Ask me why I'm Catholic

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1.Catholic Church was prefigured by Old Testament prophets.
2.Catholic Church has a Holy Founder in Jesus Christ.
3.Catholic Church was built upon the Rock of Peter and the foundation of the Apostles.
4.God guaranteed that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it.
5.Jesus Christ said it would last forever, as He would be with it always.
6.Therefore it can be found in every day, in every century, from the time He said it.
7.Jesus Christ left His legacy, the Kingdom of GOD, His Church, to the care of the Apostles.
8.Catholic Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. Acts 15:28
9.Catholic Church is a living Church.
10.Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.
11.Catholic Church can neither be confused nor separated from its head.
12.The thread of the Church is woven throughout Holy Scripture.
Catholic Church is a Christ based Church, whereas the Bible is Catholic Church based.
13.Catholic Church has all of the pieces to the puzzle.
14.Catholic Church is indefectible. Ephesians 5:27
15.Catholic Church is The Bride of Christ.
16.Catholic Church is infallible in matters of faith and morals since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
17.Catholic Church is infallible in its teaching of Holy Scripture since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
18.Catholic Church fits the blueprint laid out for it in Holy Scripture.
19.Catholic Church is a visible Church that could not be hidden.
20.Jesus Christ would be the invisible head and we, the body of His Church.
21.His Church would cover the earth. Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8.
22.GOD appointed a visible Father Figure to shepherd His flock on earth, as He had always done.
23.Catholic Church is the Pillar and the Foundation of Truth. 1Timothy 3:15
24.Catholic Church alone has the fullness of truth.
25.GOD’s Church would have an hierarchal form of government.
26.GOD’s Church would have Bishops, Priests, and Deacons within it.
27.Catholic Church has a system of Apostolic Succession in order to perpetuate the visible Church on earth.
28.Catholic Church is traceable through an unbroken line of Apostolic Succession all the way back to St. Peter.
29This unbroken line is shown in secular encyclopedias as well as Catholic archives.
30.Catholic Church has a succession of truth in teaching all the way from 31.Jesus Christ down to present day Bishops.
32.Catholic Church is almost 1500 years older than the oldest Protestant church.
33.Catholic Church has the authority to abolish or enforce rules of conduct, through binding and loosing.
34.Catholic Church has the authority to forgive or to retain sins, through binding and loosing. John 20:21-23
35.Catholic Church teaches that we are not automatically saved, but our salvation depends upon us as well.
36.Catholic Church has the authority to form Councils when needed, in order to settle the issues that arise. Acts 15
37.Catholic Church was given the authority to decide the Canons of both the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.
38.Catholic Church decided the Canon of both testaments by infallible decision of several Councils.
39.Catholic Church more finely develops revealed public revelation.
40.Catholic Church does not twist Scripture to conform to its teachings. It conforms its teaching to Scripture.
41.Catholic Church has faithfully copied and preserved Holy Scripture down through the ages.
42.Catholic Church has known that The Word was Heard and not Read by the masses before the printing press.
43.Catholic Church has the final authority. Matthew 18:15-18
44.Catholic Church holds many traditions which are followed by Catholics and Protestants alike.
45.Catholic Church is an “And” Church, not “Or”.
46.Catholic Church is a teaching Church as commanded by Holy Scripture.
47.Catholic Church is consistent in its teaching and does not ‘flip-flop’ as do other churches for the whims of people.
48.Catholic Church faithfully feeds the sheep as commanded by Jesus Christ.
49.Catholic Church is rock solid and unchanging in its teaching.
50.Catholic Church stands upon a solid three legged stool, of Scripture, of Apostolic Tradition, and the Magisterium.
51.Catholic Church is the guardian of both Sacred Scripture and of Sacred Tradition.
52.Catholic Church has the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Matthew 26:26
53.The Apostles knew that the truth was in Jesus Christ and in His one true Church.
54.Catholic Church has Eucharistic Adoration.
55.Catholic Church offers a clean oblation around the world and around the clock, in the Holy Mass. Malachi 1:11
56.In every minute of every day, a Mass is being celebrated somewhere.
57.Catholic Church venerates Christ on the Cross as a sacrifice and not just a plain cross devoid of Christ.
58.Catholic Church preaches the Gospel to the whole world. Matthew 24:14
59.Catholic Church has produced many thousands of Holy Saints.
60.The Church venerates the Mother of GOD. Luke 1:26-56
61.The Church venerates the Saints who have done so much for it.
62.The Mother of GOD is also the Mother of the Church. John 19:26-27
63.Catholic Church has all seven Sacraments.
64.Catholic Church treats marriage as a Sacrament.
65.Catholic Church has an annulment procedure.
66.Catholic Church has many varied Devotions.
67.Catholic Church can be found by its name, the Catholic Church, in thousands of early writings.
68.Catholic Church can be shown from these same writings that it is the same Church which Jesus Christ founded.
69.Catholic Church houses the remains of all of the Apostles and Gospel writers.
70.Catholic Church is the New Jerusalem.
71.Catholic Church is our Mother Church.
72.Catholic Church has withstood the ravages of thousands of detractors and heretics from its very foundation.
73.Catholic Church has performed many successful exorcisms.
74.Catholic Church is unbending and unmovable in its pro-life stance.
75.Catholic Church has scores of separate services of help. 1Corinthians 12:28
76.Catholic Church preaches the Word of GOD to the entire world through E.W.T.N. and other resources.
77.Catholic Church tries to unite all of Christianity into one fold.
78.Catholic Church has incredible openness.
79.Catholic Church Has provided us with a comprehensive catechism.
80.Catholic Church has a vast influx of intellectuals.
.Catholic Church is the last refuge for those who are persecuted.
.Catholic Church is because the “Pillar and the foundation of truth” has said so.
1.Catholic Church was prefigured by Old Testament prophets.
2.Catholic Church has a Holy Founder in Jesus Christ.
3.Catholic Church was built upon the Rock of Peter and the foundation of the Apostles.
4.God guaranteed that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it.
5.Jesus Christ said it would last forever, as He would be with it always.
6.Therefore it can be found in every day, in every century, from the time He said it.
7.Jesus Christ left His legacy, the Kingdom of GOD, His Church, to the care of the Apostles.
8.Catholic Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. Acts 15:28
9.Catholic Church is a living Church.
10.Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.
11.Catholic Church can neither be confused nor separated from its head.
12.The thread of the Church is woven throughout Holy Scripture.
Catholic Church is a Christ based Church, whereas the Bible is Catholic Church based.
13.Catholic Church has all of the pieces to the puzzle.
14.Catholic Church is indefectible. Ephesians 5:27
15.Catholic Church is The Bride of Christ.
16.Catholic Church is infallible in matters of faith and morals since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
17.Catholic Church is infallible in its teaching of Holy Scripture since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
18.Catholic Church fits the blueprint laid out for it in Holy Scripture.
19.Catholic Church is a visible Church that could not be hidden.
20.Jesus Christ would be the invisible head and we, the body of His Church.
21.His Church would cover the earth. Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8.
22.GOD appointed a visible Father Figure to shepherd His flock on earth, as He had always done.
23.Catholic Church is the Pillar and the Foundation of Truth. 1Timothy 3:15
24.Catholic Church alone has the fullness of truth.
25.GOD’s Church would have an hierarchal form of government.
26.GOD’s Church would have Bishops, Priests, and Deacons within it.
27.Catholic Church has a system of Apostolic Succession in order to perpetuate the visible Church on earth.
28.Catholic Church is traceable through an unbroken line of Apostolic Succession all the way back to St. Peter.
29This unbroken line is shown in secular encyclopedias as well as Catholic archives.
30.Catholic Church has a succession of truth in teaching all the way from 31.Jesus Christ down to present day Bishops.
32.Catholic Church is almost 1500 years older than the oldest Protestant church.
33.Catholic Church has the authority to abolish or enforce rules of conduct, through binding and loosing.
34.Catholic Church has the authority to forgive or to retain sins, through binding and loosing. John 20:21-23
35.Catholic Church teaches that we are not automatically saved, but our salvation depends upon us as well.
36.Catholic Church has the authority to form Councils when needed, in order to settle the issues that arise. Acts 15
37.Catholic Church was given the authority to decide the Canons of both the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.
38.Catholic Church decided the Canon of both testaments by infallible decision of several Councils.
39.Catholic Church more finely develops revealed public revelation.
40.Catholic Church does not twist Scripture to conform to its teachings. It conforms its teaching to Scripture.
41.Catholic Church has faithfully copied and preserved Holy Scripture down through the ages.
42.Catholic Church has known that The Word was Heard and not Read by the masses before the printing press.
43.Catholic Church has the final authority. Matthew 18:15-18
44.Catholic Church holds many traditions which are followed by Catholics and Protestants alike.
45.Catholic Church is an “And” Church, not “Or”.
46.Catholic Church is a teaching Church as commanded by Holy Scripture.
47.Catholic Church is consistent in its teaching and does not ‘flip-flop’ as do other churches for the whims of people.
48.Catholic Church faithfully feeds the sheep as commanded by Jesus Christ.
49.Catholic Church is rock solid and unchanging in its teaching.
50.Catholic Church stands upon a solid three legged stool, of Scripture, of Apostolic Tradition, and the Magisterium.
51.Catholic Church is the guardian of both Sacred Scripture and of Sacred Tradition.
52.Catholic Church has the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Matthew 26:26
53.The Apostles knew that the truth was in Jesus Christ and in His one true Church.
54.Catholic Church has Eucharistic Adoration.
55.Catholic Church offers a clean oblation around the world and around the clock, in the Holy Mass. Malachi 1:11
56.In every minute of every day, a Mass is being celebrated somewhere.
57.Catholic Church venerates Christ on the Cross as a sacrifice and not just a plain cross devoid of Christ.
58.Catholic Church preaches the Gospel to the whole world. Matthew 24:14
59.Catholic Church has produced many thousands of Holy Saints.
60.The Church venerates the Mother of GOD. Luke 1:26-56
61.The Church venerates the Saints who have done so much for it.
62.The Mother of GOD is also the Mother of the Church. John 19:26-27
63.Catholic Church has all seven Sacraments.
64.Catholic Church treats marriage as a Sacrament.
65.Catholic Church has an annulment procedure.
66.Catholic Church has many varied Devotions.
67.Catholic Church can be found by its name, the Catholic Church, in thousands of early writings.
68.Catholic Church can be shown from these same writings that it is the same Church which Jesus Christ founded.
69.Catholic Church houses the remains of all of the Apostles and Gospel writers.
70.Catholic Church is the New Jerusalem.
71.Catholic Church is our Mother Church.
72.Catholic Church has withstood the ravages of thousands of detractors and heretics from its very foundation.
73.Catholic Church has performed many successful exorcisms.
74.Catholic Church is unbending and unmovable in its pro-life stance.
75.Catholic Church has scores of separate services of help. 1Corinthians 12:28
76.Catholic Church preaches the Word of GOD to the entire world through E.W.T.N. and other resources.
77.Catholic Church tries to unite all of Christianity into one fold.
78.Catholic Church has incredible openness.
79.Catholic Church Has provided us with a comprehensive catechism.
80.Catholic Church has a vast influx of intellectuals.
.Catholic Church is the last refuge for those who are persecuted.
.Catholic Church is because the “Pillar and the foundation of truth” has said so.
AMEN.:signofcross: Carlan
Why Catholic? Because of the Eucharist, of course. I converted 4 1/2 years ago and just turned 65. All my life prior to conversion I sincerely believed in “once saved, always saved.” Some time before I even considered going into the RCIA program I recall asking my son what the highlight of the Mass was, and his response was the Eucharist. I was unfamiliar with that term and when I learned it was communion, I thought to myself, “What’s the big deal. After all, it’s only symbolic.” Little did I know! When I finally came to understand what takes place during the consecration, I came to fully appreciate that, indeed, Christ is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. My life hasn’t been the same since. Praise, glory and honor to our precious Lord. It is by grace and grace alone that I have become a new man. Here’s a great acronym for GRACE…God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Praised be Jesus.
The attempt to give a quick answer will always lead to a long explanation. Usually non and anti-catholics want scriptural references. Then you have to deal with their interpretation vs the church’s interpretation. I’m all in favor of explaining the faith, but always be prepared for long dialogues and hostilities. I was thinking of getting a T-shirt that says “Ex-Catholics Are Ex-Catholics Because They Are Idiots”. Here’s a couple good Sayings “Pete’s Got The Seat” or “The Keys Is From Jesus”.
I am Catholic because I love the CHURCH That was founded by our lord himself and gives himself to us in the eucharist which is the true body blood soul and divinty of or Lord Jesus Christ and no other church has the fullnes of truth that the Catholic Church has
I am not a Catholic, : ) but Id hope that the reasoning for the shirt is to share the Gospel. So Id say.

I am a " …" because I have been saved by the grace of God through faith.


God Bless
yes ZRS, I like that one too as I do all the rest, …’ I am saved by the grace of God through faith working in love’.

Come join us and walk along the road to Emmaus with the two disciples as Jesus taught them the whole truth of the Gospel:love::heaven:
Frankly, I am a Catholic through the good fortune of being born into a Catholic family. Through that means, I remain a Catholic through my heritage, habit and conviction.
One word: Holiness

Two words: The Real Presence… :heaven:

(always was bad at math…) 🤷
Frankly, I am a Catholic through the good fortune of being born into a Catholic family. Through that means, I remain a Catholic through my heritage, habit and conviction.
we Catholics are “born” Catholic so taht we can grow up and make the whole world Catholic…


if we only die when we have no more unfinished business to attend to…

we Catholics will live on Earth forever… 😃
I think a better question (or t-shirt slogan) would be, Why aren’t you Catholic?

You would probably get more responses, and it would also challenge you to know your faith better as more people would be inclined to respond. 😉
Good one!! 🙂
Why Catholic? Because of the Eucharist, of course. I converted 4 1/2 years ago and just turned 65. All my life prior to conversion I sincerely believed in “once saved, always saved.” Some time before I even considered going into the RCIA program I recall asking my son what the highlight of the Mass was, and his response was the Eucharist. I was unfamiliar with that term and when I learned it was communion, I thought to myself, “What’s the big deal. After all, it’s only symbolic.” Little did I know! When I finally came to understand what takes place during the consecration, I came to fully appreciate that, indeed, Christ is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. My life hasn’t been the same since. Praise, glory and honor to our precious Lord. It is by grace and grace alone that I have become a new man. Here’s a great acronym for GRACE…God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Praised be Jesus.
thanks… very uplifting testimony… 🙂
I would think long and hard to avoid an answer that is insulting to any other religion as most people find it a turnoff. Even if the insulting answer is technically true, let them know we are Christians by our love. 🙂

I would probably say something like “it’s where I found peace”. Everyone’s hungry for Truth, love, and peace. Attract flies with honey.
I would think long and hard to avoid an answer that is insulting to any other religion as most people find it a turnoff. Even if the insulting answer is technically true, let them know we are Christians by our love. 🙂

I would probably say something like “it’s where I found peace”. Everyone’s hungry for Truth, love, and peace. Attract flies with honey.
well, yeah but…

i never LIKED flies… :confused:
I would think long and hard to avoid an answer that is insulting to any other religion as most people find it a turnoff. Even if the insulting answer is technically true, let them know we are Christians by our love. 🙂

I would probably say something like “it’s where I found peace”. Everyone’s hungry for Truth, love, and peace. Attract flies with honey.
what post are you responding to here???
I am Catholic because (partly because) it saved my life (not just my soul)

i was never catechized… Nancy Pelosi is apparently uncatechized also… :rolleyes: and various other people… Anyone who is not a catechized Catholic is ignorant - to one degree or another - of the laws of God… (the Word)…

anyhow, when i was uncatechized i made numerous and BIG mistakes…😦 I naively placed myself in dangerous situations with unbelivers who didn’t have the Christian sense of how to live (treat people) as much as i did… Even though i was raised (cradle) Catholic, i fell away from any kind of Christianity out of IGNORANCE … and ignorance is NOT bliss… not ignorance of God’s Word anyway…

so anyway, what i went through was a long and strange story… but suffice it to say that i found myself in hell on Earth… with no escape.

i prayed the rosary… and …

my circumstances got WORSE…!! But that was only because of the hole i had dug myself into… not because of God by a long shot…

Inside, however… i began to get better… WAY better…

Before praying the rosary, i thought of myself as… the next best thing to dirt. I thoght God was too holy for me and would never take me back. And you know… i was probably right about that to some extent… except that i had forgotten about JESUS… :)and how He comes between us and a wrathful God…

The rosary (and only the rosary) made me realize this, slowly but surely…

IT is a terrible thing to think that God doesn’t want you and (etc)…

The rosary saved me from that and then eventually i was brought into the fullness of the Catholic faith… &… another LONG (but this time wonderful ) story… with far less mistakes… than when i was outside the Church… but that goes w/o saying.

only the Catholic religion could have done those things for me… and continues to do things for me only it can do…

so that is why i am Catholic…

but even if it weren’t for THAT…

In my studies i found that the RCC was the Church Christ established on Earth, something i strangely never questioned anyway… catechized or not… but anyhow… the history of the Church and history in general gave me any proof as to that fact that i may have needed…

so now i could not leave if i wnated to … and sometimes i have wanted to… OH HOW I HAVE WANTED TO!!! (since probably 80% of Catholics aren’t very good Christians, to say the least…just my opinion borne from experience & observation & reading)

Unfortunately, the biggest answer to that question would be: “My mom and dad were Catholic and I never took the time, or was allowed, to explore other faiths.”
Unfortunately, the biggest answer to that question would be: “My mom and dad were Catholic and I never took the time, or was allowed, to explore other faiths.”
You sound as though you feel badly about your reason for being Catholic. I think that’s unfortunate. My stated reasons for being Catholic were “heritage, habit & conviction.” The third reason following on the first two, I’m sure. I believe that the reasons for being Catholic are not so important as *being *Catholic.

I am a person who feels a strong pull of institutional loyalty to whatever groups I belong to. Had I been born to Jewish parents, I’m sure I would be a loyal Jew. I believe in loyalty, even if I don’t care for some of the things “my group” is saying or doing.

Your reasons for being Catholic are fine. Don’t worry about them. Just BE Catholic.

Thank you for your sincere post.
Unfortunately, the biggest answer to that question would be: “My mom and dad were Catholic and I never took the time, or was allowed, to explore other faiths.”
yes but those kind aren’t usually Catholic very long…

i wasn’t catechized and i went away from the Church as soon as i left home - I did NOT return because of my parents… In fact that would have been a reason to NOT go back… 😃

i studied things years ago… was not sure i should return to the RCC… but wat i read and expeirenced convicned me that the RCC is the true Church and that everyone ought to be there…

God wanted a Church with ALL his children in it… 🙂
In my studies i found that the RCC was the Church Christ established on Earth, something i strangely never questioned anyway… catechized or not… but anyhow… the history of the Church and history in general gave me any proof as to that fact that i may have needed…

If the history of the Catholic Church had not helped me to become Catholic… the history of the world in general likely would have…

anyone here read a lot of histoyr!!!

unbelievable… the WARS!!! the barbarity…

and it hasn’t changed… Man’s inhumanity to man has not gone away as we have “progressed”… (assuming you could say that we HAVE!!! :confused::hmmm:)

in fact, we have, in some ways gotten worse… ABORTION!! now we euthanasia in WA and OR… (can’t say i am surprised about those 2 :rolleyes:)

we have research being done on live fetuses…

Hitler would have been proud of us…

we are so LOST without the Catholic Church…

i don’t even want to think about what i might be (do) without the Church’s influence… :eek:😦
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