Hello Everyone!
People have different views in Catholicism as well. I was reading a book by Father Raymond Brown where he said that the idea that the Roman Catholic Church has these traditions that were passed down from the early church is naive. There are differences in the material sufficiency vs. partim/partim viewpoint et al.
I think it is worth noting that it is unfair to assume that everyone who says they hold to Sola Scriptura is actually holding to the doctrine. A person may claim to be a Muslim, but if he denies the inerrancy of the Koran, and believes that Mohammed is a false prophet, no one would deny that such a person is not really a Muslim.
However, the problem has not been settled. If such is true, then we still have the problem of which authority to choose from. The Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Catholics, and many others deny Sola Scriptura and claim to give infallible certainty. There is greater unity within my denomination, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, which openly holds to Sola Scriptura then there is between Catholics, Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. They all deny Sola Scriptura, but in your words
They can’t even figure out which ultimate authority to follow.
There are so many defintions of the err correct protestant faith that we can’t possibly present every defintion they claim to be the correct protestant interpretation.
This ignores that their entire basis for certianty in doctrine is their certainty in the Catholic Church. The question must then be about how they have infallible certainty that the Catholic Church is the infallible in it’s doctrinal decalarations on the basis of tradition. How do you know Rome is true apart from the Mormons Jehovah’s Witnesses and others who also deny Sola Scriptura? Now, I am not saying that the claim for the authority of Rome cannot be suppored with facts. However, to be consistent then we do not need facts, but certainty. Hence, the author has no certainty for the authority claims of Rome, and hence, no certainty in the doctrines he professes.
It seems that, in order for sola scriptura to completely work for evangelicals, they must first presuppose that the Scripture (viz. the Bible of the Protestant canon) is the only infallible source of faith, and furthermore, that other works written during the 1st and 2nd centuries (like the widely accepted Shepard of Hermas) and the deuterocanonical works are not inspired.
Many protestants such as Bruce M. Metzger and F.F. Bruce have written entire books on this subject. There is internal as well as external evidence. Language used as well as specific styles can be clues to it’s origin. We also have external evidence from both Christian and non-Christian sources. Now, let me be clear that the external evidence is not taken by protestants as authoritative, but all of this evidence is taken together to produce the protestant position on the canon. Anyone who is interested in this process, Dr. Daniel Wallace has a excellent examples under the articles entitled “Introduction, argument, and outline”:
bible.org/author.asp?author_id=1. Granted, this is evidence and not certainty.
However, again, we have the exact same problem. As far as canon goes, the only certainty that the Catholic has for the canon is that the Church tells him. However, the question must eventually be asked as to why someone has infallible certainty that this is the one true church. Again, we are looking for certainty that Rome is true. Unless the Catholic has absolute certainty that Rome is the one true church which Christ founded, then there is no absolute certainty in the canon either because for the Catholic, the authority of the Canon is based in the Catholic Church.
However, this gets us back to the same point. Both Catholics and protestants have presuppositions, and merely going to canon or interpretational issues takes us in circles and avoids the issue. For the Protestant it is scripture alone, and for the Catholic, it is the Catholic Church’s interpetations of scripture and tradition. Hence, the Catholic is assuming that there is an additional God-Breathed revelation other than the scriptures and hence it is up to him to show exactly what is contained in that tradition, and that it is apostolic. That is the issue.
God Bless,
Martin Luther