Are video games the Devil's Invention?

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IS it a sin to play violent video games? Nowadays it seems that most good video games are promoting something that is against the Bible. Such as murder, lust, witchcraft. If you were playing a violent video game and Jesus comes down, would he be pleased? I think not. What say You?
I say any fantasy activity, gaming, reading, watching violence, sex, occult etc. is sinful because it violates the 9th & 10th commandments, which pertain to sins of the mind and heart, which always precede sins of action.
D Quintero:
IS it a sin to play violent video games? Nowadays it seems that most good video games are promoting something that is against the Bible. Such as murder, lust, witchcraft. If you were playing a violent video game and Jesus comes down, would he be pleased? I think not. What say You?
As Jesus is with us right now and can see everything that we do, asking if he would be offended if he returned at this moment has always seemed a little strange to me. Video games are marked with ratings. SOme are offensive, some are not.

For some reason when I read your poll, I didn’t read the word violent. SOrry. 😛 So I have to clarify my answer. Video games can be harmless fun or like Grand Theft Auto they can be offensive. I certainly don’t allow my sons to play anything rated with an M, and I restrict the amount of time that they play.
D Quintero:
IS it a sin to play violent video games? Nowadays it seems that most good video games are promoting something that is against the Bible. Such as murder, lust, witchcraft. If you were playing a violent video game and Jesus comes down, would he be pleased? I think not. What say You?
**You should’ve said “explicit video games” in the poll. I love video games. There are video games that are extremely immoral and explicit, such as the entire “Grand Theft Auto” series and some of the horror games. Those ones should be avoided. **

**However, not all violent video games are that bad. I usually like to play military type games. I also like sci-fi like Halo and Halo 2. Such games like these aren’t bad, sometimes violence is justified, the types of scenarios in most games are the justified types. Some can even be educational. I would see reviews and previews of games before buying it. I wouldn’t buy a “Da Vinci Code” game, lol. They’ll probably make one.:bigyikes: **
I am an avid gamer who playes games such as Legend Of Zelda series, Final fantasy, The Sims series, and war games. I love video games. And I love God. I do not go out and shoot up a bunch of people just because I saw somebody do it in a video game.
Can you honsetly tell me God would sentence somebody to an eternity in Hell just for playing violent video games? That would certainly be interesting:
“I sentence thou to an eternity in Hell for playing Medal of Honor.”
If I heard anybody say that that is what will happen, I would laugh in their face. I find it ridiculous how many people really get upset over small things. If you ever did anything wrong and think you should go to confession because of it, ask yourself “Will God sentence me to a longer time in Purgatory or an eternity in Hell because of this?”
Grand Theft Pope: Vatican City the sedevacantist game, yes totally satanic and 100% heretical.

I am working on 3D Tennis now, don’t have the 3D modeling thing figured out, I’m gonna use stick figures to start. But I am “hiring” 3D artists proficient in Maya or 3D Studio or TrueSpace/GameSpace. Who’s with me? Let’s make a Catholic video game when I get the 3D “world geometry” figured out. :confused:

I voted No since the only game I’m obsessed with now is TopSpin for Xbox. Only game I can play more than 10 minutes without being bored. A glorified “pong.” Never been much into playing them, but making them yes.

Phil P
Of course the majority of people who play games are not going to go out and kill but the fact that your playing a violent video game while GOD does not like violence is puzzling. You wouldn’t play a racist game because it goes against what we believe in equality and you wouldn’t play a playboy game because it is lustful. So why play a game of violence when Jesus is about peace. Doesn’t do not kill mean do not even think of killing? Violence is violence, when your hurting someone in real life or just shooting a imaginary person on TV and it is never justified. Sure there are some harmless games like Tetris. But when you are a sniper pointing at someone’s head or planting magical spells, it doesn’t seem like Jesus is happy with that. I don’t think he will cast you to hell but I do think it is a venial
I had to really think about this. But actually the answer is quite simple…yes they are a sin. Just as pornographic magazines are a sin because they lead you to sin (lust) so violent etc video games are also sinful.
I had to really think about this. But actually the answer is quite simple…yes they are a sin. Just as pornographic magazines are a sin because they lead you to sin (lust) so violent etc video games are also sinful.
But not all violence is inherently sinful. It depends on the context of the violence. Criminal violence or violence in the service of evil, possibly sinful (in GTA’s case absolutely) however I would point out that when kids are playing cops and robbers, someone has to play the robbers and few would say the ones playing the them are doing something wrong.

Violence in games where one fights evil or fighting in accordance with just war doctrine or legitimate self-defense,etc are generally acceptable.

Empire Earth 1 is anti-catholic. the indulgence becomes a medieval technology with a coin in the box as its icon.
Empire Earth 1 is anti-catholic. the indulgence becomes a medieval technology with a coin in the box as its icon.
Hehe. Good point, however I would be inclined to call that colossal ignorance relying on a stereotype rather than actively anti-Catholic absent any other examples.

I answered no for two reasons. Patly because the topic asks if they are the Devil’s invention and I disagree with that (though some games are certainly diabolically inspired) and also because there was not a third answer of “Depends on the game and the person playing it”.

Some games are certainly designed to have a corrupting influence on people (such as the Leisure Suit Larry series) and I could agree with the topic question on that count, but then there are many that are not and it would be incorrect to paint them all the same. Like movies, music and many other human endeavours each one should be judged according to it’s own merits, or lack of merit.

The person playing is also a vital point in the OP question of “are they sinful?”. I’m reminded of a question regarding the sinfulness of attending the ballet recently asked in the ‘ask an apologist’ forum, regarding the suggestive clothing worn in some ballet. For some it’s ok because it doesn’t inspire lewd thoughts in them, for others it would be a bad idea. For many people, playing a video game (including violent games) can be nothing more than an entertaining diversion or a healthy release of pent up aggression. For some though they can be far too influential on a person’s behavior, helping to cause that person to act out violent or lewd behavior from the game.

Each game should be judged on it’s own, apart from all others. And each person should take the responsibility to avoid games that might influence them to sin.
I love playing videogames! I do not like tha latest craze though, where every game wants to be a Grand Theft Auto or Halo clone.

There are many great games out there, you just need to look around and watch the ratings. It’s just like watching a movie, becareful what you get yourself into and use the rating that is on the box and you can also use ratings on various sites that offer gaming reviews for parents.
This verse may be slightly out of context but, “whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”.

In what ways can playing video games be said to be “done to the glory of God”?

Or to quote another verse: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

In what ways can playing video games be reconciled with this verse?

Having asked those questions, I find myself at fault - for I am known to play the odd video game too and not to the glory of God. And whether fragging things in Doom or anything since then (or even getting through levels of Manic Miner on a ZX Spectrum) can be called pure, lovely and gracious I personally doubt. But fragging can be relaxing and help with dealing with the stresses of life.

Perhaps we have to make our own minds up about video games. If they get in the way of walking an uncompromised holy life, get rid of them. If they honestly don’t, it’s ok to keep playing them as long as people around us aren’t led into sin by our playing.

note - I only mentioned Doom as I had a long phase of Doom addiction, getting through several thousand levels. Oh, the glorious wasted hours!
Playing violent video games is no more worse than watching violence on TV shows or in movies. Violence is everywhere. We can’t escape it. But one should try to watch over what their children play and watch.
Whether it is violence or loose sexual situations that one views, it all **enters the mind** by the eyes. This is what **stimulates** the person, whether a child or an adult. We cannot avoid all sex and violence, but before we buy a game, turn on the TV or go to the movie, we can do a self check and ask ourselves, is this good for me or just garbage.
Pong was fun & I didn’t see it as sinful. 😃
Actually, the video game, just as movies, the internet or guns are not in and of themselves sinful. What people do with them is another story. Violence in video games, sexually explict and violent movies, porn sites and shooting one’s neighbor are people giving the inamimate object a sinful use.
Common sense comes into play here.
I play video games/computer games really sparingly. I often play something like a role-playing game or occasionaly a first-person shooter.

Like for example: Half-Life 2, Neverwinter Nights, and Elder Scrolls 3: Morrorwind.

I also like the Final Fantasy series.

I don’t think they are sinful, enless you go too far. Many role-playing games use “magic” but I don’t think it is sinful. Enless someone thinks they can actually practice witchcraft then its going too far.
The question does not include a sometimes they are and sometimes they are not which is my position on the issue. So I did not answer. Just viewing violence is not a sin as those who go to war will attest. It is a sin to let the violence in and let it affect you. Further some violence in video games is very unrealistic.
Well, the thread wasn’t worded too well, but at least all the questions are answered. It depends on the Game. Not all violent games are bad. However, some can be considered sinful, so you should always read reviews and preview games before purchasing and playing. Also, some people might play good games in a sick way and sick state of mind, in that case it would be abusing the game’s purpose and it would be a sin. For example, they might start having lustful thoughts with some of the characters, and also purposely kill innocent hostages and their own comrades in the game instead of saving them, which would cause the person to think evil thoughts and sin (also cause them to restart the level over and over again).:whacky: Also, with online play, people sometimes decide to do evil against their neighbor, such as friendly fire just so that their team mate will get angry and have to wait to the next round. They might also discriminate certain people and ban them from the server room, or ban people just to leave a spot for a friend. Also, they might offend certain people while talking nasty at them.
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