Are you saved?

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Most of us have been asked a varient of this question. Have you been saved? Are you born again? Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? So what is your response?
If it’s a pretty girl, I answer, “no, I’m available”.
Actually, I haven’t been asked this question in a long time. The easy answer is always “yes, I was saved on Calvary, 2000 years ago”. That, or “buzz off”.
Hello All, I hope you are all well.

The biblical definition of salvation is that it is a process. (in short form) First we are justified by the blood of Christ, Romans 5:9, then we spend a lifetime of overcoming and growing in grace and knowledge, 2 Peter 3:18, and finally when one has endured to the end, then shall he be saved ultimately, Matthew 24:13
I hope this was helpful, take care GED
This question seems to be the newer version of, “If you died right now would you go to heaven?” So, when asked this question, I usually ask them if they mean that old version. My presumption is that they are not out fishing for a conversation about purgatory. Rather, they are fishing for a confidence of some sort. Perhaps also some acknowlegment of Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Ususally they have no interest in a discussion of the Trinity.

I think your average Catholic who isn’t neglecting some big urge to go to confession has the type of confidence they are looking for and sees Jesus in a suitable (to the question) light.

But, they also could be the type that is OSAS, in which case, duck. I hate those conversations. They seem to go nowhere.😦
Most of us have been asked a varient of this question. Have you been saved? Are you born again? Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? So what is your response?

You tell me what a “personal savior” is and I can give an answer. That is not my way of talking.

Have you been saved IS PAST TENSE. What’s it mean? Have some people had an event in which they were saved?:tsktsk:
Saved, being saved, hope by God’s Grace and the Passion, Death, and Resurection of Our Lord Jesus Christ to BE saved. You could all help me with your prayers on that. And Cestusdei, are you not a holy priest? Why, you could offer the best prayer of all for me, couldn’t you? The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!🙂
Yeah boy…If I had a nickle for every time…Caribbean retirement here I come!
This is usually part of what’s called “witnessing” and if it’s in a public place then it’s usually a group out sort of “trolling for souls” so to speak. One on one means ya met 'em at the laundrymat or something.

My answer?
(this is about how they look at me when I answer…)
is about the same as all of yours, though as soon as I say I’m Catholic the begins and I just grin and answer as kindly as I can, having heard all of it before, it becomes (to me) like a first grade catechism class only with more complex answers. 😃

I may just start carrying some of those Grotto Press Catholic tracts in my pocket just for that occasion. Hey St. Francis De Sales guys!
Most of us have been asked a varient of this question. Have you been saved? Are you born again? Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? So what is your response?
I answer “God willing” “Yes Jesus is our Lord and Savior”
Of course I have been saved, I’m a BORN AGAIN CATHOLIC!

Praise God!
Of course I have been saved, I’m a BORN AGAIN CATHOLIC!

Praise God!
Praise God Malachi, I also am a born again catholic[universal]. 😃 God Bless
Yup…at my Baptisim and I’m working out my Salvation in fear and trembling…:bowdown:
I was onced asked this and to tell my conversion story. I explianied I was was born and raised Catholic. The response instantly was that Catholics are sometimes the hardest to convert. I then explained I still am Catholic and she well had no more to say. That story gives me a laugh when I reflect on it. I find it is easier to convince a Protestant that Catholic’s are christians too and impossible to convince a Fundamentalist.
I say, "I am Born Again, Spirit Filled, Bible thumpen, Lord Praising, tongue talken (I am Charismatic Catholic**), Washed in the Blood of the Lamb, Roman Catholic!"**

This usually stops them in their tracks and it gives them enough time to gasp and catch their breaths. I can then either escape or prepare to give a good Catholic teaching. Works for me everytime.
THe question is not answerable…and it is mostly thrown out by Protestants who some how believe that they were born again and accepted Jesus as their personal saviour and therefore they are saved…they can never fall out of a state of grace because they have Faith and believe in Jesus…well you know what I tell them…The Devil has faith and believes in Jesus as well.

Now granted…I am in the process of being saved and my every action will determine whether or not I will be saved once I pass from this world and stand to be judged…if I receive eternal life, then I have been saved…If I receive eternal damnation, then I was not saved…I hope it is the former LOL 🙂

It always irritates me when a Protestant says, I am saved, then ask me if I am…I always reply I am a work in progress because that is the only truth…In a sense, we were saved from eternal damnation by Jesus dying on the cross for us, but eternal life is not guaranteed…our Faith and Actions will determine if we receive that precious gift.
THe question is not answerable…and it is mostly thrown out by Protestants who some how believe that they were born again and accepted Jesus as their personal saviour and therefore they are saved
Salvation is an event that can only occur at death.

The prot dogma of “certainty of having been saved” is an annilation of the Theological virtue of Hope.
For, we do not hope for what we already have, but only that which we have not yet realized (or received).
Therefore the Virtue of Hope is useless after having been saved.
Sins against Hope are:
Card-carrying member:

First Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, Roman synod.


Peace in Christ…Salmon
I’m a sinner for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I repent and continue to repent for my sins. I humble myself and pray before God, I seek His face and turn away from my wicked ways. I believe and was baptised. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I call on Jesus name ceaselessly. Do you think I’m saved?
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