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John Chrysostom

Priests have received a power which God
has given neither to angels nor to archangels. It was said to them: “Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose, shall be loosed.” Temporal rulers have indeed the power of binding: but they can only bind the body. Priests, in contrast, can bind with a bond which pertains to the soul itself and transcends the very heavens. Did [God] not give them all the powers of heaven? " Whose sins you shall forgive ," he says, " they are forgiven them; whose sins you shall retain, they are retained ." The Father has given all judgment to the Son. And now I see the Son placing all this power in the hands of men [Matt. 10:40; John 20:21-23]. They are raised to this dignity as if they were already gathered up to heaven ( The Priesthood 3:5 [ A.D. 387 ]).
I would wager he wasn’t speaking to you or people like you. Unless you actually have a question? He even posted it in the non-Catholic section of this very forum. That should say something as to the intention of this “heretic”. Catholics should maybe ask more questions…
I would wager he wasn’t speaking to you or people like you. Unless you actually have a question? He even posted it in the non-Catholic section of this very forum. That should say something as to the intention of this “heretic”. Catholics should maybe ask more questions…
Could be considered ‘harmful to discussion’ Michael 😉
I confess one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church just as you do. I just don’t believe it exists only and exclusively in communion with the Bishop of Rome.
That means the Church Jesus meant is like a union under a Holy Spirit and it doesnt matter if it’s Roman, Lutheran, Evangelical or any other denomination? It is my understanding that anyone can open Church in the name of Jesus and some people do and make money out of it. At what point can we say that some Church is real Church and some is “too much” or not according to Jesus’ teachings?
Amen, though clearly Peter did not build the Church himself.
He did transfer knowledge, before the New Testament was written. We believe Peter went to Rome and died there. I like to think it was all God’s plan. Jerusalem was under the oppression of Rome and now Peter went to Rome and spiritual conquered it and now the Church of Rome is a sign of God’s victory. Reverse. Just my opinion.
Of which all baptized are members.
It is too my knowledge that some Christian Churches don’t baptize. Are they considered or no members of the Jesus’ Church?
Which Protestant? I certainly don’t say that. A Lutheran should never say that. We believe the Church is the congregation of believers where the word is preached and sacraments administered. That happens in the Catholic Church. Human errors in teaching do not interfere with that.
not you, but other Protestants on the internet. If you say no Lutheran should say that then I guess they are members of some other denominations where they are being taught that Roman Catholic Church is sect under the influence of satan. Are those denominations also considered under the Jesus’ Church? If not at what point we can say they are no longer part of Jesus’ Church? If they are then why such an opposite view? Thank you
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Maybe. I at least know that I will never know… the human being is a strange thing indeed.
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Maybe. I at least know that I will never know… the human being is a strange thing indeed.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart ,

on your own intelligence do not rely ;

In all your ways be mindful of him,

and he will make straight your paths .

Have a blessed evening [at least here in the States]
That means the Church Jesus meant is like a union under a Holy Spirit and it doesnt matter if it’s Roman, Lutheran, Evangelical or any other denomination?
Of course it matters. Division and error wound the Church, not only because of how we sometimes treat each other, but also how it obscures His great commission. Error can also have a dangerous effect on faith.
It is my understanding that anyone can open Church in the name of Jesus and some people do and make money out of it. At what point can we say that some Church is real Church and some is “too much” or not according to Jesus’ teachings?
I think we can look at doctrine, the very basic doctrines we all share. Pope Benedict raised that very red flag when meeting with Lutherans in Germany. It should be something that pushes us together, not apart.
It is too my knowledge that some Christian Churches don’t baptize. Are they considered or no members of the Jesus’ Church?
That’s not for me to decide. We believe that “ that through Baptism is offered the grace of God, and that children are to be baptized who, being offered to God through Baptism are received into God’s grace.”
He did transfer knowledge, before the New Testament was written. We believe Peter went to Rome and died there. I like to think it was all God’s plan. Jerusalem was under the oppression of Rome and now Peter went to Rome and spiritual conquered it and now the Church of Rome is a sign of God’s victory. Reverse. Just my opinion.
I like you opinion.
not you, but other Protestants on the internet. If you say no Lutheran should say that then I guess they are members of some other denominations where they are being taught that Roman Catholic Church is sect under the influence of satan.
I’m sorry. I misspoke. I should have said no Christian should say that about our Catholic siblings in Christ.
Are those denominations also considered under the Jesus’ Church? If not at what point we can say they are no longer part of Jesus’ Church? If they are then why such an opposite view? Thank you
Again, that’s not for me to say. All I can do is condemn such talk. Catholics worship the same triune God, hear the same word, and receive the sacraments that bring forgiveness of sin.
We assume, based on someones profession of faith, that they have indeed “been saved”. However, in practice we know that is not always the truth. As people makes profession of faith for a variety of reasons and it is not always because they have been truly converted. We try our best to make sure someone truly understands faith and repentance and sanctification, in other words, to make sure they have truly been converted. But if you have been raised in church and know the “church answers” then it is easy to make others think you have been converted when you really haven’t. It is also easy to fool yourself into thinking you have been converted, just because you know the “church answers”.

We sometimes have people, even longtime church members or leaders, confess that they had never truly been converted because their conversion experience was due to peer pressure or to please a parent instead of an actual encounter with Christ.
Following Christ is more than a “one and done” event anyway. It’s more than answering an “altar call”. Jesus said to “pick up your cross and follow Me.” Discipleship of Jesus Christ follows a pathway and it’s narrow and “few there be that find it”. If you don’t live it, you don’t believe it.

Indeed, some (Baptist and otherwise) may be able to know the “church answers” and pass an interview and profess Christianity but the realities are something different.

“The Lord knows those who are his”; and, “Let everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord avoid evil.” (2 Timothy 2:19). It is the LORD who knows those who are truly his. It’s not the Baptist elders delaying someone’s baptism until they judge that a person’s profession of faith is “credible”. The wheat and tares are growing together now. In the end, it is assigned to angels to separate the wheat from the chaff. If anyone wants to honor the Christ they profess, they should depart from iniquity, sin and doing evil and live a long, faithful, fruitful Christian life and pursue the holiness without which they will not see the LORD.
Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. 8 By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. 9 As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. (John 15:6-10)

John 15 emphasizes remaining, abiding, continuing, bearing fruit. If we value God’s love for us, we will return our own love for God. If anyone does not remain, abide, continue, bear fruit, then that branch will be cut off and burned.

The “whole counsel of God” (Paul to the elders at Miletus in Acts 20) includes both words of comfort and encouragement and words of warning.
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Following Christ is more than a “one and done” event anyway. It’s more than answering an “altar call”. Jesus said to “pick up your cross and follow Me.” Discipleship of Jesus Christ follows a pathway and it’s narrow and “few there be that find it”. If you don’t live it, you don’t believe it.
Believe it or not, this is also the teaching of Baptist. Conversion causes a change and starts a new life in Christ. The evidence of the conversion being real is that someone’s heart and life are changed. If someone prays a prayer then goes back to doing whatever sins they did before without any struggle or conviction of that sin, then they are probably deceived and Christ is not in them.

That is not to say they are going to be perfect and never sin again. But if your sin doesn’t bother you then you probably haven’t been “saved”.
Just a suggestion. This discussion thread is filled with discussion messages and it’s getting very hard to follow. If you can, message me your questions and I’ll try to get back to you.
Believe it or not, this is also the teaching of Baptist. Conversion causes a change and starts a new life in Christ. The evidence of the conversion being real is that someone’s heart and life are changed. If someone prays a prayer then goes back to doing whatever sins they did before without any struggle or conviction of that sin, then they are probably deceived and Christ is not in them.

That is not to say they are going to be perfect and never sin again. But if your sin doesn’t bother you then you probably haven’t been “saved”.
I liked your post for its thoughtfulness and expressiveness but…

Are you saying that the same Baptist whose baptism may have been delayed for many years during his/her youth, may yet not be “saved” at all years after they were baptized (if their sin doesn’t bother them)?
Why don’t most Protestants (from what I’ve seen) use hymns? Like the traditional hymns Ave Maria, Kyrie Eleison, or just Vatican 2 hymns, not the rock and roll/“Christian” songs.
Why don’t most Protestants (from what I’ve seen) use hymns? Like the traditional hymns Ave Maria, Kyrie Eleison, or just Vatican 2 hymns, not the rock and roll/“Christian” songs
  1. Or, why have many Protestant liturgies changed in recent decades to commonly become 50% or more Christian conteimporary music and to have a structure much like “sing-sermon-sing”? It seems that as time given to music has expanded, time given to prayers, scriptural meditations and the Lord’s Supper have been reduced?
  2. Why do Protestant Churches largely observe some form of the Catholic Church calendar at Christimas and Easter but ignore it at other times of the year? Why is there no lectionary to guide the Scripture readings and prayers?
So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. (To the Church at Laodicea in Revelation 3:16)

Lack of intensity matters in the spiritual life and the lukewarm were lacking intensity. Why would Jesus prophecy that we would spit out lukewarm, presumably baptized, church members? Were they not disciples? Were they not once “saved” and then become fallen away? Were they not once repentant and believing?
Are you saying that the same Baptist whose baptism may have been delayed for many years during his/her youth, may yet not be “saved” at all years after they were baptized (if their sin doesn’t bother them)?
Yes, it is possible that they have great religion but still don’t have Christ.
I do think there are correct ways to interpret the Bible. I think that any written document has to be interpreted correctly in order for someone to have an understanding of the document. I liken it to how Roman Catholics have to interpret what the magisterium says so that they can live their lives accordingly.
Can you personal message me your questions? It’s hard to follow with all these different threads
That’s a whole lot of questions and I don’t think I can answer all of these at once. Can you personally message the questions so that I can answer them more effectively.
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