Are you going to a fish fry?

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We always went to fish fries before moving and I can’t seem to find any here. What is your parish tradition? Do they serve something other than fish? Do they have games or entertainment? Tell me all about it so I can live vicariously through someone!
The fish fry, a Catholic institution! 😉 Where the Season of Fasting meets All You Can Eat For A Good Cause!😉

My dearest friend in the whole wide world hates fish. Her husband is a Knight, though, so off to the fish fry in their area of Texas at the Holy Family KC Hall. They have cole slaw, potato salad, DESSERTS galore, sweet tea, rolls, hush puppies, along with the fish- and carry-outs. If you stay, they have a bar.

Closer to home, St. Joseph in Joliet always has a big fish fry. Fish, cole slaw, roll, butter, slovenian desserts, pul tabs, raffle.

Nearby Plainfield has Good Shepherd Council KCs at St. Mary Immaculate serving in addition to cod and cole slaw: Grilled cheese, cheese pizza, shrimp, fries, a baked potato, rolls, desserts. There will be a split-the-pot raffle (one of my fav raffles).

St. Therese in Aurora has a dandy fish fry with a Latin flavor.

Our parish does not have a fish fry. I don’t know why. We do have some powerful boy scout spaghetti dinners and pancake breakfasts, though.
Ooh I’m jealous. You know, I don’t even like fish, I just like fish fries.😃
My husband and I actually went to our parish’s fish fry tonight! They had the options of fish, shrimp, and pizza. I chose the pizza since I’m pregnant (and not a HUGE fan of seafood anyway). It was delicious and it was so fun to be around all these families!
Our parish (along with several others in the city) supports a Knights of Columbus hall, and we’ve found that their fish fry is definitely worth a visit. We ate there last St. Patrick’s Day, and not only did they serve up good fish and chips, coleslaw, and fresh rolls, but they had Guinness at the bar. 👍

We’re planning to stop in there at least once this year.
I’ve never heard of any fish fries around here – too bad, because it sounds great!
After the Stations of the Cross we had a get together in the Parish Hall where we had rice, beans, and cornbread. It was wonderful. There were some garnishings such as homemade salsa, etc. For the very little money spent on the event, we had a lot of good food and fellowship.
I’m wondering if it’s more of a midwestern tradition. It really is too bad because at least at our former parish, it was a good money maker, plus an excellent social activity! Well, once I have a new home, maybe I can convince my new parish to start a new tradition!
I’m wondering if it’s more of a midwestern tradition. It really is too bad because at least at our former parish, it was a good money maker, plus an excellent social activity! Well, once I have a new home, maybe I can convince my new parish to start a new tradition!
We have fish fries here where I am from in NY. Went last night. Yuuuummmmmo. Though I opted for the rice instead of the fries.

Fish Fri Friday is always a big night out around town.
My parish has fish frys during Lent that also serve as a fund raiser. And one can eat in or take out. I can’t remember if they have delivery. But I got take-out last night; two big walley fillets, mashed potatoes with white gravy, peas and carrots, bread, coleslaw.

Next week the sides are baked potato and corn! Yummm!
These ‘all you can eat’ events on Fridays, especially during Lent, contradict the meaning of fasting.

I can see it now…Our Lord in the desert for forty days with nothing to sustain Him but prayer, a bit of water, some bread and the ‘All you can eat’ Friday fish fry 😃
We went to our parish’s KofC fish fry last night. It is not an all you can eat event, and I would rate the food as not too terrible. The company is what makes it a not to be missed event. Plus, it is a fundraiser for the teens in the confirmation program who go down to Mexico during their spring break to build houses. So, the turn out is always good.

They serve fish, baked potatoes, corn, coleslaw, and a dinner roll. There are grilled cheese sandwiches for those who don’t want fish. There was ice cream and cookies for dessert. Most people skipped dessert. I went with my youngest two boys (4 and 6) and the next door neighbor boy (7).

There really is no entertainment during the dinner, but you can stay for Stations of the Cross after dinner. We didn’t do that as my 4 year old was kind of wound up.
I have never been to a fish fry, I honestly didn’t know what one was until. They sound fun. I wonder is it a region thing? I never hear of any of the Catholic Churches around here have them.
I have never been to a fish fry, I honestly didn’t know what one was until. They sound fun. I wonder is it a region thing? I never hear of any of the Catholic Churches around here have them.
Depends if you are in the north end of CA or the south end. Northern CA is like a whole 'nother country.

If you are, here’s a really good fish fry. We are related to several of the Knights in this council:
And near Modesto:
And if you live near San Diego, try:
There’s even one in Orange: (scroll down a bit)
I know some of the other parishes around here have a fish fry most weeks during Lent. Our parish has a soup supper (to be followed later by Stations of the Cross.)
These ‘all you can eat’ events on Fridays, especially during Lent, contradict the meaning of fasting.

I can see it now…Our Lord in the desert for forty days with nothing to sustain Him but prayer, a bit of water, some bread and the ‘All you can eat’ Friday fish fry 😃
Awww…I think fasting has made you cranky. I think I have part of the fillet leftover in the fridge (my cats loooooove KofC fish fillets). I’ll share?
These ‘all you can eat’ events on Fridays, especially during Lent, contradict the meaning of fasting.

I can see it now…Our Lord in the desert for forty days with nothing to sustain Him but prayer, a bit of water, some bread and the ‘All you can eat’ Friday fish fry 😃
The Latin of us are only bound to abstain on Friday. Fasting is ::burp:: optional, excepting Good Friday.

To be fair, not all of them are AYCE. Some are preportioned, and it would take a few plates @ $6-8 each to consider it not a fast. Some are “All You Care to Eat” but with some bill of fare, most learn their lesson quickly.😉
Awww…I think fasting has made you cranky. I think I have part of the fillet leftover in the fridge (my cats loooooove KofC fish fillets). I’ll share?
I will admit to being something of a cumudgeon about this, and yes, I cheat. :D:D:D I love fish.

I can assure you there were times when I ate like a pig on Fridays, but it was fish!

BTW, I was a member of the St Therese parish in Aurora Illinois that OutinChgoburbs mentions above, I was there for seven years under a father Campbell, a tough priest from the missions in Peru in a tough Hispanic neighborhood. He was so tough he could eat glass. I think we may have been one of the few Anglo families in the parish at the time, but I loved it there. I can’t believe father Campbell would have gone for a fish fry, but they really needed a way to pay for those new Lexan windows…

I digress…

Anyway, I want us all to restore our sense of the sacred in the church traditions. There is a reason for these practices, Including the LOTH, the fasts, the pious devotions, all of it. It really isn’t about food after all, it has more to do with our beliefs, our values, our mindset and how we live these out. Our way of life.

I came across a quote from third Isaiah just today, and I thought it was suitable to repeat here.

** Thus says the Lord GOD:
Cry out full-throated and unsparingly,
lift up your voice like a trumpet blast;
Tell my people their wickedness,
and the house of Jacob their sins.
They seek me day after day,
and desire to know my ways,
Like a nation that has done what is just
and not abandoned the law of their God;
They ask me to declare what is due them,
pleased to gain access to God.
“Why do we fast, and you do not see it?
afflict ourselves, and you take no note of it?”

Lo, on your fast day you carry out your own pursuits,
and drive all your laborers.
Yes, your fast ends in quarreling and fighting,
striking with wicked claw.
Would that today you might fast
so as to make your voice heard on high!
Is this the manner of fasting I wish,
of keeping a day of penance:
That a man bow his head like a reed
and lie in sackcloth and ashes?
Do you call this a fast,
a day acceptable to the LORD?
This, rather, is the fasting that I wish:
releasing those bound unjustly,
untying the thongs of the yoke;
Setting free the oppressed,
breaking every yoke;
Sharing your bread with the hungry,
sheltering the oppressed and the homeless;
Clothing the naked when you see them,
and not turning your back on your own.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your wound shall quickly be healed;
Your vindication shall go before you,
and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer,
you shall cry for help, and he will say: Here I am!**
*Is 58:1-9

A fish fry was my VERY FIRST experience of Holy Mother Church! I was four or five and my Baptist grandparents took me down the road to Saint Martin’s Catholic Church in Talty, Texas (originally known as “Irish Ridge”) for the fish fry. I can remember everyone making the sign of the Cross.
Every Friday during Lent, our parish has a fish fry. They serve approx. 900 people every week. They do serve take out, too, if anyone wants me to send them a care package!😃
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