Are we embarked on a Secular Crusade?

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St. James:
I must say say that when someone associates Sean Hannity and Fox News with “the truth” in the context of a Catholic discussion group that raises a flag.

Perhaps it’s me.

How would you respond to this comment?

Originally Posted by dumspirospero

What is wrong with Hannity? What is wrong with Fox News? Do you have a problem with the truth?
OK, I can see why you would think that. However, I would interpret the “truth” that DSS is referring to is not Christian truth, but rather facts about events. I’m basing this on numerous other posts by him. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen him claim that there’s another source for Christian truth besides the Church. You can digress into the relative merits of Fox News vs. other news sources, but please let’s not do that.
La Chiara:
Oh, name names! 😃 Why do we always protect the guilty? 😉 Never mind, most of us know of whom you refer. :whistle:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Notice what started out to be a thread on the attempt to point out a hostile secular take over,with specific requests to not make this a war and anti war argument,the first post highjacked it.Now we have wandered into FOX news land.We don’t know what happened:whistle: God bless
Hey, folks – I didn’t intend to push any hot buttons. What I was looking for were some great ideas people are putting into play with their Christian friends and family – Catholic or non-Catholic – that may further the Love and Peace of Jesus in a very troubled and disturbed world. Are there any prayer warriors, small Christian communities, study groups, etc. out there running a Catholic-oriented program that will help us defeat the enemy? And, of course the real enemy is Satan, if any have forgotten this! Any and all ideas are most welcome. Thanks and wishing Christ’s Peace to all.
He was a great man.
That he was. And fortunately he left a great amount of video and audio which people can still benefit from.
St. James:
That he was. And fortunately he left a great amount of video and audio which people can still benefit from.
Yes, technology is great.

I hope the great men and women of today leave such a legacy. One wonders though with much of it on the Internet, how much of it is being saved.
Is anyone aware that the term Crusade is peculiarly offensive to Muslims? This is why even Republican politicians seldom if ever use it in public with reference to the war on terror (so called) or the invasion of Iraq. Bush used it once but language is not his strong point.

In case you dont know why the word is so negative it relates to military campaigns waged against Muslim lands, especially Palestine in the Middle Ages. This was supposedly for religious reasons but actually several hidden agenda’s were at work. How different from modern times these Middle Ages were…NOT
Is anyone aware that the term Crusade is peculiarly offensive to Muslims? This is why even Republican politicians seldom if ever use it in public with reference to the war on terror (so called) or the invasion of Iraq. Bush used it once but language is not his strong point.

In case you dont know why the word is so negative it relates to military campaigns waged against Muslim lands, especially Palestine in the Middle Ages. This was supposedly for religious reasons but actually several hidden agenda’s were at work. How different from modern times these Middle Ages were…NOT
Yes, I 'm aware of that. I’m also aware that OBL and his ilk regularly refer to Christians as “crusaders”. I also believe that many (probably most) of the posters on this forum are aware of that.

I guess the real question is how did Muslim lands become Muslim in the first place? They weren’t always so…once they were Christian. The Muslims have shown themselves to be extremely poor custodians of Christian holy sites. This goes back to my original point I made in a previous posting: they have no concept of equal dignity and freedom of conscience and treat Christian sites as open for desecration, the most recent egregious example being the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
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