Are we psychologically prepared for first contact?

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Put humans as the ones making first contact - should they be afraid?

What would we do? and to add to that lets say they were much less advanced then us - and we could travel to this planet very quickly. I think it would be much like Avatar except the indigenous beings of the planet would not fair well like they did in the movie. We are the planet of the apes - still fighting over who can get the most Bananas.Fortunately for them if they exist most inventions are for the betterment of the individual rather than mankind so we have been sidetracked with our tech for decades because there is more profit in the individual which is sad - we should already be out in deep space - it won’t happen until a profit can be made from it and it might be too late by then - asteroid strike - alien invasion or other,

If they were more advanced we would be frightened and maybe we should be if they are anything like us.
Stephen Hawking? Convinced of that for which no physical evidence exists, while denying Him for Whom there are mountains of evidence?

Well, he may be at odds with himself, as his worries were prophesied 2,000 years ago.

2 Peter 3:12
…waiting for and hastening[a] the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be kindled and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire!
Not even close! There may be teams of scientists who could handle it, but the general populaion? What if the aliens are red skinned humanoids with horns and bat wings? (Read Arthur C Clarkes ‘Childhood’s End’…)

Humans have been the center of our universe literally forever - there will be many unwilling to share.

The worse case scenario is that they would be like us, wanting to share ‘the truth’ with us…

A young Baptist girl once said to me, “why should I let you live a lie!” It was about the most frightening thing I have ever heard from a 16 Year old.

The good side…stars are so far apart I don’t think we’ll ever cross the gaps. So contsct woulf be centuries long radio communications. God was very smart to separate the stars and set a speed limit in space!
Sounds interesting to me. Also sounds like we have much more chance of blowing ourselves up first with nukes than we do of this actually happening any time in our lifetimes.

I could not care less what Stephen Hawking thinks about anything.
Look at all the problems we have in accepting different races, there is no way we are ready for something this different.

Not to mention, whenever 2 different civilizations have first met in the past, it usually does not turn out too good for the less advanced race, in the case of advanced aliens coming here, it would be bad for us, if humans reach the necessary technology level and go to their home world first, it would probably not be a good thing for them.
Stephen Hawking? Convinced of that for which no physical evidence exists, while denying Him for Whom there are mountains of evidence?

Well, he may be at odds with himself, as his worries were prophesied 2,000 years ago.

2 Peter 3:12
…waiting for and hastening[a] the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be kindled and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire!
HAHAHAHA! I love this answer!

But to the OP. Make sure you are spiritually prepared…for anything.
No, we are not.

And I for one believe that SETI and any active messaging to aliens should be suppressed at once. Why go looking for our potential enslavers?

Whatever SETI is, it’s not searching for signals from space. Signals we may not be able to interpret at all. This type of equipment could be doing something far more important.

There are no aliens. Not aliens from space anyway.

Whatever SETI is, it’s not searching for signals from space. Signals we may not be able to interpret at all. This type of equipment could be doing something far more important.

There are no aliens. Not aliens from space anyway.

Who called SETI the Silly Effort To Investigate? Always found that appropriate.
As a group we aren’t ready. But I’d say a lot of us as individuals are.

It may not conflict with Catholic teaching, but a lot of faiths aren’t compatible with aliens. Aliens would cause a colossal crisis of faith similar to what the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Movie Universe should face.
As a group we aren’t ready. But I’d say a lot of us as individuals are.

It may not conflict with Catholic teaching, but a lot of faiths aren’t compatible with aliens. Aliens would cause a colossal crisis of faith similar to what the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Movie Universe should face.
I’m with you. As a long-time sci-fi reader, I have always found First Contact stories to be particularly interesting, and that topic was a significant part of the novel that I wrote. As an individual, I consider myself ready for First Contact, and as a linguist I would love to be in the group establishing communications. But I don’t think that we as a race are prepared; at the very least there would be a major run on toilet paper.
Me to. Could you imagine walking out your front door, looking up, and seeing a gigantic spaceship. First contact would be very weird.
They might be good aliens. It could be that they need a place to stay and are wiling to share technology for a slice of the american pie.
One foot wrong, one wrong word, one false move, and we have a galactic war on our hands. And you can imagine some idiot pulling his pants down and mooning the aliens. As soon as that happens its over.
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To construct the ships and come up with the technology to cross the gulf of space they would most likely be advanced thinkers too. When they observe the cacophany of humanity, they will probably mark earth ‘too primitive to contact’ … Or maybe they already did!
All in all, yes. At least Western Culture is ready. Most of us have been reading or watching Sci Fi books and movies for years. The real question is will it happen. I doubt it. But if it does I don’t think they will be a threat. Any civilization that would be able to travel among the stars will no doubt have an abundance of resources already.
But demons can still assume forms, ideas, attractions, all in order to deceive us into grasping onto something we think is good from mere appearance.
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