I love all of you

I feel as though I’m in Heaven with all my fellow bookworms. I love to read, absolutely love to read, ever since I was little. I was tall for my age, nerdy, thick glasses ( I heard somewhere that nearsighted people are very intelligent

) Anyway, I used to just love to go to the library and walk home through the streets of New York City with my books. Books like The Secret Garden, The Red Balloon, The Five Chinese Brothers And How They Grew, Jane Eyre, Anne of Green Gables, etc. As an adult, I now read mostly Catholic books of which there are so many I’d have to live to 100 to read them all. But I’m currently rereading Veritatis Splendor by our beloved late pope John Paul II the Great and Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Peter Kreeft, whom I love (He seems to be one of the few orthodox professors at Boston College, but that’s for another thread). I don’t really have time to read secular novels,even the highbrow ones, but I do like Toni Morrison, and I did my Master’s Thesis on The Bluest Eye if anyone of you have ever read that novel. Very poignant, very painful. But I love to read, including magazines. I’m very eclectic, so I’ll read everything from Ebony to First Things, to Family Circle to Pastoral&Homiletic Review. For me the ultimate in indulgence is to find a cozy corner, open by book du jour, and lose myself between its pages, oblivious to my surroundings.And as far as books are concerned, I have hundreds, including my undergrad and graduate textbooks,and I’m very territorial about them. I don’t like to lend them out. I know that’s selfish, but they’re MINE, and I can’t bear to part with them. Plus, I buy books all the time, with the full intent of reading them, but I can’t get around to them as quickly as I’d like. Currently, I’m on a tear, buying all of the then Cardinal Ratzinger’s books i.e. The Ratzinger Report,and Salt of the Earth. Ignatius Press is my friend, and I actually get a thrill when a new book is delivered to my home. But all that to say, Yes, I am a bookworm,and darn proud of it