Most of us have been asked a varient of this question. Have you been saved? Are you born again? Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? So what is your response?
Most of us have been asked a varient of this question. Have you been saved? Are you born again? Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? So what is your response?
I answer “God willing” “Yes Jesus is our Lord and Savior”Most of us have been asked a varient of this question. Have you been saved? Are you born again? Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? So what is your response?
Praise God Malachi, I also am a born again catholic[universal].Of course I have been saved, I’m a BORN AGAIN CATHOLIC!
Praise God!
Salvation is an event that can only occur at death.THe question is not answerable…and it is mostly thrown out by Protestants who some how believe that they were born again and accepted Jesus as their personal saviour and therefore they are saved