Ask me why I'm Catholic

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I would think long and hard to avoid an answer that is insulting to any other religion as most people find it a turnoff. Even if the insulting answer is technically true, let them know we are Christians by our love. šŸ™‚

I would probably say something like ā€œitā€™s where I found peaceā€. Everyoneā€™s hungry for Truth, love, and peace. Attract flies with honey.
That is an almost perfect answer. I donā€™t wear a T-shirt or advertise my faith publicly in any way, yet I am often asked why I donā€™t seem to get too flustered or upset over ordinary difficulties and can exhibit strength through particularly hard times. I usually answer that I do get worked up quite often and lose my perspective, but that there are many people in my life that help me find peace in troubled times. When they ask who, it is only then that I tell them about my wonderful extended family, the Catholic Church, both here and hereafter.
Because Iā€™m greedy. Why should I listen to someone anti-catholic tell me about the treasure they donā€™t even have, when it is only the Catholic Church that is entrusted with the treasure to guard and share with her members. And membership is never closed. It is freely open to all honest seekers.
[REVISED POST] Because Iā€™m greedy. Why should I listen to someone anti-catholic tell me about the treasure they donā€™t even have, when it is only the Catholic Church that is entrusted with the treasure to guard and share with her members. And membership is never closed. It is freely open to all honest seekers.
ā€œFrankly, I am a Catholic through the good fortune of being born into a Catholic family. Through that means, I remain a Catholic through my heritage, habit and conviction.ā€

Couldnā€™t have said it better!!
I am Catholic because the Church gave me absolute, objective moral Truth and the Real Presenceā€¦ (which are one and the same)

i feel sorry for those who donā€™t have thatā€¦ šŸ˜¦
happy am i to be a catholic.if you ask me why iā€™am a catholic then i can tell you itā€™s because that was my destiny.i was destined by GOD to be a catholic.also i believe i jesus the only beloved son of GOD and our saviour and in the communion of saints.too itā€™ because i believe in the HOLY SPIRIT.šŸ‘
I am not a Catholic, : ) . Then I may ask do you know Jesus?

God Bless
its and old, out-dated stereotype that Catholics donā€™t know Jesusā€¦

what it is is this;

protestants presume Catholics donā€™t know Jesus because protestants are afraid of going into a Catholic Mass to see 1st-hand what all Catholics doā€¦ how much they love or donā€™t love Jesusā€¦

i hate presumptionā€¦

A good Catholic knows Jesus FAR better than any protestant. not trying to be rude, just happens to be a FACT
The Church: Preventing People From Making Old Mistakes
The Catholic Church has for one of her chief duties that of preventing people from making those old mistakes; from making them over and over again forever, as people always do if they are left to themselves. The truth about the Catholic attitude towards heresy, or as some would say, towards liberty, can best be expressed perhaps by the metaphor of a map. The Catholic Church carries a sort of map of the mind which looks like the map of a maze, but which is in fact a guide to the maze. It has been compiled from knowledge which, even considered as human knowledge, is quite without any human parallel.

There is no other case of one continuous intelligent institution that has been thinking about thinking for two thousand years. Its experience naturally covers nearly all experiences; and especially nearly all errors. The result is a map in which all the blind alleys and bad roads are clearly marked, all the ways that have been shown to be worthless by the best of all evidence: the evidence of those who have gone down them.

On this map of the mind the errors are marked as exceptions.

The greater part of it consists of playgrounds and happy hunting-fields, where the mind may have as much liberty as it likes; not to mention any number of intellectual battle-fields in which the battle is indefinitely open and undecided. But it does definitely take the responsibility of marking certain roads as leading nowhere or leading to destruction, to a blank wall, or a sheer precipice. By this means, it does prevent men from wasting their time or losing their lives upon paths that have been found futile or disastrous again and again in the past, but which might otherwise entrap travelers again and again in the future.

The Church does make herself responsible for warning her people against these; and upon these the real issue of the case depends. She does dogmatically defend humanity from its worst foes, those hoary and horrible and devouring monsters of the old mistakes.

From Why I am Catholic, GK Chesterton


And Stick This On Your T-Shirt šŸ™‚
When Abraham Lincoln, in his Gettysburg Address, referred to a national rebirth of freedom ā€œunder God,ā€ he was unintentionally adverting to the most fundamental idea that Western civilization learned from Catholicism: that Godā€™s sovereignty transcends and stands in judgment on all worldly sovereignties. Because God is God, Caesar is not God and neither are Caesarā€™s successors, be they kings, presidents, prime ministers, or party general secretaries. And because Caesar and his successors arenā€™t God, their power is limited, not absolute; in addition to Caesarā€™s legitimate power, there are other legitimate powers in the world.

So the state cannot be all there is. Long before Enlightenment political theorists began challenging royal absolutism with ideas like Montesquieuā€™s ā€œseparation of powers,ā€ Western civilization learned the idea of ā€œlimited governmentā€ in the school of Christian reflection. When medieval Catholic thinkers insisted on a sharp distinction between ā€œsocietyā€ and the ā€œstate,ā€ they created a vaccine against absolutism in either its royal or modern (totalitarian) form. The vaccine wasnā€™t completely effective. But its potency may help explain why the age of absolutism was a rather short one, as these things go in history.

Medieval Catholicism also helped plant in the Western mind the idea that ā€œconsentā€ is crucial to just governance. Government isnā€™t simply coercion, medieval Catholic political theory insisted; just governance requires consent. Consent would be forthcoming if governance were just. And who would judge the justice of a particular form or style of governance, or the justice of a particular act of state? The Churchā€™s claim to be able to judge princes, and the Catholic teaching that ā€œthe peopleā€ have an inherent sense of justice within them, injected a crucial idea into the political-cultural subsoil of the West ā€“ the idea that ā€œjusticeā€ isnā€™t simply what those in authority say it is.

There are moral standards of justice that are independent of governments; we can know those moral standards, and they ought to be applied in public life. All of these ideas, fundamental to democracy, were nurtured in the civilization of the Middle Ages by the Catholic Church.
Letters to a Young Catholic, George Weigel

In Christ,

my life would have been totally different if i hadnā€™t been baptized Ctholicā€¦

at least my parents did one thing rightā€¦ šŸ˜ƒ
If I saw such a t-shirt I would say the same thing I say of any t-shirt or bumper sticker that has the ā€œask me whyā€¦ā€ slogan. ā€œWhat makes you think I care?ā€ šŸ˜ƒ
its and old, out-dated stereotype that Catholics donā€™t know Jesusā€¦

what it is is this;

protestants presume Catholics donā€™t know Jesus because protestants are afraid of going into a Catholic Mass to see 1st-hand what all Catholics doā€¦ how much they love or donā€™t love Jesusā€¦

i hate presumptionā€¦

A good Catholic knows Jesus FAR better than any protestant. not trying to be rude, just happens to be a FACT
Blanket statement like this are just so untrue no matter what direction they face.
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