Please observe that it was not the claim. My definition of determinism was (verbatim): “Determinism is the idea that every event is fully determined by the antecedent events. It denies randomness in nature, which is inaccurate in the light of what we know about reality.”You claim that reality “cannot be known” so therefore it isn’t determined.
The paragraph you chose to reply to was a side note to show that “omnisicence” is impossible. Because reality is undeterministic, full knowledge is impossible - and not what you alleged me to say - “reality is undeterministic, because it is unpredictable” - which was the direct opposite of what I said.
It was your step, not mine.That is quite a logical step!
Your style is uneccasarily abrasive and taunting. Difference in opinion does not have to lead to hostility, and every one of your posts has been hostile so far. Fortunately there are quite a few civilized posters around here, I do not have to respond to your posts.Trying to slip another of your dogmatic 'truths" under the door?
Besides I am not arguing for materialism here, I am trying to explain what materialism is, because of the misconceptions exhibited on these boards.
Nothing determines it, because reality is not bound by neat little boxes, with cute little labels on them.If matter (okay STEM) is all there is, then what else can possibly ‘determine’ reality besides STEM causation – that is, if STEM is all that exists?
It is very different, because the theist’s position postulates something inherently unknowable, thus violating the principle of Occam’s razor.Certainly, you can try to postulate some kind of ‘indeterminate existent causative agents’ and continue to subscribe to materialism, but in the end how is your statement that some agency is not determined by STEM, hence uncertain, and a theist’s position that the ultimate unknown causative Agent is God much different?
I don’t want to deny God’s existence. I see no need for the hypothesis.The only difference I see is that you simply want to categorically deny God’s existence and merely claim, for quite an unscientific reason - your faith in the assumption that everything is matter – that some qualities of STEM will ultimately be found to be the unknown causative agents. Have faith baby!