Are You Humble?

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The Tempter it seems can walk around dressed up in white and seeming gentle as a dove.😛

PS. I am joking!!! Nobody shoot me.

Wouldn’t true humility be to see yourself as you truly are? If you are in fact fairly gifted that way, wouldn’t it be the most humble to simply recognize this fact and not get all twisted up in false prideful denial of what is? Seeing yourself as you truly are understands that God made you, for example, and acknowledges the debt to him.
The Tempter it seems can walk around dressed up in white and seeming gentle as a dove.😛

PS. I am joking!!! Nobody shoot me.

Wouldn’t true humility be to see yourself as you truly are? If you are in fact fairly gifted that way, wouldn’t it be the most humble to simply recognize this fact and not get all twisted up in false prideful denial of what is? Seeing yourself as you truly are understands that God made you, for example, and acknowledges the debt to him.
That has happened to me only once…and believe me it was a very humbling experience…I really felt like a worm…:eek:
The Tempter it seems can walk around dressed up in white and seeming gentle as a dove.😛

PS. I am joking!!! Nobody shoot me.

Wouldn’t true humility be to see yourself as you truly are? If you are in fact fairly gifted that way, wouldn’t it be the most humble to simply recognize this fact and not get all twisted up in false prideful denial of what is? Seeing yourself as you truly are understands that God made you, for example, and acknowledges the debt to him.
I believe that this would be only the first step…Our Lady even declared herself as humble in her canticle.

But humility goes beyond any of this. One thing would be to not retort when someone insults you. Just like Jesus…:eek:

Not even to defend oneself in opposition just like Jesus.:eek:

To bless those who curse you , who revile you, who persecute you …just like Jesus.:eek:

To be able to forgive sincerely your greatest enemy for whatever reason.:eek:

The list goes on…

“Oh, Lord it’s hard to be humble… when I’m perfect in every way…”:whistle: To answer your question… I definitly am not!😃


Your poll is intriguing but you need to add one more choice to your list. Try: “Yes, I am humble because that’s a virtue!” 😃 😃 😃
I need work in this dept.
I remember,to my surprise,an educated, atheistic,TV Chat Show Host,Michael Parkinson,discussing humility with a guest.Parkinson associated being humble with being of a poor background.The guest correctly pointed out its true meaning.
Lacking humility is not just about thinking you are better than you really are.It is also about refusing to take on a task which you are capable of,in case you mess up and get laughed at.
Unfortunately, I’m plagued by egotistical thoughts, feelings, and motivations a lot of the time. 😦
If I were adequately humble, I wouldn’t feel the need to answer this thread.

St. Benedict has 12 different levels/steps of humility in The Rule. These were written for monasteries, but can be applied to our lives as well. I’ll let you know if I ever complete the 1st step 🙂 . Pretty hard reading for a salesman…

I can only give brief excerpts, as they are very involved:

1 - “that a man keeps the fear of God always *before his eyes *(Ps 35[36]:2) and never forgets it…While he guards himself at every moment from sins and vices of thought or tongue, of hand or foot, of self-will or bodily desire, let him recall that he is always seen by God in heaven, that his actions everywhere are in God’s sight and are reported by angels at every hour.”

2 - “that a man loves not his own will nor takes pleasure in the satisfaction of his desires; rather he shall imitate by his actions that saying of the Lord: *I have come not to my own will, but the will of him who sent me *(John 6:38).”

3 - “that a man submits to his superior in all obedience for the love of God, imitating the Lord of whom the Apostle says: *He became obedient even to death *(Phil 2:8).”

4 - “that in this obedience under difficult, unfavorable or even unjust conditions, his heart quietly embraces suffering and endures it without weakening or seeking escape.”

5 - “that a man does not conceal from his abbot (spiritual director, confessor - rlg) any sinful thoughts entering his heart, or any wrongs committed in secret, but rather confesses them humbly.”

6 - “content with the lowest and most menial treatment, and regards himself as a poor and worthless workman in whatever task he is given.”

7- “not only admits with his tongue but is also convinced in his heart that he is inferior to all and of less value, humbling himself and saying with the Prophet: *I am truly a worm, not a man, scorned by men and depsised by the people *(Ps 21[22]:7)”

8 - “does what is endorsed by the…example set by his superiors.”

9 - “controls his tongue and remains silent, not speaking unless asked a question, for Scripture warns, *In a flood of words you will not avoid sinning *(Prov 10:19)”

10 - “not given to ready laughter, for it is written: *Only a fool raises his voice in laughter *(Sir 21:23)”

11 - “speaks gently and without laughter, seriously and with becoming modesty, briefly and reasonably, but without raising his voice, as it is written: ‘A wise man is known by his few words.’”

12 - “always manifests humility in his bearing no less than in his heart, so that it is evident…anywhere. Whether he sits, walks or stand, his head must be bowed and his eyes cast down. Judging himself always guilty on account of his sins, he should consider that he is already at the fearful judgement and constantly say in his heart what the publican in the Gospel said with downcast eyes: *Lord, I am a sinner, not worthy to look up to heaven *(Luke 18:13)”
My Dear Friends,Humility!!! be Humble!!!. It is necessary that we conform our lives to this Vritue!!, Pride it’s opposite virtue, or vice, sadly to say, becomes a stumbling block for those who are growing, indeed who are growing fast in the faith!! Unfortunately i find myself going to the Preist regularly with this very struggle “To those who have been given more, much more will required” We must practice humility day in and day out. CONDITION YOURSELVES!!! in humility,
Fr. John Corapi SOLT:
“There was never a saint who went to heaven because of what he knew, but for the things that he did!!”
These are very wise words, indeed there are those who will cry “Lord, Lord!!”, but as it says in Mt. VII: XXI -XXIII, 21 **Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
**He didn’t say those who hear my word! He didn’t say those who have faith in my word, No, he said those
Holy Scripture:
*who do!!, who keep!!**… ***Dear friends!!! these are adjectives, they involve action!!! not merely knowledge of them!!!
I once thought I had conquered my pride. . .

. . . and then I realized I was taking pride in my new found humility.

I tried to conquer that, only to realize that I was taking pride in the fact that I was trying to conquer my pride in being humble.

And so the cycle continues, working ever deeper into my soul, as God reveals to me just how much pride is ingrained into my heart.

I think that true humility is considering yourself as you truly are – no more, no less.

One’s identity can only be really understood in the context of God.
In nomine Jesu I offer you peace,

I am not as humble as I think I am.

Peace, Love and Blessings,
What I heard on EWTN a couple weeks ago (can’t remember which priest said it) - ''humility, once you realize you have it, you’ve lost it".
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