Arguing human opinions in an of themselves does not get at truth.
Here is a clue as to why there is even an argument regarding
the fundamental Creator given self evident right to life being
over-shadowed by some with more powerful person(s) using
autonomy to extinguish human beings which they cannot disprove
that these boys and girls are human beings.
Every atrocity in history is based upon redefining a group of human beings as expendable, less important, or sub-human.
"Truth is eternal
This dethronement of truth includes several grave errors. First,
there is the error of replacing the never superannuated and Nobel
impact of truth, especially the fundamental metaphysical and religious
truth, with the short-lived sociological efficacy and the historical
fashionableness of an idea.
The eternal unchanging nobility and attraction of truth, of which
St. Augustine says, ‘Quod disiderat anima fortius quam veritatem?’
(What does not our soul desire more than truth?), is no longer
understood. It has been forgotten that compared with this
intrinsic life of truth, the mere sociological reality of an idea is a
one-day fly, un ephemeral being destined to be replaced by other
ideas, other than currents and attitudes, after a longer or shorter
passage of time.
: source: “Trogan Horse in the City of GOD: The Catholic Crisis Explained,” 1993 Printing by Dietrich von Hildebrand, authorized by his wife Alice von Hildebrand with a foreword by John Cardinal O’Connor.
Dietrich & Alice von Hildebrand, even way before the Democratic Social Workers Party joined with other parties showing the monstrous atrocities, and many saw successes such as
jobs, building roads & other things - stood up to the rising regime.
They, by the Divine Favor of GOD saw through the collectivist
community organizing social construction seducing the public all along.
At this time in history, we have a seduced public with powerful oligarchical factions having over the 20th century into the 21st century
in education (using the authority of professors to be thought police, i.e. before a speaker comes with eternal truth announcing that they have counseling in a place of exchange of ideas for the emotional psychological damage possible by exposure to such a person; and other biased techniques being so convinced of human logic ‘being right,’ over Eternal truth), media, and political factions. They are excellent at propaganda that they care about the poor and marginalized with their opponents being heartless.
GOD only knows the end result of the demographics of so many youth and impressionable being seduced, even in the Church, where so many are blinded that unbridled collectivism helps the poor. Bishop Sheen foresaw before 1950 that a so-called new humanitarianism would sweep much of The Church as a counter-Church with way less focus on letting Divine Favor (Grace) help individuals & families grow in virtue. Which makes no sense since these make up the venues of society. Peace.