1.Catholic Church was prefigured by Old Testament prophets.
2.Catholic Church has a Holy Founder in Jesus Christ.
3.Catholic Church was built upon the Rock of Peter and the foundation of the Apostles.
4.God guaranteed that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it.
5.Jesus Christ said it would last forever, as He would be with it always.
6.Therefore it can be found in every day, in every century, from the time He said it.
7.Jesus Christ left His legacy, the Kingdom of GOD, His Church, to the care of the Apostles.
8.Catholic Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. Acts 15:28
9.Catholic Church is a living Church.
10.Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.
11.Catholic Church can neither be confused nor separated from its head.
12.The thread of the Church is woven throughout Holy Scripture.
Catholic Church is a Christ based Church, whereas the Bible is Catholic Church based.
13.Catholic Church has all of the pieces to the puzzle.
14.Catholic Church is indefectible. Ephesians 5:27
15.Catholic Church is The Bride of Christ.
16.Catholic Church is infallible in matters of faith and morals since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
17.Catholic Church is infallible in its teaching of Holy Scripture since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
18.Catholic Church fits the blueprint laid out for it in Holy Scripture.
19.Catholic Church is a visible Church that could not be hidden.
20.Jesus Christ would be the invisible head and we, the body of His Church.
21.His Church would cover the earth. Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8.
22.GOD appointed a visible Father Figure to shepherd His flock on earth, as He had always done.
23.Catholic Church is the Pillar and the Foundation of Truth. 1Timothy 3:15
24.Catholic Church alone has the fullness of truth.
25.GOD’s Church would have an hierarchal form of government.
26.GOD’s Church would have Bishops, Priests, and Deacons within it.
27.Catholic Church has a system of Apostolic Succession in order to perpetuate the visible Church on earth.
28.Catholic Church is traceable through an unbroken line of Apostolic Succession all the way back to St. Peter.
29This unbroken line is shown in secular encyclopedias as well as Catholic archives.
30.Catholic Church has a succession of truth in teaching all the way from 31.Jesus Christ down to present day Bishops.
32.Catholic Church is almost 1500 years older than the oldest Protestant church.
33.Catholic Church has the authority to abolish or enforce rules of conduct, through binding and loosing.
34.Catholic Church has the authority to forgive or to retain sins, through binding and loosing. John 20:21-23
35.Catholic Church teaches that we are not automatically saved, but our salvation depends upon us as well.
36.Catholic Church has the authority to form Councils when needed, in order to settle the issues that arise. Acts 15
37.Catholic Church was given the authority to decide the Canons of both the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.
38.Catholic Church decided the Canon of both testaments by infallible decision of several Councils.
39.Catholic Church more finely develops revealed public revelation.
40.Catholic Church does not twist Scripture to conform to its teachings. It conforms its teaching to Scripture.
41.Catholic Church has faithfully copied and preserved Holy Scripture down through the ages.
42.Catholic Church has known that The Word was Heard and not Read by the masses before the printing press.
43.Catholic Church has the final authority. Matthew 18:15-18
44.Catholic Church holds many traditions which are followed by Catholics and Protestants alike.
45.Catholic Church is an “And” Church, not “Or”.
46.Catholic Church is a teaching Church as commanded by Holy Scripture.
47.Catholic Church is consistent in its teaching and does not ‘flip-flop’ as do other churches for the whims of people.
48.Catholic Church faithfully feeds the sheep as commanded by Jesus Christ.
49.Catholic Church is rock solid and unchanging in its teaching.
50.Catholic Church stands upon a solid three legged stool, of Scripture, of Apostolic Tradition, and the Magisterium.
51.Catholic Church is the guardian of both Sacred Scripture and of Sacred Tradition.
52.Catholic Church has the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Matthew 26:26
53.The Apostles knew that the truth was in Jesus Christ and in His one true Church.
54.Catholic Church has Eucharistic Adoration.
55.Catholic Church offers a clean oblation around the world and around the clock, in the Holy Mass. Malachi 1:11
56.In every minute of every day, a Mass is being celebrated somewhere.
57.Catholic Church venerates Christ on the Cross as a sacrifice and not just a plain cross devoid of Christ.
58.Catholic Church preaches the Gospel to the whole world. Matthew 24:14
59.Catholic Church has produced many thousands of Holy Saints.
60.The Church venerates the Mother of GOD. Luke 1:26-56
61.The Church venerates the Saints who have done so much for it.
62.The Mother of GOD is also the Mother of the Church. John 19:26-27
63.Catholic Church has all seven Sacraments.
64.Catholic Church treats marriage as a Sacrament.
65.Catholic Church has an annulment procedure.
66.Catholic Church has many varied Devotions.
67.Catholic Church can be found by its name, the Catholic Church, in thousands of early writings.
68.Catholic Church can be shown from these same writings that it is the same Church which Jesus Christ founded.
69.Catholic Church houses the remains of all of the Apostles and Gospel writers.
70.Catholic Church is the New Jerusalem.
71.Catholic Church is our Mother Church.
72.Catholic Church has withstood the ravages of thousands of detractors and heretics from its very foundation.
73.Catholic Church has performed many successful exorcisms.
74.Catholic Church is unbending and unmovable in its pro-life stance.
75.Catholic Church has scores of separate services of help. 1Corinthians 12:28
76.Catholic Church preaches the Word of GOD to the entire world through E.W.T.N. and other resources.
77.Catholic Church tries to unite all of Christianity into one fold.
78.Catholic Church has incredible openness.
79.Catholic Church Has provided us with a comprehensive catechism.
80.Catholic Church has a vast influx of intellectuals.
.Catholic Church is the last refuge for those who are persecuted.
.Catholic Church is because the “Pillar and the foundation of truth” has said so.
2.Catholic Church has a Holy Founder in Jesus Christ.
3.Catholic Church was built upon the Rock of Peter and the foundation of the Apostles.
4.God guaranteed that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it.
5.Jesus Christ said it would last forever, as He would be with it always.
6.Therefore it can be found in every day, in every century, from the time He said it.
7.Jesus Christ left His legacy, the Kingdom of GOD, His Church, to the care of the Apostles.
8.Catholic Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. Acts 15:28
9.Catholic Church is a living Church.
10.Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.
11.Catholic Church can neither be confused nor separated from its head.
12.The thread of the Church is woven throughout Holy Scripture.
Catholic Church is a Christ based Church, whereas the Bible is Catholic Church based.
13.Catholic Church has all of the pieces to the puzzle.
14.Catholic Church is indefectible. Ephesians 5:27
15.Catholic Church is The Bride of Christ.
16.Catholic Church is infallible in matters of faith and morals since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
17.Catholic Church is infallible in its teaching of Holy Scripture since it is guided by the Holy Spirit.
18.Catholic Church fits the blueprint laid out for it in Holy Scripture.
19.Catholic Church is a visible Church that could not be hidden.
20.Jesus Christ would be the invisible head and we, the body of His Church.
21.His Church would cover the earth. Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8.
22.GOD appointed a visible Father Figure to shepherd His flock on earth, as He had always done.
23.Catholic Church is the Pillar and the Foundation of Truth. 1Timothy 3:15
24.Catholic Church alone has the fullness of truth.
25.GOD’s Church would have an hierarchal form of government.
26.GOD’s Church would have Bishops, Priests, and Deacons within it.
27.Catholic Church has a system of Apostolic Succession in order to perpetuate the visible Church on earth.
28.Catholic Church is traceable through an unbroken line of Apostolic Succession all the way back to St. Peter.
29This unbroken line is shown in secular encyclopedias as well as Catholic archives.
30.Catholic Church has a succession of truth in teaching all the way from 31.Jesus Christ down to present day Bishops.
32.Catholic Church is almost 1500 years older than the oldest Protestant church.
33.Catholic Church has the authority to abolish or enforce rules of conduct, through binding and loosing.
34.Catholic Church has the authority to forgive or to retain sins, through binding and loosing. John 20:21-23
35.Catholic Church teaches that we are not automatically saved, but our salvation depends upon us as well.
36.Catholic Church has the authority to form Councils when needed, in order to settle the issues that arise. Acts 15
37.Catholic Church was given the authority to decide the Canons of both the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.
38.Catholic Church decided the Canon of both testaments by infallible decision of several Councils.
39.Catholic Church more finely develops revealed public revelation.
40.Catholic Church does not twist Scripture to conform to its teachings. It conforms its teaching to Scripture.
41.Catholic Church has faithfully copied and preserved Holy Scripture down through the ages.
42.Catholic Church has known that The Word was Heard and not Read by the masses before the printing press.
43.Catholic Church has the final authority. Matthew 18:15-18
44.Catholic Church holds many traditions which are followed by Catholics and Protestants alike.
45.Catholic Church is an “And” Church, not “Or”.
46.Catholic Church is a teaching Church as commanded by Holy Scripture.
47.Catholic Church is consistent in its teaching and does not ‘flip-flop’ as do other churches for the whims of people.
48.Catholic Church faithfully feeds the sheep as commanded by Jesus Christ.
49.Catholic Church is rock solid and unchanging in its teaching.
50.Catholic Church stands upon a solid three legged stool, of Scripture, of Apostolic Tradition, and the Magisterium.
51.Catholic Church is the guardian of both Sacred Scripture and of Sacred Tradition.
52.Catholic Church has the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Matthew 26:26
53.The Apostles knew that the truth was in Jesus Christ and in His one true Church.
54.Catholic Church has Eucharistic Adoration.
55.Catholic Church offers a clean oblation around the world and around the clock, in the Holy Mass. Malachi 1:11
56.In every minute of every day, a Mass is being celebrated somewhere.
57.Catholic Church venerates Christ on the Cross as a sacrifice and not just a plain cross devoid of Christ.
58.Catholic Church preaches the Gospel to the whole world. Matthew 24:14
59.Catholic Church has produced many thousands of Holy Saints.
60.The Church venerates the Mother of GOD. Luke 1:26-56
61.The Church venerates the Saints who have done so much for it.
62.The Mother of GOD is also the Mother of the Church. John 19:26-27
63.Catholic Church has all seven Sacraments.
64.Catholic Church treats marriage as a Sacrament.
65.Catholic Church has an annulment procedure.
66.Catholic Church has many varied Devotions.
67.Catholic Church can be found by its name, the Catholic Church, in thousands of early writings.
68.Catholic Church can be shown from these same writings that it is the same Church which Jesus Christ founded.
69.Catholic Church houses the remains of all of the Apostles and Gospel writers.
70.Catholic Church is the New Jerusalem.
71.Catholic Church is our Mother Church.
72.Catholic Church has withstood the ravages of thousands of detractors and heretics from its very foundation.
73.Catholic Church has performed many successful exorcisms.
74.Catholic Church is unbending and unmovable in its pro-life stance.
75.Catholic Church has scores of separate services of help. 1Corinthians 12:28
76.Catholic Church preaches the Word of GOD to the entire world through E.W.T.N. and other resources.
77.Catholic Church tries to unite all of Christianity into one fold.
78.Catholic Church has incredible openness.
79.Catholic Church Has provided us with a comprehensive catechism.
80.Catholic Church has a vast influx of intellectuals.
.Catholic Church is the last refuge for those who are persecuted.
.Catholic Church is because the “Pillar and the foundation of truth” has said so.