Only some of the video games are sinful, just the ones with stealing, killing or any other violent stuff, Sports games such as MVP BASEBALL 2005 I think are fine- nice poll. Have a good day. God Bless you.
I agree with you, but I have a different view. The more time we spend with video games, the more we get addicted to them. The more time we spend on them, the less time we have or even make for God. So, yes, I think they are another distraction fashioned by the crafty hands of the devilOnly some of the video games are sinful, just the ones with stealing, killing or any other violent stuff, Sports games such as MVP BASEBALL 2005 I think are fine- nice poll. Have a good day. God Bless you.
Video games are only addictive if one lacks self-mastery and the virtue of temperance. (In which case video game addiction would probably be the least of one’s problems). As long as they have no inherently immoral content, they are a perfectly legitimate pleasure taken in moderation.I agree with you, but I have a different view. The more time we spend with video games, the more we get addicted to them. The more time we spend on them, the less time we have or even make for God. So, yes, I think they are another distraction fashioned by the crafty hands of the devil
Methinks you’ve been reading too much Jack Chick, chief. Knock it off.IS it a sin to play violent video games? Nowadays it seems that most good video games are promoting something that is against the Bible. Such as murder, lust, witchcraft. If you were playing a violent video game and Jesus comes down, would he be pleased? I think not. What say You?
People can become obsessed with the fantasy worlds found in fiction literature. Does that make books another distraction fashioned by the crafty hands of the devil? How about radio, or TV? Sure, there’s a lot of garbage on TV, but there are good shows as well and even Christian programming.I agree with you, but I have a different view. The more time we spend with video games, the more we get addicted to them. The more time we spend on them, the less time we have or even make for God. So, yes, I think they are another distraction fashioned by the crafty hands of the devil
Neverwinter is great stuff, and the community has produced some amazing mods. If you’re really interested in developing games to help change the industry for the better, please go for it! Have you seen this earlier thread?Neverwinter Nights yeah? Tell me about this in private, educate me. I was out of video games for most of the 1990s, trying to re-learn everything from scratch the past few years. I subscribe to some mags, but I don’t know enough about what’s out there. I would like to make some Catholic video games that puts the GTA franchise out of business.
Phil P
Create a game that has the same appeal as GTA (which is the giant world to run around, the flexibility of choices and the ability to progress through the game as you see fit), but eliminate all the vices and killing and other objectionable garbage that is used to sell the game to the adolescents who buy it (all of whom are over 18). The real reason why GTA is successful is not because of it’s graphic depictions of violence, drug use and everything else it has. The reason it’s successful is because it’s a well-made game with an incredible amount of player freedom. It sells well in spite of some very horrifying subject matter, not because of it (really the original GTA games were mostly flops, it wasn’t until GTA3 gave the player more freedom and a huge city to play in that they became successful).Or a game that’s like Grand Theft Auto, only instead of being a thug in a giant city doing whatever you want, you’re an angel in a giant city and you have to help people in need as you come across them (look at the most recent Spiderman games for an example of how GTA-style hub-based gameplay can be made heroic when creative developers put their minds to it).