Are you willing to pay double or higher taxes for Gov single payer health care?
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Insulin is a weird one. Since it’s a biologic, instead of a “simple” chemical ther. Are no generic versions yet. It must be temp controlled along the whole supply line. It is either harvested from animals in specific ways (older types) or made by modified microbes (newer). Animal derived types include risks to be managed and certified against (mad cow anyone). Those from microbes would be a different line of microbes than the original and would have to be certified as a “new” drug incurring r&d costs of a new drug, not generic.I guess that is why the cost of insulin is 10 times
Yes and some sort of reform for malpractice litigation. Some docs pay half their salary for malpractice insurance.I’d much rather see other reforms such as more transparent pricing and incentives to individuals maintaining their health.
But aren’t you glad though that in fact you don’t pay double or more in taxes. You pay about the same (and that includes your health care).As a Canadian, my answer is a resounding YES.
Sounds like you aren’t willing/able to pay more for Govt healthcareAs my husband and I combined pay around $1500 per month right now in premiums, 54% of our gross combined income, yeah the taxes could NOT be any worse.