I think that is the point that is made in the Catechism. It is not good, nice or in any way desireable, but there are times when good men have to stand up against the tide of violence and protect the innocent & those who are incapable of protecting themselves. They are commisioned to that purpose. I think that anyone would expect that to be the case.
The trouble is as Catholics, we should understand that God’s greatest work was done through surrender, through frailty, through love. Our greatest heros are people like Mother Teresa. We cry out against crimes like abortion. How are we to be heard if our philosophy pro-life is not consistant? If not every life is important? If some life is dispensible???
I am a Catholic and hold that every life from conception through to natural death is precious. However, I think there is a risk on this forum of misunderstanding Catholic beliefs with regard to the use of guns in war and self-defense.
The RCC does not prohibit owning guns.
The RCC does not condemn just wars.
The RCC does not condemn the use of violence, including death, in defense of self or other innocents.
No one ever brings up the tens of thousands of times that guns are used to thwart crime.
Removal of guns from society, as England and Australia are sadly learning, has meant an increase in many kinds of crimes against the person.
From the Austrailian Bureau of Statistics:
In 1996 gun ownership was banned in Australia as a result of an incident in Port Authur where 35 people were shot to death. Since then:
Murder by Firearm as a % of total:
1996 - 17.8%
1997 - 31.7%
1998 - 23.4%
1999 - 18/1%
2000 - 19.0%
2001 - 16.0%
Other weapons:
1995 - 42.6%
1996 - 41.3%
1997 - 49.5%
1998 - 49.1%
1999 - 44.0%
2000 - 40.0%
2001 - 42.8%
Attempted Murder by firearm:
1995 - 26.7%
1996 - 31.0%
1997 - 28.3%
1998 - 19.4%
1999 - 31.5%
2000 - 30.5%
2001 - 28.8%
Murder attempts using other weapons increased from 47.7% to 51.5%.
Assault with firearm:
1995 - 0.7%
1996 - 0.6%
1997 - 0.7.%
1998 - 0.5%
1999 - 0.5%
2000 - 0.6%
2001 - 0.6%
Other weapons to commit assauts increased from 8.8% to 10.6%.
Sexual Assault using firearm
1995 - 0.2%
1996 - 0.1%
1997 - 0.2%
1998 - 0.2%
1999 - 0.2%
2000 - 0.2%
2001 - 0.2%
Kidnapping/abduction using firearm
1995 - 2.8%
1996 - 5.2%
1997 - 3.7%
1998 - 3.9%
1999 - 7.8%
2000 - 7.1%
2001 - 9.1%
It is interesting to note that the use of other weapons to commit this crime rose from 7.8% in 1995 to 12.4% in 2001.
Robbery using firearm
1995 - 10%
1996 - 9.6%
1997 - 10.3%
1998 - 8.0%
1999 - 6.4%
2000 - 5.7%
2001 - 6.3%
It is interesting to note that robberies committed using other weapons increased from 21.6% to 31.1% between 1995 - 2001.
I think the above statistics point to a couple of things:
- The reduction of gun related crime is almost non-existant. Murders by gun may have gone down slightly but other gun related crime rates have remained flat or have increased.
- The use of other weapons to commit crimes has sored.
- Overall crimes against the person have increased across the board.
Statistics in the UK are similar. To me they simply says that the removal of hand guns from society does not reduce crime and may very well provide an incentive to the unlawful to commit crimes. In fact from the statistics I’ve seen communities with concealed carry laws have experienced a reduction in crime, not an increase.
Some famous sayings about the sixgun, “God Created Men But Sam Colt Made 'em Equal” and "Be Not Afraid Of Any Man No Matter What His Size. …
I simply don’t understand why anti-gun people are against a 130 lb person using a gun to protect themselves from a 250 lb assailant using any weapon!
Iowa Mike