Are you going to a fish fry?

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Depends if you are in the north end of CA or the south end. Northern CA is like a whole 'nother country.

If you are, here’s a really good fish fry. We are related to several of the Knights in this council:
And near Modesto:
And if you live near San Diego, try:
There’s even one in Orange: (scroll down a bit)
I am a Northern girl 😉 I live right outside Sacramento. Now what do ya by it being a totally different country up here? 🙂
…BTW, I was a member of the St Therese parish in Aurora Illinois that OutinChgoburbs mentions above, I was there for seven years under a father Campbell, a tough priest from the missions in Peru in a tough Hispanic neighborhood…
Father Miller is the current pastor. And the KCs put in the fish fry before Father Mike came, along with the electric sign on the parish center/ school. Maybe Sister Kathleen brought the idea with her when she took over the school.

We’re down the road and over a bit, our parish; and not St. Nicholas/ Romero School.
I am a Northern girl 😉 I live right outside Sacramento. Now what do ya by it being a totally different country up here? 🙂
I love Northern California!!! I like almost every part of it, except Vallejo. And my husband is a California boy, and was raised in Vallejo (He’s not fond of it either).

It’s Southern California that is not exactly to my liking.
It’s Southern California that is not exactly to my liking.
I grew up in Northern California, but find I really prefer Southern California. It’s not nearly as liberal. Most people here are laid-back AND sensible.
I love Northern California!!! I like almost every part of it, except Vallejo. And my husband is a California boy, and was raised in Vallejo (He’s not fond of it either).

It’s Southern California that is not exactly to my liking.
Oh, I was born in Vallejo but we moved when I two, I’m glad we did 🙂 I grew up in Sacramento. My brother and sister moved down in So. Cal though, I miss them 😦 There in OC. But I do love visiting, just not sure I’d be happy down there.
Oh, I was born in Vallejo but we moved when I two, I’m glad we did 🙂 I grew up in Sacramento. My brother and sister moved down in So. Cal though, I miss them 😦 There in OC. But I do love visiting, just not sure I’d be happy down there.
Well if you have transportation, PM me and we will find you a fish fry for next Friday!!!
I never went to a church fish fry, but when I was young, my family would get together with other homeschooling families and fry fish. it was lots of fun.
The Fatima Shrine in Lewiston, NY is really great. I made a pilgrimage out there Friday and ordered a fish fry for my son and me to go. As I sat in the dining room I felt like a little piece of heavan was mine. The cafeteria is so old fashioned and yet modern at the same time. The whole side of the dining room overlooks the grounds with all the statues and the domed church with Our Blessed Mother ontop of the world (the domed roof).
Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Lewiston, NY
I think some parishes just don’t have people willing to do the organizing, cooking and cleaning in order to have a fish fry. A friend from St. Louis was shocked that my parish could pull it off. Her parish has trouble getting even one done during Lent.

My parish has a banging fish fry every Friday during Lent as a fundraiser for our Lifeteen mission trip to Mexico. The teens bus the tables, help serve and carry your tray from the kitchen to the dining room for extra “tips.” Various ministries from the parish take turns being the kitchen help each week. Plus there is a fish fry committee that gets all the rest of us organized and keeps track of the equipment and supplies.

The featured menu item has been fish tacos for several years plus other non-meat items like salads and pasta. Everything is tasty without being extravagant. It is mainly about the fellowship.
I’m going to my first fish fry this Friday after Stations of the Cross. Our KofC puts this event on every Friday in Lent for as long as I can remember, and I understand that these meals are pretty good.

Can’t wait to try it!👍
We always went to fish fries before moving and I can’t seem to find any here. What is your parish tradition? Do they serve something other than fish? Do they have games or entertainment? Tell me all about it so I can live vicariously through someone!
Every Friday night the Knights of Columbus put on some sort of fish dinner for the parish…Fish Fry, Shrimp Dinner, Crab Feed…our pastor says we should all feel a little guilty because Lent at St. Jospeh’s is so much FUN :dancing: .
Our parish has a fish fry every Friday during Lent–we even have a practice fish fry the Friday before Ash Wednesday as a trial run! I have a number of non-Catholic friends who look forward to Lent so they can get our fish! 😃
Well if you have transportation, PM me and we will find you a fish fry for next Friday!!!
Thanks! I do have a car yes 🙂 but it would be odd to just drop in on some parish not knowing anyone. Feel free to PM me 😉

sorry I was off line all day yesterday so I missed this post.
Our parish has a fish fry every Friday during Lent–we even have a practice fish fry the Friday before Ash Wednesday as a trial run! I have a number of non-Catholic friends who look forward to Lent so they can get our fish! 😃
A practice fish fry. Our Knights of Columbus should have thought about that last year when they scheduled a fish fry for the Friday before Lent. Evidently the man who set the date didn’t realize that Lent is different every year and set last year’s dates based on a 2005 calendar. They went ahead with his schedule since they had already advertised. Everyone thought it was pretty funny.
Mmmm…our dinner tonight was take–out from the Knights’ fish fry. Thank goodness they have a take-out table, because we were tired and hungry, and the hall was jam-packed…
Still jealous here… We still haven’t found any fish fries and had eggs, toast and hashbrowns at a little diner.

I don’t know where you live, but does your diocese have a newsletter? The Archdiocese of Detroit compiles a list of parishes and organizations hosting fish fries and prints them in the weekly newspaper throughout Lent. Maybe there’s something similar in your area.
I’m sad to say that there is a newspaper- well, I’m not sad abou that part- and there are no fish fries listed. I’ve even asked around and no one I’ve met has even HEARD of fish fries.
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