Ask about Islam

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I saw some threads are about your questions about non-catholic beliefs like this: Atheist bored at work - any questions?

It seems good to there be a such thread about Islam
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We’ve had several and several Muslims answering them. You can do a search on this website to find them.

Yes, there are many misunderstanding of the religion and the people’s that practice it…patience will be your friend in dealing with them!

Welcome to CAF!
I have a question. Hopefully you won’t find it offensive. It’s something I saw a Christian who has studied a lot about Islam, mention in the past.

Why are there passages in the Quran that promise Muslim men virgins in heaven? I believe there are passages that talk about how the virgins will become virgins again, even after the men have slept with them, so they can be virgins forever. It also writes about women with round voluptuous breasts. Why does the Quran constantly seem to play to man’s physical sexual urges and desires, and promise him this as a prize in heaven? It doesn’t seem very Godly to promise men lots of big breasted virgins that you can sleep with forever.
is it true Islam allows polygamy, and allows a man to marry upto 4 women?
Muslim men must be gluttons for punishment 😀
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It allows you to marry as many women as you can financially maintain. You cannot have two and then one leave on the street but live with the second one.
It also depends on the state law. Some states don’t accept having two or more women officially but religion law allows so yes you can have one in your documents but more unofficially.
My ex friend’s father is Muslim, he has two wives but he lives with one and finance both. He has children with both of them and one is officially in his documents.
Having more women is optional even if you have enough money.
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Is this a sincere question? If it is you might want to rephrase in a more respectful way. There is a spark of good and truth in every religion.
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That is true. I asked my Saudi friend about it (he is Sunni), but, he said whilst it is allowed, it isn’t common, because only rich people can afford it.
a follow up question.

is it true a standardized version of the Quran was published only with the 1924 Egyptian edition based on recommendations by the scholars? Based on the qira’ats of Hafs (796 AD) and an’ Asim (745 AD). (Muhammad died in 632 AD). Why did it take till the 20th century for a standard version to publish?
We’ve had several and several Muslims answering them. You can do a search on this website to find them.

Yes, there are many misunderstanding of the religion and the people’s that practice it…patience will be your friend in dealing with them!

Welcome to CAF!
Hi. Most of them are sunni. I am shiee. You may get different answers.
Why are there passages in the Quran that promise Muslim men virgins in heaven? I believe there are passages that talk about how the virgins will become virgins again, even after the men have slept with them, so they can be virgins forever. It also writes about women with round voluptuous breasts. Why does the Quran constantly seem to play to man’s physical sexual urges and desires, and promise him this as a prize in heaven? It doesn’t seem very Godly to promise men lots of big breasted virgins that you can sleep with forever.
  1. These women are their wives.
  2. God gave us some information about hell and heaven, to these probable punishments and rewards, make us verify about existence of God and his religion; because some people have said that they are messengers of God and there will be a global trial in dooms day and we have check out if it has proof or not.
No. Quran Does not say it about Houris.

Your claim is not right.
is it true Islam allows polygamy, and allows a man to marry upto 4 women?
Islam limited it to 4.
Why would anything about Islam be good?
Because there are reasons which prove it.

Do you have any question?
That is true. I asked my Saudi friend about it (he is Sunni), but, he said whilst it is allowed, it isn’t common, because only rich people can afford it.
In some women have a few chance to become firs wife of a man.
Egyptian edition based on recommendations by the scholars? Based on the qira’ats of Hafs (796 AD) and an’ Asim (745 AD). (Muhammad died in 632 AD). Why did it take till the 20th century for a standard version to publish?
What we got from Hafs, is what all Muslims read in Quran. Hafs is a good reader (qa’ree) and we know his reading as the main reading of Quran. It does not mean that qira’at did not exist before him.
Most of them are sunni. I am shiee.
What are the differences in beliefs comparing Sunnis with Shiites.
Can a Sunni pray in a Shiite mosque.
Can a Shiite pray in a Sunni mosque.
Are they friendly with each other?
What are the differences in beliefs comparing Sunnis with Shiites.
The main difference between Shia and Sunni, is on leadership. Shia believe that the leader must be innocent, but Sunni believe that it is enough for the leader to be just.

We have some differences in theology and law, too.
Can a Sunni pray in a Shiite mosque.
Can a Shiite pray in a Sunni mosque.
Yes. even in their great mosques. Shiee people pray in Masjedul Haram, and Sunni people pray in Jamkaran mosque.
Are they friendly with each other?
Some of Sunnis hate shiee people and even kill them, and some of them has a normal peaceful coexistence. We even know persons who one of their parents is Sunni and the other is Shiee.
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I appreciate your response @habibian but to be honest you didn’t really answer my question as to why God would try to wave prize in front of men that speaks to their most primitive desires and urges on earth. Surely there is much more to life and certainly much more in heaven, than endless sex with virgins? Yet it seems this is one of the most enticing things God is using to make them want to go to heaven. It’s a strange promise to give considering Islam seems to be quite a conservative religion where sex isn’t spoken about or flaunted that much.
As-Salāmu ‘alaykum, Brother.

Welcome to the Forum.

I realise - and fully accept - that this is your thread. I wonder, do I have your permission to contribute from time to time?

May Allāh (subḥānahu ūta’āla) reward you for your efforts.
Do Muslims have an obligation to attend weekly services the way Catholics are obligated to attend Sunday Mass?
The predominant religion in Arabia before Islam was polythiesm, specifically, pre-Islamic Arabian polytheism.

I’m not sure whether Muhammad himself practiced the religion, which was akin more to a loose set of folk beliefs than an actual organied religion.

There also existed several Arab Christian and Jewish kingdoms and tribes.
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As-Salāmu ‘alaykum, Brother.

Welcome to the Forum.

I realise - and fully accept - that this is your thread. I wonder, do I have your permission to contribute from time to time?

May Allāh (subḥānahu ūta’āla) reward you for your efforts.
وعلیکم السّلام و رحمة الله

Thank you. Of course my pleasure.
I appreciate your response @habibian but to be honest you didn’t really answer my question as to why God would try to wave prize in front of men that speaks to their most primitive desires and urges on earth. Surely there is much more to life and certainly much more in heaven, than endless sex with virgins? Yet it seems this is one of the most enticing things God is using to make them want to go to heaven. It’s a strange promise to give considering Islam seems to be quite a conservative religion where sex isn’t spoken about or flaunted that much.
Why a person must investigate about Islam? Quran gives a reason for it: There will be hell and paradise. Is this true? We must investigate to specify it. Most of these verses revealed in Mecca and most audiences were pagans and infidels. but then in verses which revealed in Madina rarely we find such verses.
Do Muslims have an obligation to attend weekly services the way Catholics are obligated to attend Sunday Mass?
Yes. Friday Prayer.
What was Muhammad’s religion before founding Islam?
We does not exactly know. there are several theories! But we sure he never been a pagan or an atheist. He had a religion, but we are not sure about “what is it?”
I heard some shia believe in the second-coming. Is that true?
Do you mean Second coming of Jesus? Sunnis believe, too.
The predominant religion in Arabia before Islam was polythiesm, specifically, pre-Islamic Arabian polytheism.
You are from middle east, and you are probably an Arab. Didn’t you ever hear some thing about Honafa and Hanif religion?
Tenzin said:
Are you affiliated with a particular shia faction?
Shia has several sects. I am an imamiah shiee.
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