Ask me anything - Non Catholic Christian

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I am new here and I put myself out there with an AMA post. Never done AMA before. Ask away 🙂
Hi! Welcome to CAF.
Have you ever dove deeply into the Catholic faith? Have you fully evaluated your beliefs as compared to other Christianities or other faiths? What faults did you find?
Tell us about your faith journey.
I am Charismatic Episcopal Church, not to be confused with the Episcopal Church
I was a Catholic at one time and I do a huge study before I chose my current church. I am not sure I can say why I left he Catholic Church on the forum. I wanted to find a place that was not falling to liberalism
So I’m in the process of joining Catholicism even though it throws a Saturn-sized wrench into my life plans. The only thing it has going for it that will cause me to join is the Eucharist. I’ll bite my tongue and accept all else that it takes to receive the Eucharist. How can you go anywhere else?
That’s fine…I don’t want you to discuss anything that you are uncomfortable discussing!
Could you explain what Charismatic Episcopal Church is and how it different from the general Episcopal church? I know nothing about a charismatic branch! Thanks
I am a convert. The Church I go to is called three streams because we marry Charismatic, Evangelical, and Liturgical. Heavy on the Liturgical and Evangelical like Pope John Paul 2 spoke of and Charismatic like the Charismatic movement in the Church
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Charismatic Episcopal Church
Just asking, but isn’t your succession from a schismatic? I’ve always wondered how Apostolic succession is valid when it causes a schism. Because, then couldn’t every new group started by an ex-bishop claim Apostolic succession?
I am still not to clear on this sorry, I just know it is valid and the blessing was redone
Depends. A schismatic bishop possessing valid orders can convey these orders, providing all sacramental factors necessary to confect the sacrament are likewise valid: form, intent, matter, recipient, minister. This would result in a schismatic, heretical or excommunicated bishop conveying vaid/illicit orders. Ott, FUNDAMENTALS OF CATHOLIC DOGMA, p. 458.
I am a convert. The Church I go to is called three streams because we marry Charismatic, Evangelical, and Liturgical. Heavy on the Liturgical and Evangelical like Pope John Paul 2 spoke of and Charismatic like the Charismatic movement in the Church
The Church has three streams but the name only identifies two. Are the three streams of thought equally balanced in practice? Was there some reason to not call it the Evangelical Charismatic Episcopal Church or some other variation that includes all three?
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Nothing, I still like Catholicism. In fact I pray the Rosary and carry St. Micheal Prayer Card and am a member of the Brothers and Sisters of Penance. I get sick of evangelicals on other forums spouting their nonsense about sola scriptura and the like. I just want good fellowship not what you can get from evangelicals.
When you were Catholic did you ever look into any of the third orders?

Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites?
I am new here
You are not new here, you joined way back in 2013 and made a post in 2015.
My Church has the Eucharist and Apostolic succession
Is your Eucharist truly the Body, Blood , Soul and Divinity of Jesus, and if so, who confects it? Only Catholic Priests that are consecrated in the Church can confect the Eucharist.
I am a little confused.

Please explain what Apostolic Succession your church has and how it is achieved.
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You are not new here, you joined way back in 2013 and made a post in 2015.
I just joined a few days ago. I have no idea what your are talking about.
Is your Eucharist truly the Body, Blood , Soul and Divinity of Jesus, and if so, who converts it? Only Catholic Priests that are consecrated in the Church can confect the Eucharist.
I am a little confused.

Please explain what Apostolic Succession your church has and how it is achieved.
Yes the Holy Eucharist we have the Real Presence of Christ in our Liturgy just like you do. Hopefully this link helps with the rest of your questions

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