The only time my husband and I got the flu shot was the only time we have ever gotten the flu.
No. No one in our house is going to get one.
No. No one in our house is going to get one.
Wow, actually you just made me feel so much better. I have been sick seemingly non-stop since I got pregnant. I think a lot of it was exacerbated by the nausea and vomiting daily, but I have had this cold on and off for nearly seven weeks. I thought I was done a few days ago, but just last night I was coughing and wheezing and doing it all day again today. I’ve been to three checkups for it and I’ve been given more inhalers and prescription cough syrup but I’m tired of drowning in Tylenol and being told all of this is fine for the baby. I called the doctor this morning and they are supposed to return my call and tell me if I should try an antibiotic yet. I worry about that for the baby too… I’ve never had a respiratory issue during summer, it’s almost always fall and winter for me.Me too. I’ve enver had the shot before. I’ve had the same experience as you, knowing people who get the flu within days of the shot. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, I’ll probably be getting the shot this year. My immune system has NOT been the same since I’ve been pregnant. 2 colds, a sinus infection, and a respiratory infection since May.
So very sorry for your loss…and encouraged to hear you are now expecting. Thank you for sharing this story…there are so many points of information that are not always connected for us as consumers. At the same time there may have been no cause & effect between your shot and miscarriage, but it is something for every pregnant consumer to consider.Two years ago I was 14 weeks pregnant and got a flu shot. The next week I went in for a routine OB checkup and found out the baby had recently died. I miscarried a seemingly perfecly formed baby boy. It was devastating. I may be completely off base but all I can think of is the flu shot because of the timing. My dr. says it had nothing to do with it. On the other hand, the miscarriage was not reported to the agency that handles the flu shot so how do they know how often it happens?
I’m sure for most people the shot would be fine. I am currently 29 weeks pregnant and will NOT be getting a flu shot until the baby is born.