Are you involved in your church?

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Started out in RCIA in 2005, going through the program.

Then went into Christ Renews His Parish formation and sponsored someone for RCIA the first year after my confirmation & first communion.

I just joined the Catholics returning home program as a facilitator aiding our Deacon.

I am also going back to RCIA as a facilitaor this fall.
Yes! I love being Catholic. 🙂 I make one-decade rosaries and give them away; I gave a bunch to our new RCIA leader and a bunch to our parish secretary to put out for people to use during Adoration. 👍

Tiber Swim Team, Class of '06
Choir member, cantor, sometime music director, Men’s club (social organization that does community service and fellowship - very busy after Katrina), Knights of Columbus - prayer and fellowship, assist with church school sports and athletics. Wife in Catholic Daughters and assists with school activities. We love it. The family that prays together - stays together. Oldest son is an Altar Server for 7 years. Younger son may start soon.

Seek out those areas that interest you. Good Luck.
I am starting up again Lectio Divina in our parish and am going to help with RCIA (possibly present?) when it starts a new season. I am considering becoming a permanent deacon, but it looks like I’ll be starting a law course in autumn so might have to put that back…
I’m involved in my church. Most importantly as an EMHC at 1pm mass. This is the most appathetic mass out of all five masses and I’m getting tired of serving communion EVERY Sunday. I’d love to go to 11am mass to see the children (and I do).

I’d just like a sign that it is appreciated.
I’d just like a sign that it is appreciated.
[SIGN] It’s Appreciated! 😛 [/SIGN]

I’m starting to get involved in my parish. From what we heard at our Ministry Night in RCIA, the most overworked ministries (with the oldest ladies running them) are the CCD and VBS, so I signed up to help in CCD and am going to be taking on 5th Grade after I go through my training and such. I also want to join the lay Dominicans, but can’t start my initiation process until after I’ve been fully Catholic for 2 years, so I’ll just be attending meetings till then. I’m debating whether to help in the Inquiry for RCIA too.
I am starting up again Lectio Divina in our parish and am going to help with RCIA (possibly present?) when it starts a new season. I am considering becoming a permanent deacon, but it looks like I’ll be starting a law course in autumn so might have to put that back…
That is great! 👍 Best wishes in law school, and may God bless you as you discern your vocation. I will keep you in my prayers. :gopray2: :heaven:
I started out being active since 3rd grade, helping out around the parish and convent. I became an altar server, choir member, usher, St.Vincent DePaul member, Holy Name Member, lector, Extraordinary Eucharistic minister…then I became a deacon.

Among my usual duties as a deacon, My wife and I teach baptism classes and do marriage prep at two parishes. I am the chaplain of our Teen club and also volunteer at my local crisis’ centers. Our lives are very busy but fulfilling.

Our sons have become somewhat active especially when they are asked. God is good!
Music ministry, member of our parish council, bible study, Filipino-American group that performs service projects around the community.

I would like to teach CCD again after I complete my college degree next year. I’m also thinking about finding out how to become the head of youth ministry.
I certainly can feel the call to be more involved, but I just recently arrived to this country and parish… I am extremely shy about just turning up and joining a group, although I would love to join the Legion of Mary (for the second time in my life). Anybody with a similar “to-jump-or-not-to-jump” scruple?? I’m so afraid of being too “forward” or barging in somewhere where nobody knows me.
That is great! 👍 Best wishes in law school, and may God bless you as you discern your vocation. I will keep you in my prayers. :gopray2: :heaven:
my first Lectio Divina was Thurs night, and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be - specifically keeping people from wandering off topic! Catherine and Anita helped a lot tho, they are total troopers and helped out at RCIA as well.
I certainly can feel the call to be more involved, but I just recently arrived to this country and parish… I am extremely shy about just turning up and joining a group, although I would love to join the Legion of Mary (for the second time in my life). Anybody with a similar “to-jump-or-not-to-jump” scruple?? I’m so afraid of being too “forward” or barging in somewhere where nobody knows me.
in my experience this is nevera problem. he people who are involved want more people, more help, new f riends, (sometimes) new ideas. My wife and I are involved with CCD because welove the parish and after we moved here 12 years ago we wanted to feel like we belonged. getting involved made us part of the community.
My first realization that I want to involve in the church when I was 12, and I joined the choir at 13.
Since then:
-Sunday class - kindergarten and gr 1 and lately, gr 7 teacher
-choir member since 1980~
-Eucharist Youth Movement - leader 1984~1986
-Catholic Boy Scout 1985~1988
-PassOver Youth group 1987~2001
-occasional lector
-Legion of Mary 2006~
-RCIA 2007~

and now I want to start a Bible study for the youth group.

As I mature in life and in faith, some activities appealed to me more and helped me in my journey at that particular time. I realized that there is no “one-size-fits-all” and that activity is the proper one for me at that time.
Looking back, I learned many things, good and bad, all help to shape me and strengthen my faith.
I can only hope that God and Mary will grant me the grace to carry out these tasks faithfully.

I started out being active since 3rd grade, helping out around the parish and convent. I became an altar server, choir member, usher, St.Vincent DePaul member, Holy Name Member, lector, Extraordinary Eucharistic minister…then I became a deacon.

Among my usual duties as a deacon, My wife and I teach baptism classes and do marriage prep at two parishes. I am the chaplain of our Teen club and also volunteer at my local crisis’ centers. Our lives are very busy but fulfilling.

Our sons have become somewhat active especially when they are asked. God is good!
This is wonderful. God bless you in your vocation. :blessyou:
my first Lectio Divina was Thurs night, and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be - specifically keeping people from wandering off topic! Catherine and Anita helped a lot tho, they are total troopers and helped out at RCIA as well.
That is nice that your parish has Lectio Divina. I would like to try it, but neither my parish nor any nearby have it.
OK, I admit it. I am not.

I don’t even know why. We are personal friends with our priest, have him over for dinner, picnics, go out to dinner with him, etc. But we are not involved other than the fact that my daughter is an alter server.

When she was in the school, we were very involved in the school fund raising, served on school committees, etc. But now I just write a check to the school each month when we get an envelope for the collection basket. My daughter now goes to a different parish’s school because ours is too small to have the “middle school” grades. We are not involved in that parish at all, pay out of parish tuition rates, and don’t volunteer any more than we have to for the school.

I do feel bad about all of it. I actually enjoyed it when we were more involved. Hmmm. Maybe I’m being called?
I teach pre-school Religious Education. Last year was my first year, and I get to do the next school year that starts in the fall. My fiance will also be teaching them with me.

I want to help with RCIA this fall but I’m afraid that I’m going to overload my schedule (this fall also starts my final year of uni course work). I need to keep praying to see what God wants me to do. 🙂
I attend our parish Bible study class and recently became a 1st degree member of the Knights of Columbus. I am now considering attending our Catechism class on Fri. nights.

A little off topic but I like to hear any sugestions on how to get more of our fellow parishioners involved in the Church. We can begin a new thread if you would like.
My husband and I manage our church Gift Shop and I am a member of the Altar Society and Damas of Our Lady of Guadalupe. My husband is President of the Men’s club. The organizations have things all the time. My husband and I both are also involved with our church festival yearly. Also we are in a weekly Bible Study group.
I have Cathehesis for the 6th grade (11y old), deliver Holly Communion in The House of Repose on Sundays, serve at The Youth Ministry Support Team LifeTeen (which practically includes everything from unlocking dors and tiding the floor after to virtual Networking and daily relations to Youth).
Next there is Youth Project METANOIA on Catholic response to social issues which I started and now coordinate to become implemented nationalwide. For this reason I was invited into The National Board for Youth Ministry and there shall be more …
Thanks God for His Call.
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