Ark of the Covenant?

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okay I was chatting online with an old friend and we were discussing the Ark of the Covenant. Of course the friend is a Southern Baptist and his knowledge of Biblical History was learned from misinformed grandparents. So you can understand that we have quite a difference of opinion.

I am quite the book nerd and can find historical, archeological, and scriptural evidence to back up my knowledge. (I am relearning a lot of things as I have been away from the church for a long time and have forgotten a lot of things.) He on the other hand must go and look at scripture only and decide the truth from there.

Now our debate was over the Ark of the Covenant and it’s where abouts. He says that they are in heaven and will be brought down by Angels when Jesus returns. Now my husband who went to Protestant Seminary says that they were just out and out lost in a temple somewhere, but that when Jesus returns he will know where that temple is and open it for himself.

Anyone familiar with this? I have read the archeological and historical findings online, but clueless on this story my friend has been told.
If you friend believes that the Ark of the Covenant is in heaven, then that’s excellent news!! OT scripture tells the Ark was taken by one of the prophets and it’s nowhere to be found.
the NT scriptures tell us its in heaven, 😃 .

Revelation 11:19 - 12:1 reads as follows:

“Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of the covenant was seen within his temple; and there were flashes of lightning, loud noises, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail. And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with a moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”

The Blessed Virgin MAry is true New Ark of the Covenant.

The ark that was built (earthly temple) carried - the Rod of Aaron (symbolizing the high priesthood), manna from heaven and the Ten Commandments (the word of God inscribed [remember, they were written by the finger of God].

Mary (ark in heavenly temple) carried - The true High priest Himself, the True Bread form heaven and The Word of God in Flesh.

Hope that helps 👍
I have heard legends of the Ark (OT) is somewhere in Africa among one of the small Christian communities there. This was in a National Geographic Magazine. Supposedly there is a small village that is suppose to be the protectors of the Ark. Out of the village, there is only 2or 3 people that actually know the location of the Ark. It is a secret that has been handed down for centuries.
No one knows where the AotC is. Some suggest it was srtripped of its (secularly) valuable hardware and then tossed into the Tibor.

Others suggest that it is deep within the holds of the Vatican – along with the menorah and incense table…
I have heard legends of the Ark (OT) is somewhere in Africa among one of the small Christian communities there. This was in a National Geographic Magazine. Supposedly there is a small village that is suppose to be the protectors of the Ark. Out of the village, there is only 2or 3 people that actually know the location of the Ark. It is a secret that has been handed down for centuries.
The Ark in Ethiopis is not big enough to be the original Ark of the Covanant
The OT describes it as being hidden in the cave of a mountain (correct?)
I thought the NT references to the Ark in heaven were actually referring to Mary - the Ark of the New Covenant?
The original Ark contained the Ten Conmmandments, manna from the desert etc. It was the Holy of Holies.
Mary is the Ark of the covanant because she too, contained the holiest of holies - Jesus Christ.
There is a village in Ethiopia that claims to have the Arc of the Covenant. They have something in a small building. A boy is raised from birth to guard the building and that is all that he does. This might be the Arc but I doubt it… There were writings to suggest that a false Arc was made when they last moved it and that this is the false Arc. Who knows… I have never read or heard anything to suggest that it is in heaven.
This must be the one I read about in National Geographic, and the one cmom thinks is too small. I guess they have seen it. I have only read about it.
The Blessed Virgin MAry is true New Ark of the Covenant.

The ark that was built (earthly temple) carried - the Rod of Aaron (symbolizing the high priesthood), manna from heaven and the Ten Commandments (the word of God inscribed [remember, they were written by the finger of God].

Mary (ark in heavenly temple) carried - The true High priest Himself, the True Bread form heaven and The Word of God in Flesh.

Hope that helps 👍
And, don’t forget, no man could touch the Arc, as no man touched the Blessed Virgin.
The following is taken from a book called Catholic for a Reason. It explains in large part why the church refers to Mary as the Ark of the Covenant.



2 Sam 6:2
And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from Baale-judah, to bring up from there the ark of God

Luke 1: 39
In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah

2 Sam 6:9
And David…. said, “How can the ark of the Lord come to me?”
Luke 1: 43.
(and Elizabeth said to Mary) “And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

2 Sam 6:10
David took it [the Ark] aside to the house of Obededom the Gittite.
Luke 1: 40. and she[Mary]entered the house of Zechariah

2 Sam 6:15
So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting
Luke 1:42
and she [Elizabeth] exclaimed with a loud cry,

2 Sam 6: 16
As the ark of the Lord came into the city…Michal saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord;
Luke 1: 41
And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb;

2 Sam 6:11.
And the ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obebedom the Gittite three months;
Luke 1:56
And Mary remained with her [Elizabeth] about three months

2Sam 6:12
So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing;
Luke 1:46-47
And Mary said, "…… and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior

This is the beauty of studying scripture using typology. Tie these verses in with Rev 11:19 through 12:5 and you get a great insight into the church’s teaching on Mary.
The ARK is truly being watched over by a religious order and Crisis magazine did do an article on this.
Who else but the One Church Christ gave us, would have such an important task of watching over this most precious gift from God, Just as Mary herself was protected from original sin by God, so why not the OT ark be watched by His body, the Church He built upon Cephas(kephas).
It seems the greatest art and music ever created in this world came through the Church, and even scripture itself(NT) being written by, for, and canonized by the One Church. Why wouldn’t this same Church be given this task?
Scripture informs us that Jeremiah hid the Ark of the Covenant against invaders (2 Maccabees 2:5-8). Your Baptist friend will probably disregard this since it comes from a deuterocanonical source. Nevertheless, we as Catholics are bound to all of the God inspired Scriptures. God may have taken the Ark from the earth as implied in Psalm 132:8. Jeremiah himself stated that one day the Ark would not be recalled to mind but forgotten (Jeremiah 3:15-18). This may be because the Old Testament figures and types were replaced with New Testament realities that are far more glorious, powerful, and beautiful than the precursors (Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 8:5; 10:1). Indeed, the vision described by John in Revelation 11:19-12:2 of the NT Ark (Our Lady) is far more awesome than the Ark of the OT (Exodus 25 & 37).
So far as I know, the Ethiopians have always claimed to have the Ark, even when they were in communion with Rome, and were Catholic.

I found this sentence of the Crisis article interesting:
“Ethiopians are from the King Solomon dynasty,” the Abba explained. “They will never be colonized as long as they have the Ark.”
Um . . . weren’t the Ethiopians colonized for a short while by Mussolini?
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