time? (This narrows the answers down a bit).
I don’t think I have ever heard an explanation of the bliss Heaven will provide in more clearer terms. Thank you very much!Hamburgers, Heaven, Sex and Ice Cream
I have a kind of answer to this but it may offend a few people. I hope not, and it is not meant to…
A colleague of mine was asked to explain the wonders and pleasures of heaven at a wedding reception. He had been the priest for the wedding and having drunk a few glasses of the “water of life” -whiskey, he came up with the following reply…
"We can no more grasp the joys of heaven than a boy of five can grasp the joys of sex. [Enormous gasp from the mother of the bride!] At that stage of development his greatest pleasure is an ice cream. If you offer him the pleasure of sex, he would not understand it and he would say: No thank you, I want an ice cream (or a hamburger.)
"Now we as adults are just like that little boy who saw ice cream as life’s biggest treat… we have progressed on from the ice cream and we have discovered in our lives the great joy of sex, but we are not sure about the joys of heaven. To try and imagine them is just beyond our present stage of human development.
With some of the wedding guests, this went over like a lead ballon. But for the rest of the evening Fr John was plied with more and more free whiskey as people hoped he would find something even more insightful to say !
Hi bemmel,This was a question that popped up in a class of mine.
Are there hamburgers in heaven after the end of time? (This narrows the answers down a bit).
Since we are reunited with our bodies, we are able to eat, right. Jesus ate with His Apostles after he was resurrected. And since Heaven is perfect bliss, we should be able to have a good hamburger, right?
My 9 year old saw your post and said it won’t be Mom’s apple pie, it will be Mary’s apple pie!Forget the hamburgers .What would heaven be without fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and Mom’s apple pie.
Ron from Ohio
It doesn’t hurt to have a sense of humor. By the way when you get there just don’t bite into any apples, that’s what started everything. ha ha Jude I :nope:My teacher always said “there is no such thing as a dumb Question, now a stupid question, thats a whole nother thing…”