Are You Humble?

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Isn’t humility a grace and thus a gift from God? All I do is pray to the Holy Spirit to dispense with the amount and when to do it.
I,m working on it. 😉 The more I become Christlike,the more humble I will be. 👍 God Bless
Are you humble??? 😃
Why does this poll remind me of the old Mac Davis song “It’s Hard to Be Humble” which has the phrase:“Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in so many ways”:bigyikes:

Sean.McKenzie said:
21*** Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Sean…if you are talking about humility here, well, it has been my experience that when we truly desire humility, the Lord will provide many oppurtunities to practice…and practice…and practice.

Sean…if you are talking about humility here, well, it has been my experience that when we truly desire humility, the Lord will provide many oppurtunities to practice…and practice…and practice.

the meaning of that quote was to show it’s (humility) opposite, as opposed to virtue this would be it’s vice! This is in response to Pride. Pride is th opposite of Humility!! so that quote is just showing whatr comes out of Pride or what it is relative to. Kinda threw in a little apologetics!!😉
After debating inmy mind the answer to your poll, I decided that I will always look to WhiteDove as my model of humility.
After debating inmy mind the answer to your poll, I decided that I will always look to WhiteDove as my model of humility.
:o LOL, Newton you are so sweet! How is the baby doing???
WhiteDove said:
:o LOL, Newton you are so sweet! How is the baby doing???

Beautiful, of course. Growing fast. I hope to have him online and posting by next week.
Wouldn’t true humility be to see yourself as you truly are? If you are in fact fairly gifted that way, wouldn’t it be the most humble to simply recognize this fact and not get all twisted up in false prideful denial of what is? Seeing yourself as you truly are understands that God made you, for example, and acknowledges the debt to him.
I’ve had a few experiences where it seemed like God was showing me parts of myself I’d never seen before. It was really humbling. I’d asked Him to show me where I was falling short, but when He answered my prayer, my first impulse wasn’t to thank Him, because it wasn’t pretty. In the midst of one such experience, ironically dealing with my struggle with pride, I realized that I was actually starting to experience pride in having such insight into having pride! I had to laugh at myself because it was so ridiculous. I’m still struggling with pride, but it seems like I am less proud now than I was a month ago. At least I hope so; I’m sure God could at any time show me just how much farther I have to go…
Jesus spoke to me once and told me “All glory and honor belongs to me not you.” He let me
know that I was taking the glory for what He was doing through me. I cried for three days.

I needed to learn that if I had something to be proud of it came from Him, and I needed to make sure Jesus got the glory and honor not me.
I picked “yes isn’t it obvious?” I will be competing with Dr. Ray for the Radio Renaissance Man of Year. So of course I’m humble. Geez! 😃 😉 :rotfl:
I thought I was humble but really began the process toward humility when our 1st child was born. I had no idea how to handle a colicky infant so prayed constantly, and of course now that they’re older I’m a source of great embarassment. And I used to think I was cool & had it all together.

Ahhh, Children - God’s great humblers.
I wish I knew how I could be more humble (does this ever sound so conceited) and I wish I knew what I needed to work on.

I know I have a lot of faults, and I know I have been blessed in many ways. I usually do not talk about myself in any context, but when asked, I can be very proud of what God has given me, especially if the topic gets around to kids.

I know everything I am and everything I have comes from God. He could have easily given my talents and my good fortune to anyone. I could easily be the bum on the street or the local drug addict.

Of course, He could have given my the winning lottery tickets a while back or He could have made me the son of some billionaire too or given me the kindly heart of a St Vincent de Paul or the saintly disposition of some other saint.

Overall, I can’t complain. I’m happy to be who I am. As St. Francis says, Lord, don’t make me pure,… yet
In the words of the old country song…“Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way”
I’m so humble that when I look into a mirror, nobody looks back. Or maybe I’m a vampire?
I try to be humble every time I concentrate on it. I have so much to be thankful for, especially for forgiveness. I also have so much that I need.

I am constantly reminded of my weakness and of His greatness.
I think anyone who has reached any age at all probably errs on the side of humble! Life certainly has a way of keeping me humble through one thing or another!

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