Quote: “There is a lot of bad stuff going on in Protestant churches. I recently started trying to write a book about my experiences, but it is hard going. I doubt anyone will ever publish it; it’s not exactly pleasant reading.”
I can relate. A similar thing happened to my older brother. He taught Bible School at his local church. I’m not sure what kind of church it was, possibly non-denominational. He’d been teaching Bible School for some time, nobody had any problems with him; no one indicated that he should step down and give someone else a chance or anything of that nature.
One Sunday he got up and went to the podium to teach the Bible School portion of the service. He was turning through his Bible looking for his notes when suddenly a woman came up to him and told him she would teach Bible School that day. He was speechless. Nobody had said a word to him beforehand. She stood there, obviously insistant that he step aside. He said nothing, closed his bible, and quietly walked out of the church very hurt by what had happened.
Later that week he called the pastor and asked for an explaination. The pastor said that she had donated $5,000 to the church and wanted to teach Bible School. OK, no problem, my brother said, but why couldn’t the pastor have informed him of this beforehand? The pastor had no explaination and didn’t even apologize for what had happened. Well, this hurt my brother even more deeply.
To make a long story short, my brother didn’t go back to that church until a couple of years later… for his own funeral. Prior to his death, like a true Christian, he called the woman who forced him out of Bible School from his hospital bed and forgave her. She was quite distraught at his funeral and wept bitterly. The pastor had been replaced by the time of his death and did not officiate at his funeral.
All of this happened before my conversion to Catholicism. Indeed, after my brother’s death, followed quickly by my mother’s death, I wanted desperately to get closer to God, but quite frankly the thought of joining a Protestent church didn’t appeal to me. Once I got beyond the anti-Catholic myths I’d learned… well, the rest is His-story.
I can relate. A similar thing happened to my older brother. He taught Bible School at his local church. I’m not sure what kind of church it was, possibly non-denominational. He’d been teaching Bible School for some time, nobody had any problems with him; no one indicated that he should step down and give someone else a chance or anything of that nature.
One Sunday he got up and went to the podium to teach the Bible School portion of the service. He was turning through his Bible looking for his notes when suddenly a woman came up to him and told him she would teach Bible School that day. He was speechless. Nobody had said a word to him beforehand. She stood there, obviously insistant that he step aside. He said nothing, closed his bible, and quietly walked out of the church very hurt by what had happened.
Later that week he called the pastor and asked for an explaination. The pastor said that she had donated $5,000 to the church and wanted to teach Bible School. OK, no problem, my brother said, but why couldn’t the pastor have informed him of this beforehand? The pastor had no explaination and didn’t even apologize for what had happened. Well, this hurt my brother even more deeply.
To make a long story short, my brother didn’t go back to that church until a couple of years later… for his own funeral. Prior to his death, like a true Christian, he called the woman who forced him out of Bible School from his hospital bed and forgave her. She was quite distraught at his funeral and wept bitterly. The pastor had been replaced by the time of his death and did not officiate at his funeral.
All of this happened before my conversion to Catholicism. Indeed, after my brother’s death, followed quickly by my mother’s death, I wanted desperately to get closer to God, but quite frankly the thought of joining a Protestent church didn’t appeal to me. Once I got beyond the anti-Catholic myths I’d learned… well, the rest is His-story.