Are we going to have any free time in Heaven?

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Oh it’s gonna be a wall of amps. Louder than Swans.

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I don’t think time will exist. I’m mean imagine being able to actually count down eternity… how would that be possible?
It wouldn’t be possible. I think it was someone on EWTN – maybe Mother Angelica herself when she was alive – who described eternity as a perpetual present moment in which all past, present and future combine into one. That has always made sense to me.

And yes, the Bible is expressed as poetry. Symbolism, metaphor, analogy. That’s not to say we shouldn’t take it seriously. It’s telling us very serious things, expressing them in picturesque ways that are sometimes quite mysterious.

In the book, Catholic Replies, we are assured that even though there is no marriage in heaven, we shall still enjoy the companionship of our loved ones, including our spouse, if he or she makes it there with us. Or, if WE make it there, ourselves. Bottom line – we won’t be lonely in heaven!
You wont want any free time or time to yourself in heaven. Heaven is the ultimate joy and ultimate happiness. The ties that bind here on earth dont exist in heaven. Family friends is a corporal concept. As Christ said, no one is married in heaven.

If ya really want to explore the concept ya can find it in suma theologica by thomas aquinas
I could say that it would be like a demerol high
What is a demerol high and why would heaven be like that?
Tee-hee-hee. I know what a Demerol “high” is.

When I entered the hospital for major surgery several years ago, the first thing the nurses did was inject Demerol into me. And it’s a good thing they did, because next they tried to insert an IV into the vein in my arm, and when they couldn’t get it in, they tried to insert it into the vein in my hand – and had to try five times before they could finally get it to hold. After about the second attempt, the Demerol had kicked in, and I no longer felt the needle and I didn’t care. I was in La-La-Land.

Hail to the Twilight Zone!
demerol is a weak opioid. kind of like codeine.
So it is claimed here that heaven is like taking opioids? if so, i want no part of it.
You are taking that far too literally. It wouldn’t be a drug high, at all. I think an attempt was made at metaphor, or perhaps the poster was kidding a bit. They were trying to describe heaven as pure euphoria, and true and perfect happiness that never ends. No drug on earth could ever provide that. And it wouldn’t be a stupor. It would be full awareness more clear and lucid than could ever be possible in this life.

Heaven will be the total absence of pain. That’s probably what the poster was trying to get across by using the Demerol analogy.
Whoa! Stop! You are running off the rails! Nothing of the sort is being said or even intimated. I was given IV demerol in hospital to stop tremors after being killed for a stem cell transplant. Due to its chemical makeup, it provides a temporary sense of peace and tranquility.

And no, it will be nothing like that - rather, it will be infinitely better.
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Well, let’s get back to the topic at hand. Here is something new and something you may want to pray with.

I found out about it on NPR. But, imagine Heaven with the most beautiful cathedrals and Gregorian Chant Music or Byzantine chant music as we pray in thanksgiving.

Imagine just being in your home and with perfect sound from ancient Cathedrals people pray.
Just imagine being able to explore and study all of Gods creation…the universe and maybe even other realms we don’t know exist…how God made everything…down to the tiniest microbe…maybe even watch God create whole other worlds and other beings…to study and observe and understand the tiniest detail…many people like music…maybe we’ll not only hear heavenly music but also see each note in different colors…feel each note…the different vibrations…maybe the music of the universe itself… and all of these things will be unfolding over eternity but for us time won’t exist…let your imagination run wild…and it’ll still be nothing for what God has prepared for us.
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We won’t marry so there will be no sex, surely we won’t get merry on alcohol so will we be chatting to people and laying in the grass?
Just a light work schedule interspersed with eating fine food and sipping wine accompanied by good music to our liking and plenty of reading material.
Chess, surely, must be allowed. Not so sure about card games.
Remember, after Christ’s return there will also be a new earth!

I’d suggest the book “Travel Guide to Heaven” and Dr Kreeft’s great work on Heaven.
Since we have a beginning in time, I don’t think it makes sense that we can somehow “exit” time absolutely; although we can exit the relative measurement of it. If free time is idleness, then no, I don’t imagine that is in heaven (or the New Earth, whatever that is) because that could be boring; but if free time means we can choose different actions, I imagine that will still be in heaven, where every action is glorious and always new. The routine and tedious actions we must toil at here in this mortal life in order to stave off decay or pursue a material good will no longer be necessary.
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Do you think it’s some new planet or an entirely new metaphysical space?

I enjoy these completely impractical questions, if only to stoke a sense of wonder. I’ll have to read that book, I like Dr. Kreeft.
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I find it easier to imagine Purgatory and Hell than Heaven as I’m not sure what we will be doing all day. When I read verses like this it makes me think that we will literally be on our knees for eternity but that can’t be can it?

> Revelation 4: 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was studded with eyes all the way round as well as inside; and day and night they never stopped singing: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty; who was, and is and is to come.’
It was 4 creatures who were day and night singing “Holy, Holy, Holy…” not the people in heaven.
We join those 4 creatures every sunday at Mass, if you pay attention… John was “in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day,” so he could see them as can we when at Mass in the Spirit.
John, seeing all in Heaven on the Lord’s Day, was not on his knees around the clock. He was looking all about and was saying, “What’s this? What’s that?”, and he was talking with angels and with the Lord. If he is any indication of Heaven, or of Eternity with the Lord, it will be a constant vision of wonder.
People get hung up on marriage as a legal entity, but that’s just the worldly side of marriage. Of course inheritance laws, spousal protections, and the like go away. There’s no need for any of that in heaven.

The surpassing love, commitment, and devotion though? None of that is going away. I’ve never heard of God calling us to love less.
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