Ask me anything - Non Catholic Christian

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That is not correct. As GKMotley explained earlier in the thread the RCC maintains that any priest or bishop who was validly ordained in the Catholic Church retains their ordination and Apostolic Succession even if they leave the Church.
I did say
Only Catholic Priests that are consecrated in the Church can confect the Eucharist.
I did not mention if they were in or out of the church. I was basically asking if there were Consecrated Catholic Priests conducting Masses in that church.

In reading the wikipedia article, the church the op now attends came about through some sort of schism. Although I have not followed its founders to see what their origins were.

I am new here and I put myself out there with an AMA post. Never done AMA before. Ask away 🙂
What is AMA?
I think it is slang for Ask Me Anything…which basically seems to mean “ask me anything but don’t expect an answer.”
Primarily, as the link states, the CEC claims apostolic succession through the Carlos Duarte Costa episcopal line.

Years ago, there was a regular poster here, a very irenic and scholarly academic type, whose posts I greatly enjoyed. His father was at the time a bishop in the CEC. The gentleman of whom I speak eventually became RC, and has not posted anywhere I’ve seen for years. A great loss to the board.

Hmm. I seem to have replied to the OP, instead of the intended poster.
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I am new here and I put myself out there with an AMA post. Never done AMA before. Ask away 🙂
What is AMA?
I think it is slang for Ask Me Anything…which basically seems to mean “ask me anything but don’t expect an answer.”
Thank you! 👍 I thought it was the name of his church. But it seemed to conflict with the denomination the OP said he or she belonged to. So I thought I better ask.
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